

Unraveling the Achievement Gap on Campus

For the first time ever, women outnumber men at all levels of higher education. More women than men apply, enroll, and graduate with bachelor’s and advanced degrees. The response from feminist groups has been drearily predictable. Female enrollment at some schools approaches 60 percent, a gap of 10 percent in ...

“Spirit of Central Falls” Trumps Special Interests

Last week Central Falls, Rhode Island, School Superintendent Frances Gallo fired her entire high-school teaching staff when they refused to implement essential reforms to turn around the failing school. Little did Dr. Gallo know that hers would be the pink slips shot ‘round the world-beginning with a billboard in the ...
Business & Economics

State not exactly the well-oiled machine

SACRAMENTO A new report from the California State Auditor should throw cold water on those who believe that the best way to solve the state’s problems is by expanding government power, increasing government funding and creating new regulatory powers and agencies. The auditor has released its annual report analyzing how ...
Climate Change

Scholar discusses ‘crisis’ of pro-climate change campaign at property rights forum

Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT), February 19, 2010 Policy scholar Steven Hayward told attendees of a property rights forum in Bozeman Thursday that proposals to drastically cut greenhouse gasses emitted by the United States are “economically insensible and undemocratic” and are facing a crisis in public support. Hayward, a senior fellow ...
Climate Change

The crackup of the climate ‘consensus’

The climate-change campaign is in catastrophic free fall. Nearly every day brings a new embarrassment or retraction for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the supposed gold standard for “consensus” science. The withdrawal this week of BP, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar from the main US business lobby for greenhouse-gas controls ...

Sense of Proportion

The Senator boasts that implementing AB 32 will create new jobs and businesses however California’s industries are struggling and unemployment sits in double digits. Pavley cites 125,000 new jobs as a result of AB 32 yet this represents an extremely small proportion of the unemployed–currently over 2.25 million, according to ...

Power: Commentary: How Myths Distort Energy Policy

Congress and various states are considering a fundamental restructuring and regulation of our energy policy. Any such effort should be based on facts, but legislators, unfortunately, incline to myths, such as the notion that most of our energy comes from oil. Myth: Foreign Oil Provides Most of Our Energy According ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...

Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More

On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for “some kind of cost containment because if we don’t, then our budgets are going to blow up…” Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...

Unraveling the Achievement Gap on Campus

For the first time ever, women outnumber men at all levels of higher education. More women than men apply, enroll, and graduate with bachelor’s and advanced degrees. The response from feminist groups has been drearily predictable. Female enrollment at some schools approaches 60 percent, a gap of 10 percent in ...

“Spirit of Central Falls” Trumps Special Interests

Last week Central Falls, Rhode Island, School Superintendent Frances Gallo fired her entire high-school teaching staff when they refused to implement essential reforms to turn around the failing school. Little did Dr. Gallo know that hers would be the pink slips shot ‘round the world-beginning with a billboard in the ...
Business & Economics

State not exactly the well-oiled machine

SACRAMENTO A new report from the California State Auditor should throw cold water on those who believe that the best way to solve the state’s problems is by expanding government power, increasing government funding and creating new regulatory powers and agencies. The auditor has released its annual report analyzing how ...
Climate Change

Scholar discusses ‘crisis’ of pro-climate change campaign at property rights forum

Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT), February 19, 2010 Policy scholar Steven Hayward told attendees of a property rights forum in Bozeman Thursday that proposals to drastically cut greenhouse gasses emitted by the United States are “economically insensible and undemocratic” and are facing a crisis in public support. Hayward, a senior fellow ...
Climate Change

The crackup of the climate ‘consensus’

The climate-change campaign is in catastrophic free fall. Nearly every day brings a new embarrassment or retraction for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the supposed gold standard for “consensus” science. The withdrawal this week of BP, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar from the main US business lobby for greenhouse-gas controls ...

Sense of Proportion

The Senator boasts that implementing AB 32 will create new jobs and businesses however California’s industries are struggling and unemployment sits in double digits. Pavley cites 125,000 new jobs as a result of AB 32 yet this represents an extremely small proportion of the unemployed–currently over 2.25 million, according to ...

Power: Commentary: How Myths Distort Energy Policy

Congress and various states are considering a fundamental restructuring and regulation of our energy policy. Any such effort should be based on facts, but legislators, unfortunately, incline to myths, such as the notion that most of our energy comes from oil. Myth: Foreign Oil Provides Most of Our Energy According ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...

Cost Containment That Relies on Less Government Power, Not More

On January 20, New York Times quoted President Obama, trying to rescue his health bill, stressing the need for “some kind of cost containment because if we don’t, then our budgets are going to blow up…” Ironically, if the President had read an adjourning article in the same newspaper he ...
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