
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
Business & Economics

Without legal reforms, the health care system will remain broken

There’s an old joke about the boy who goes to the doctor and uses his index finger to point all over his body, explaining, “It hurts here, here, here and here.” The doctor sighs and says, “Son, your finger is broken.” This poor kid was looking for his ailment in ...

Labor Day fix: cut taxes, spending, regulation

For Californians, this Labor Day may not be a cause for celebration. The federal government recently reported that the state’s unemployment rate reached 11.9 percent in July, its highest level in more than four decades. Many have blamed the ailing national economy for these dismal jobs numbers. Although there is ...
Business & Economics

The Triumph Of Optimism

You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...

Environmentalists Oppose Mojave Desert Solar Power

Environmental groups advocating for land conservation and protection of endangered species are lining up in opposition to measures to expedite solar energy projects on federal lands, particularly in the Mojave Desert, announced by Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar on June 29. Loss of Water, Habitat With solar power plants having ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...
Business & Economics

Policy Alerts

Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...
Climate Change

‘Environmental Justice’

The Van Jones backstory. So Van Jones now takes his place as the Lani Guinier of the Obama administration, undone by his radical views. Like Guinier, the ousted “green jobs” czar will doubtless employ his political martyrdom to transform himself from a minor celebrity of the left into a major ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
Business & Economics

Without legal reforms, the health care system will remain broken

There’s an old joke about the boy who goes to the doctor and uses his index finger to point all over his body, explaining, “It hurts here, here, here and here.” The doctor sighs and says, “Son, your finger is broken.” This poor kid was looking for his ailment in ...

Labor Day fix: cut taxes, spending, regulation

For Californians, this Labor Day may not be a cause for celebration. The federal government recently reported that the state’s unemployment rate reached 11.9 percent in July, its highest level in more than four decades. Many have blamed the ailing national economy for these dismal jobs numbers. Although there is ...
Business & Economics

The Triumph Of Optimism

You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...

Environmentalists Oppose Mojave Desert Solar Power

Environmental groups advocating for land conservation and protection of endangered species are lining up in opposition to measures to expedite solar energy projects on federal lands, particularly in the Mojave Desert, announced by Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar on June 29. Loss of Water, Habitat With solar power plants having ...

Mackinac Center Analysts Refute NRDC Green Energy Claims

The Examiner, September 1, 2009 Reliance on renewable mandates will cost, not create, jobs MIDLAND — The adoption of “green energy” policy recommendations made in a recent report by the National Resources Defense Council would push Michigan’s economy into a freefall, according to Mackinac Center for Public Policy energy analysts ...
Business & Economics

Policy Alerts

Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...

Failing the International Test

Freedom Politics, August 31, 2009 American students lag behind most of their international counterparts in math achievement, according to recent analysis from the U.S. Department of Education. In the face of this bad news, however, state and federal policymakers continue to push government-centered “solutions” destined to make matters worse. According ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...
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