

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/MoveOn.org crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...

State Sovereignty Resolutions: The NY Times Weighs In

According to the New York Times, legislators sponsoring these resolutions are merely carrying water for various corporate interests in the health sector. Conspiratorially, the NY Times asserts that the idea of state sovereignty over health care popped up at the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, and was then picked up as ...
Climate Change

The EPA’s Power Grab

The climate campaigners play their trump card, but it may turn out to be a joker. Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 015, Issue 15 – 12/28/2009 – the climate campaign, built step-by-step over the last 20 years, has reached its Waterloo. the Copenhagen conference that ended Friday was an exercise ...

Blown Away

The Detroit Free Press has reported on the initial Ludington and Pentwater resident reaction to a massive wind turbine installation construction proposal. If allowed to move forward, advocates claim the installation is capable of producing 1,000 megawatts of power while crowding more than 100 square miles of Lake Michigan. At ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...

Dump the UN? The Climate Campaign’s Moment of Truth

Amen to that, but whether it happens will reveal whether the global political class really wants to deal with climate, or whether they are more concerned with global governance and the whole moveable feast of UN pretensions. My money is on the UN process continuing. Begley suggests a better approach ...

Health care reform taking stubborn path to huge debt

Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), December 19, 2009 Wisconsin Democratic Sens. Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold are almost never in the headlines on health care reform. Hands over eyes and ears, they are marching forward in lockstep with President Barack Obama toward some kind of a muddled conclusion. They remain committed ...

Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...

Freeze global warming regulations

Coming from Hollywood may explain Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s disconnect with reality. In the real world, saying so doesn’t make it so. In Copenhagen this week, he made the astonishing claim that the Golden State is evidence we need not choose between a clean environment and economic growth because: “We’ve proved ...

Antitrust Action Has Agricultural Consequences

The United States government recently announced plans to look into allegations of anti-competitive behavior among agribusiness companies, particularly Monsanto, the ag biotechnology giant. As this action unfolds, policy makers should keep some realities in mind. Biotechnology advances have been the source of an agricultural revolution, providing higher yields and offering ...

Cadillac Health Plans; And Taxation Thereof

And I don’t just mean the HuffingtonPost/DailyKos/MoveOn.org crowd. There’s even a sense at the New York Times that the President’s faction has failed to grab history by the tail. Witness this column by Bob Herbert, who protests the tax on so-called “Cadillac health plans,” those which cost more than $23,000 ...

State Sovereignty Resolutions: The NY Times Weighs In

According to the New York Times, legislators sponsoring these resolutions are merely carrying water for various corporate interests in the health sector. Conspiratorially, the NY Times asserts that the idea of state sovereignty over health care popped up at the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, and was then picked up as ...
Climate Change

The EPA’s Power Grab

The climate campaigners play their trump card, but it may turn out to be a joker. Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 015, Issue 15 – 12/28/2009 – the climate campaign, built step-by-step over the last 20 years, has reached its Waterloo. the Copenhagen conference that ended Friday was an exercise ...

Blown Away

The Detroit Free Press has reported on the initial Ludington and Pentwater resident reaction to a massive wind turbine installation construction proposal. If allowed to move forward, advocates claim the installation is capable of producing 1,000 megawatts of power while crowding more than 100 square miles of Lake Michigan. At ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...

Dump the UN? The Climate Campaign’s Moment of Truth

Amen to that, but whether it happens will reveal whether the global political class really wants to deal with climate, or whether they are more concerned with global governance and the whole moveable feast of UN pretensions. My money is on the UN process continuing. Begley suggests a better approach ...

Health care reform taking stubborn path to huge debt

Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), December 19, 2009 Wisconsin Democratic Sens. Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold are almost never in the headlines on health care reform. Hands over eyes and ears, they are marching forward in lockstep with President Barack Obama toward some kind of a muddled conclusion. They remain committed ...

Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...

Freeze global warming regulations

Coming from Hollywood may explain Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s disconnect with reality. In the real world, saying so doesn’t make it so. In Copenhagen this week, he made the astonishing claim that the Golden State is evidence we need not choose between a clean environment and economic growth because: “We’ve proved ...

Antitrust Action Has Agricultural Consequences

The United States government recently announced plans to look into allegations of anti-competitive behavior among agribusiness companies, particularly Monsanto, the ag biotechnology giant. As this action unfolds, policy makers should keep some realities in mind. Biotechnology advances have been the source of an agricultural revolution, providing higher yields and offering ...
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