
Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue

OpenMarket.org, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...

Steven Hayward: The Age of Reagan 2

My friend Steven Hayward’s The Age of Reagan, 1964-1980: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order was published eight years ago. Upon its publication, Charles Kesler saw something epochal about the book itself. Kesler declared: “The end is near. Not the end of history, but the end of liberal history, ...

New Video: “The Age Of Reagan: An Interview With Steven F. Hayward”

Steven F. Hayward stopped by the vast Silicon Graffiti production facilities in the suburbs of San Jose on Friday to discuss the second and final volume in his history of Ronald Reagan and his era. The new volume is titled, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution: 1980-1989, and is ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...

Star Data Dump: How is This Useful to Parents?

This week the California Standardized Test results have been released, and according to the California Department of Education, “far too many students are not meeting proficiency. They are making gains but the [achievement] gap remains.” The STAR testing program is California’s state assessment required by the No Child Left Behind ...

Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice

he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...
Climate Change

Climate Modeling is Far From a Precise Science

A recent study of paleoclimate, the results of which appear in the August issue of Nature Geoscience, finds that today’s climate models do not accurately predict the most similar previous episode of climate warming in the geologic record. California Republic, August 21, 2009 A recent study of paleoclimate, the results ...

Goals of bill to reduce carbon dioxide emissions impractical

The primary goal of cap-and-trade legislation is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It’s really that simple. But, as someone once said, the devil is in the details. And, that saying holds true for cap and trade, too. Steven Hayward, a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, put pencil to paper ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...

Something Fishy

The Obama administration has made a terrible mistake. On Tuesday, August 4, the White House posted a blog entry enjoining Americans to spy on one another, and to report any “disinformation” which might undermine the administration’s health-care reform: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. ...
Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue

OpenMarket.org, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...

Steven Hayward: The Age of Reagan 2

My friend Steven Hayward’s The Age of Reagan, 1964-1980: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order was published eight years ago. Upon its publication, Charles Kesler saw something epochal about the book itself. Kesler declared: “The end is near. Not the end of history, but the end of liberal history, ...

New Video: “The Age Of Reagan: An Interview With Steven F. Hayward”

Steven F. Hayward stopped by the vast Silicon Graffiti production facilities in the suburbs of San Jose on Friday to discuss the second and final volume in his history of Ronald Reagan and his era. The new volume is titled, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution: 1980-1989, and is ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...

Star Data Dump: How is This Useful to Parents?

This week the California Standardized Test results have been released, and according to the California Department of Education, “far too many students are not meeting proficiency. They are making gains but the [achievement] gap remains.” The STAR testing program is California’s state assessment required by the No Child Left Behind ...

Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice

he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...
Climate Change

Climate Modeling is Far From a Precise Science

A recent study of paleoclimate, the results of which appear in the August issue of Nature Geoscience, finds that today’s climate models do not accurately predict the most similar previous episode of climate warming in the geologic record. California Republic, August 21, 2009 A recent study of paleoclimate, the results ...

Goals of bill to reduce carbon dioxide emissions impractical

The primary goal of cap-and-trade legislation is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It’s really that simple. But, as someone once said, the devil is in the details. And, that saying holds true for cap and trade, too. Steven Hayward, a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, put pencil to paper ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...

Something Fishy

The Obama administration has made a terrible mistake. On Tuesday, August 4, the White House posted a blog entry enjoining Americans to spy on one another, and to report any “disinformation” which might undermine the administration’s health-care reform: “There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. ...
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