Gas Prices
Read about latest government green mandates
Newsom’s Quixotic Quest
That characterization is apt. Other components of the crackdown include the governor and state attorney general Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against oil companies, a call for a windfall-profits tax at a time when profit margins in the energy sector are declining precipitously, ordinances that block the construction of new gas stations, ...
Kerry Jackson
November 21, 2023
Read about push to increase driving costs
Is It A War On Traffic … Or A War On Cars?
It’s expected that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will release a study this summer that will offer, reports the Los Angeles Times, “a blueprint for a congestion pricing scheme similar to ones in cities such as London, Stockholm and Singapore, where commuters pay to drive in city centers.” ...
Kerry Jackson
June 27, 2023
Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates
Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National
The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales. By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...
Wayne Winegarden
April 18, 2023
Don’t Want An Electric Car? Gavin Newsom Is Making Sure You Won’t Have A Choice
It’s become routine. A problem, either real or imagined, arises, and California policymakers rush in to fix it with their legislative repair kit. Yet their solutions make the problem worse, create new issues, or both. That California has painfully high retail gasoline prices is not in dispute. They are in ...
Kerry Jackson
April 6, 2023
Read about new plan to raise gas prices
Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax
Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...
Wayne Winegarden
March 30, 2023
Previewing Gov. Newsom’s Political Roadshow State of the State
The Associated Press reports that “Newsom plans to fulfill his constitutional requirement by sending a letter to the State Legislature” instead of delivering the usual speech at the State Capitol. Part of me felt a little nostalgic by the news. I’ve had the chance to work on both sides of ...
Tim Anaya
March 13, 2023
California’s high gas prices go on trial
The California Senate’s first hearing on gasoline prices was held Wednesday and his plan “was met with a dose of skepticism” according to Politico. Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee chairman Sen. Steve Bradford told the committee that “we must ensure our actions that we take first (do) no harm to consumers.” ...
Kerry Jackson
February 24, 2023
Blame California Environmental Polices for the Spike in Natural Gas Prices
A governor who has come to be perpetually angry about something or the other is demanding a federal probe into natural gas prices in California and other Western states. Gov. Gavin Newsom just has to know why prices “have risen to alarming levels.” If he’d shuffle some of the papers ...
Kerry Jackson
February 15, 2023
A Most Wearisome Task
The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded in California was $4.60 on Dec. 9. The week before it was $4.86, and a month earlier, it was $5.45. The current price, roughly the same as a year ago, when it was $4.68, is likely to fall even lower. Yes, ...
Kerry Jackson
December 14, 2022
Congress Needs to Look Beyond Green Energy
Current U.S. energy policy continues to subsidize uneconomical and inefficient sources of politically preferred energy while punishing the production and generation of reliable and cheap energy sources. As taxpayers, workers, and consumers we are paying a steep price for these irrational policies. Starting with the policies that punish domestic energy ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 25, 2022
Read about latest government green mandates
Newsom’s Quixotic Quest
That characterization is apt. Other components of the crackdown include the governor and state attorney general Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against oil companies, a call for a windfall-profits tax at a time when profit margins in the energy sector are declining precipitously, ordinances that block the construction of new gas stations, ...
Read about push to increase driving costs
Is It A War On Traffic … Or A War On Cars?
It’s expected that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will release a study this summer that will offer, reports the Los Angeles Times, “a blueprint for a congestion pricing scheme similar to ones in cities such as London, Stockholm and Singapore, where commuters pay to drive in city centers.” ...
Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates
Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National
The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales. By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...
Don’t Want An Electric Car? Gavin Newsom Is Making Sure You Won’t Have A Choice
It’s become routine. A problem, either real or imagined, arises, and California policymakers rush in to fix it with their legislative repair kit. Yet their solutions make the problem worse, create new issues, or both. That California has painfully high retail gasoline prices is not in dispute. They are in ...
Read about new plan to raise gas prices
Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax
Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...
Previewing Gov. Newsom’s Political Roadshow State of the State
The Associated Press reports that “Newsom plans to fulfill his constitutional requirement by sending a letter to the State Legislature” instead of delivering the usual speech at the State Capitol. Part of me felt a little nostalgic by the news. I’ve had the chance to work on both sides of ...
California’s high gas prices go on trial
The California Senate’s first hearing on gasoline prices was held Wednesday and his plan “was met with a dose of skepticism” according to Politico. Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee chairman Sen. Steve Bradford told the committee that “we must ensure our actions that we take first (do) no harm to consumers.” ...
Blame California Environmental Polices for the Spike in Natural Gas Prices
A governor who has come to be perpetually angry about something or the other is demanding a federal probe into natural gas prices in California and other Western states. Gov. Gavin Newsom just has to know why prices “have risen to alarming levels.” If he’d shuffle some of the papers ...
A Most Wearisome Task
The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded in California was $4.60 on Dec. 9. The week before it was $4.86, and a month earlier, it was $5.45. The current price, roughly the same as a year ago, when it was $4.68, is likely to fall even lower. Yes, ...
Congress Needs to Look Beyond Green Energy
Current U.S. energy policy continues to subsidize uneconomical and inefficient sources of politically preferred energy while punishing the production and generation of reliable and cheap energy sources. As taxpayers, workers, and consumers we are paying a steep price for these irrational policies. Starting with the policies that punish domestic energy ...