Gas Prices
Apparently, California Officials Can’t Rest Until the State Has America’s Highest Fuel Prices
Fuel prices in California are soaring like it’s 1979. A gallon of regular gasoline was averaging $3.82 across the state on Oct. 18, nearly a full dollar higher than the national average, according to AAA. Only in Hawaii are prices higher. With the summer travel season over, we expect some ...
Kerry Jackson
October 22, 2018
California Doubles Down on Folly of Electric Vehicle Tax Credits
California officials want to eventually force everyone on the road out of their gasoline- and diesel-powered automobiles and into electric vehicles. But it’s a radical shift that can’t be decreed into existence overnight. So, expect a boost in the government bribe to encourage more consumers to buy zero-emission vehicles. Sacramento ...
Kerry Jackson
October 17, 2018
Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party
We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...
Kerry Jackson
October 9, 2018
Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.
Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...
Kerry Jackson
September 20, 2018
Your tax dollars used to oppose repeal of fuel tax
Most of us have driven past a road crew and from our vantage point it appeared little was being accomplished. We think of the old jokes asking “how many men does it take” to complete a variety of tasks, because at that moment we see one man working while our ...
Kerry Jackson
September 11, 2018
Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?
California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...
Kerry Jackson
September 10, 2018
Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish
Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...
Kerry Jackson
September 4, 2018
California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It
Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...
Kerry Jackson
August 27, 2018
Business & Economics
Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?
Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.
Pacific Research Institute
July 24, 2018
You Should’ve Been There – On PRI’s Vancouver Conference on Free-Market Environmentalism
Whenever you hear about efforts to preserve our environment, it always involves ill-conceived policy prescriptions, taxpayer-funded subsidies, or heavy-handed government mandates. Take, for example, the work by PRI’s Wayne Winegarden on electric car subsidies. While noble in intent, the subsidies amount to government playing car salesman. Using your money, government ...
Tim Anaya
July 17, 2018
Apparently, California Officials Can’t Rest Until the State Has America’s Highest Fuel Prices
Fuel prices in California are soaring like it’s 1979. A gallon of regular gasoline was averaging $3.82 across the state on Oct. 18, nearly a full dollar higher than the national average, according to AAA. Only in Hawaii are prices higher. With the summer travel season over, we expect some ...
California Doubles Down on Folly of Electric Vehicle Tax Credits
California officials want to eventually force everyone on the road out of their gasoline- and diesel-powered automobiles and into electric vehicles. But it’s a radical shift that can’t be decreed into existence overnight. So, expect a boost in the government bribe to encourage more consumers to buy zero-emission vehicles. Sacramento ...
Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party
We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...
Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.
Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...
Your tax dollars used to oppose repeal of fuel tax
Most of us have driven past a road crew and from our vantage point it appeared little was being accomplished. We think of the old jokes asking “how many men does it take” to complete a variety of tasks, because at that moment we see one man working while our ...
Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?
California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...
Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish
Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...
California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It
Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...
Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?
Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.
You Should’ve Been There – On PRI’s Vancouver Conference on Free-Market Environmentalism
Whenever you hear about efforts to preserve our environment, it always involves ill-conceived policy prescriptions, taxpayer-funded subsidies, or heavy-handed government mandates. Take, for example, the work by PRI’s Wayne Winegarden on electric car subsidies. While noble in intent, the subsidies amount to government playing car salesman. Using your money, government ...