

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...

Proposed Fuel Standard Embraces Faulty Science, Economics

House Bill 5383, introduced last week by Rep. Lee Gonzales, D-Flint, would establish a “low-carbon fuel standard,” requiring oil refineries and fuel blenders to reduce greenhouse gases by 10 percent over the next decade. Gonzales announced his legislation during a phone conference with representatives from The Ecology Center and Environment ...
Climate Change

Can CO2 Emissions Be Cut Without Hurting Growth?

Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2009 No: Alternatives Are Too Expensive The U.S. and Western Europe can point to a remarkable achievement over the past 40 years: significant reductions in air pollution with only a modest effect on our economic growth and prosperity. So, why can’t we expect to do ...

Energy independence, security? How about energy realism

Of the hot topics discussed in Washington and the media, there is probably none where the substance-to-blather ratio is higher than in energy, where slogans substitute for serious thought, and where pointing out unwelcome facts is frowned upon as a moral failing. Shallow thought on energy can be found on ...

The Tedium Sea

Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs (OR), September 19, 2009 National Review – Planet Gore, September 22, 2009 It seems that every time I check in to the Hyatt Embarcadero to visit my peeps at Pacific Research Institute there is some kind of environmental conference going on. Thursday this past week ...

Sally Pipes on Health Care

FutureOfCapitalism.com spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...

Steven Hayward: The Age of Reagan

Hoover Institution’s Peter Robinson interviews Steven F. Hayward on his new book, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution, Hayward asserts that Ronald Reagan was one of the most consequential presidents in American history. In foreign affairs, he presents Reagan as possessing unique insights into issues that had confounded the ...

Big Brother Wants Your Compost – Or Else

In October, San Francisco’s newest garbage management law goes into effect, potentially fining residents up to $100 per violation – businesses up to $500 – for failing to separate compostable garbage from their trash. Fines can also be incurred if garbage collectors notice an individual is not producing enough compost ...
Climate Change

A War on CO2? Civil Libertarians, Beware!

It seems clear that the first major penalty man will have to pay for his rapid consumption of the earth’s nonrenewable resources will be that of having to live in a world where his thoughts and actions are ever more strongly limited, where social organization has become all pervasive, complex, ...

What Is Socialism in 2009?

It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...

Governor to Impose $Quarter-Billion Tax Hike on California

Renewable energy that is forced on the California market means higher energy costs for everyone. Renewables are simply more expensive—which is why their proponents have to argue for mandates (and not coincidently, the highest levels of direct subsidy.) Ironically, the mandates—excused as ‘helping drive costs down through mass markets’ have ...

Proposed Fuel Standard Embraces Faulty Science, Economics

House Bill 5383, introduced last week by Rep. Lee Gonzales, D-Flint, would establish a “low-carbon fuel standard,” requiring oil refineries and fuel blenders to reduce greenhouse gases by 10 percent over the next decade. Gonzales announced his legislation during a phone conference with representatives from The Ecology Center and Environment ...
Climate Change

Can CO2 Emissions Be Cut Without Hurting Growth?

Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2009 No: Alternatives Are Too Expensive The U.S. and Western Europe can point to a remarkable achievement over the past 40 years: significant reductions in air pollution with only a modest effect on our economic growth and prosperity. So, why can’t we expect to do ...

Energy independence, security? How about energy realism

Of the hot topics discussed in Washington and the media, there is probably none where the substance-to-blather ratio is higher than in energy, where slogans substitute for serious thought, and where pointing out unwelcome facts is frowned upon as a moral failing. Shallow thought on energy can be found on ...

The Tedium Sea

Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs (OR), September 19, 2009 National Review – Planet Gore, September 22, 2009 It seems that every time I check in to the Hyatt Embarcadero to visit my peeps at Pacific Research Institute there is some kind of environmental conference going on. Thursday this past week ...

Sally Pipes on Health Care

FutureOfCapitalism.com spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...

Steven Hayward: The Age of Reagan

Hoover Institution’s Peter Robinson interviews Steven F. Hayward on his new book, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution, Hayward asserts that Ronald Reagan was one of the most consequential presidents in American history. In foreign affairs, he presents Reagan as possessing unique insights into issues that had confounded the ...

Big Brother Wants Your Compost – Or Else

In October, San Francisco’s newest garbage management law goes into effect, potentially fining residents up to $100 per violation – businesses up to $500 – for failing to separate compostable garbage from their trash. Fines can also be incurred if garbage collectors notice an individual is not producing enough compost ...
Climate Change

A War on CO2? Civil Libertarians, Beware!

It seems clear that the first major penalty man will have to pay for his rapid consumption of the earth’s nonrenewable resources will be that of having to live in a world where his thoughts and actions are ever more strongly limited, where social organization has become all pervasive, complex, ...

What Is Socialism in 2009?

It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...
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