

AB32 Having a Negative Effect on Today’s Unemployment Rate

A recent Fox & Hounds Daily opinion piece by David Crane, economic advisor to Governor Schwarzenegger attempted to dismiss the contribution of AB 32 to the state’s high unemployment rate. AB 32 is California’s “Global Warming Solutions Act,” a bill signed into law by the governor in 2006 prior to ...

The Union that Stole Christmas

The holiday season is upon us, but California’s schoolchildren won’t be receiving many gifts this year—at least not from their lawmakers or teachers’ unions. California is poised to become the nation’s largest school system that will not qualify to compete for $4.3 billion of federal Race to the Top funds. ...
Climate Change

Is Malthus In Charge?

Although China’s family planning policy has received criticism over the past three decades,[not least of which is for human rights violations] Zhao said that China’s population program has made a great historic contribution to the well-being of society. As a result of the family planning policy, China has seen 400 ...

The Wages of Hubris

The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Climate Change

How Leaders Lead

Quoted in The Telegraph, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, said her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, she will have 200. The airport has as many as 140 extra private jets (plus increased commercial traffic) during the ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...

Plunder! Dissects Government Unions

How’s your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. It’s time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. That’s just what you get in Steven Greenhut’s shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...
Business & Economics

Bad suits need label

Most people assume when they order coffee it’s going to be served hot. That’s why people with brains were outraged in 1994, when a jury awarded a woman $2.86 million after she burned herself on hot coffee purchased from the fast-food purveyor. When McDonald’s added iced coffee to its menu ...
Climate Change

The Big Cutoff

Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

AB32 Having a Negative Effect on Today’s Unemployment Rate

A recent Fox & Hounds Daily opinion piece by David Crane, economic advisor to Governor Schwarzenegger attempted to dismiss the contribution of AB 32 to the state’s high unemployment rate. AB 32 is California’s “Global Warming Solutions Act,” a bill signed into law by the governor in 2006 prior to ...

The Union that Stole Christmas

The holiday season is upon us, but California’s schoolchildren won’t be receiving many gifts this year—at least not from their lawmakers or teachers’ unions. California is poised to become the nation’s largest school system that will not qualify to compete for $4.3 billion of federal Race to the Top funds. ...
Climate Change

Is Malthus In Charge?

Although China’s family planning policy has received criticism over the past three decades,[not least of which is for human rights violations] Zhao said that China’s population program has made a great historic contribution to the well-being of society. As a result of the family planning policy, China has seen 400 ...

The Wages of Hubris

The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Climate Change

How Leaders Lead

Quoted in The Telegraph, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, said her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, she will have 200. The airport has as many as 140 extra private jets (plus increased commercial traffic) during the ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...

Plunder! Dissects Government Unions

How’s your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. It’s time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. That’s just what you get in Steven Greenhut’s shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...
Business & Economics

Bad suits need label

Most people assume when they order coffee it’s going to be served hot. That’s why people with brains were outraged in 1994, when a jury awarded a woman $2.86 million after she burned herself on hot coffee purchased from the fast-food purveyor. When McDonald’s added iced coffee to its menu ...
Climate Change

The Big Cutoff

Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...
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