Gas Prices

Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Business & Economics

Why rob consumers to reward retailers?

WASHINGTON (Map, News) – A recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found Americans rank the skyrocketing cost of gasoline as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while ...
Business & Economics

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag

Yesterday the Assembly Appropriations Committee was scheduled to consider AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman ...

How Misguided Energy Policy Eats Up the Economic Stimulus

This month, checks are going out to federal taxpayers in the form of an “economic stimulus” package. Economists are divided over how those dollars will be spent—new spending, paying off bills, savings? Unfortunately, other federal and state policies, including energy policy, will eliminate any stimulation. The economic stimulus checks are ...

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...

Get Out and Enjoy Earth Day

Front Page Magazine, April 22, 2008 Earth Day 2008 brings good news about the environment but also reveals a strange dynamic. Despite a nearly non-stop public dialogue, including an Oscar-winning movie and two Nobel prizes, Americans are actually taking less time to experience the environment. They would be better off ...

2008 Environmental Index Debunks Myth that U.S. Lags Europe in Environmental Performance

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) today released the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report highlighting the significant environmental developments and milestones in the United States and worldwide. The 2008 edition debunks the widely held perception that the U.S. ...

Californication – It’s a Sin

People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...

California’s Energy Policies: a Model for the Nation?

Key lawmakers are now promoting California’s energy and global warming policies as a model for the federal government and other States to follow. Thomas Tanton’s talk will review California’s policies and show that they have had significant costs as well as other detrimental effects and are likely to have even ...

First the Economy, then the Environment

Most of the press reports on the negative environmental impacts of renewable fuel have centered on the production of ethanol. Seems that ethanol production, because of changes in land use patterns, run off, fertilizers and sprays, often causes more pollution than the production of gasoline. New reports, in particular this ...
Climate Change

Questions for McCain

Senator McCain, as an across-the-board conservative, I plan to vote for you in November—unless a more authentically conservative ticket emerges or you choose a liberal running mate, such as Mitt Romney. You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms ...
Business & Economics

Why rob consumers to reward retailers?

WASHINGTON (Map, News) – A recent survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found Americans rank the skyrocketing cost of gasoline as their most serious economic concern. The House Judiciary Committee will soon consider a proposal to put more money in the pockets of gas station owners and major retailers, while ...
Business & Economics

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag

Yesterday the Assembly Appropriations Committee was scheduled to consider AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman ...

How Misguided Energy Policy Eats Up the Economic Stimulus

This month, checks are going out to federal taxpayers in the form of an “economic stimulus” package. Economists are divided over how those dollars will be spent—new spending, paying off bills, savings? Unfortunately, other federal and state policies, including energy policy, will eliminate any stimulation. The economic stimulus checks are ...

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...

Get Out and Enjoy Earth Day

Front Page Magazine, April 22, 2008 Earth Day 2008 brings good news about the environment but also reveals a strange dynamic. Despite a nearly non-stop public dialogue, including an Oscar-winning movie and two Nobel prizes, Americans are actually taking less time to experience the environment. They would be better off ...

2008 Environmental Index Debunks Myth that U.S. Lags Europe in Environmental Performance

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) today released the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report highlighting the significant environmental developments and milestones in the United States and worldwide. The 2008 edition debunks the widely held perception that the U.S. ...

Californication – It’s a Sin

People frequently argue that California should be the model for the nation’s energy use, because it has managed to keep per capita energy consumption flat over the past couple of decades. Not so fast, says Tom Tanton of the Pacific Research Institute and the Institute for Energy Research. In a ...

California’s Energy Policies: a Model for the Nation?

Key lawmakers are now promoting California’s energy and global warming policies as a model for the federal government and other States to follow. Thomas Tanton’s talk will review California’s policies and show that they have had significant costs as well as other detrimental effects and are likely to have even ...

First the Economy, then the Environment

Most of the press reports on the negative environmental impacts of renewable fuel have centered on the production of ethanol. Seems that ethanol production, because of changes in land use patterns, run off, fertilizers and sprays, often causes more pollution than the production of gasoline. New reports, in particular this ...
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