Gas Prices
Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California
Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...
Kerry Jackson
April 8, 2020
Gov. Newsom would rather take gas-tax money for bike lanes than fix California’s roads
When Senate Bill 1 was passed and signed into law in 2017, Californians were told the tax hikes it authorized were good for them. The revenues were to be dedicated to repairing the state’s lousy roads. Yet there have been numerous accountability and transparency questions about the law, enough that ...
Kerry Jackson
March 19, 2020
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
Tim Anaya
December 26, 2019
It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California
It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...
Kerry Jackson
October 30, 2019
California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...
Kerry Jackson
October 21, 2019
Why Are California Gas Prices So High These Days? Thank Sacramento.
Benjamin Franklin was right that “nothing is certain but death and taxes,” though he could have added a third certainty in California – paying significantly more than the national average for gasoline. California drivers are living a real life version of the movie “Groundhog Day”, more than $4 per gallon ...
Tim Anaya
October 14, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...
Kerry Jackson
October 1, 2019
Climate Change
The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense
Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
September 23, 2019
This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars
California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...
Kerry Jackson
August 19, 2019
Colorado’s big government emissions mandate
Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 7, 2019
Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California
Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...
Gov. Newsom would rather take gas-tax money for bike lanes than fix California’s roads
When Senate Bill 1 was passed and signed into law in 2017, Californians were told the tax hikes it authorized were good for them. The revenues were to be dedicated to repairing the state’s lousy roads. Yet there have been numerous accountability and transparency questions about the law, enough that ...
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California
It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...
California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...
Why Are California Gas Prices So High These Days? Thank Sacramento.
Benjamin Franklin was right that “nothing is certain but death and taxes,” though he could have added a third certainty in California – paying significantly more than the national average for gasoline. California drivers are living a real life version of the movie “Groundhog Day”, more than $4 per gallon ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...
The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense
Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...
This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars
California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...
Colorado’s big government emissions mandate
Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...