Gas Prices


This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars

California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...

Colorado’s big government emissions mandate

Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...

Giving In To Big Corn

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Colin A. Carter The Environmental Protection Agency released a final rule on May 30 that opens the door for gasoline to be blended year-round with up to 15 percent ethanol, a mixture called E15. This rule boosts by 50 percent the proportion of ...

Here’s Why an All-Electric Vehicle Fleet Can’t Happen in California … Or Elsewhere

Though no legislation has been passed yet, California officials have made it clear they want to outlaw automobiles powered by internal-combustion engines. But it’s a near certainty they won’t be able to secure an all-electric fleet within their timetable no matter how much they want it to happen. Democratic state ...

When The Lights Go Out In California

When Sacramento unwisely decided that 100% of retail electricity sales in the state would have to be generated by renewable sources by 2045, most reasonable people would have thought that hydroelectric power would be included in the portfolio. But it seems the policymakers in Sacramento might not be altogether reasonable. ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...

PRI’s Tim Anaya Discusses CA’s High Gas Prices on Statewide TV

Watch PRI communications director Tim Anaya discuss the reasons behind California’s rising gas prices, which he attributes to poor legislative policies including a massive gas tax increase, the low-carbon fuel standard, and Cap-and-Trade. The interview aired on “Evening Edition” on KPBS (PBS) in San Diego and other stations statewide.

Patricia is Short Because State Government Has Made California Unaffordable

At a recent congressional hearing, freshman Democrat Katie Porter from Orange County took to her soapbox to grill JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon about income inequality at the company. Using the example of Patricia, who is employed as a full-time, entry-level bank teller at JP Morgan Chase – admittedly ...
Electric Vehicles

George Will Cites PRI Study on Electric Car Subsidies in National Column

The electric-vehicle tax credit should be taken off the road Some government foolishness has an educational value that compensates for its considerable cost. Consider the multibillion-dollar federal electric-vehicle tax credit, which efficiently illustrates how government can, with one act, diminish its already-negligible prestige while subtracting from America’s fairness. Sen. John ...

This Is California: Paying the Rich To Buy State-Approved Cars

California leads the country in electric vehicle sales, but it’s apparently not enough to satisfy the Sacramento meddlers. The same legislator who would outlaw gasoline and diesel automobiles now wants to increase the publicly-funded subsidy that is intended to motivate car buyers to choose EVs. As if rich Californians couldn’t ...

Colorado’s big government emissions mandate

Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...

Giving In To Big Corn

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Colin A. Carter The Environmental Protection Agency released a final rule on May 30 that opens the door for gasoline to be blended year-round with up to 15 percent ethanol, a mixture called E15. This rule boosts by 50 percent the proportion of ...

Here’s Why an All-Electric Vehicle Fleet Can’t Happen in California … Or Elsewhere

Though no legislation has been passed yet, California officials have made it clear they want to outlaw automobiles powered by internal-combustion engines. But it’s a near certainty they won’t be able to secure an all-electric fleet within their timetable no matter how much they want it to happen. Democratic state ...

When The Lights Go Out In California

When Sacramento unwisely decided that 100% of retail electricity sales in the state would have to be generated by renewable sources by 2045, most reasonable people would have thought that hydroelectric power would be included in the portfolio. But it seems the policymakers in Sacramento might not be altogether reasonable. ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...

PRI’s Tim Anaya Discusses CA’s High Gas Prices on Statewide TV

Watch PRI communications director Tim Anaya discuss the reasons behind California’s rising gas prices, which he attributes to poor legislative policies including a massive gas tax increase, the low-carbon fuel standard, and Cap-and-Trade. The interview aired on “Evening Edition” on KPBS (PBS) in San Diego and other stations statewide.

Patricia is Short Because State Government Has Made California Unaffordable

At a recent congressional hearing, freshman Democrat Katie Porter from Orange County took to her soapbox to grill JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon about income inequality at the company. Using the example of Patricia, who is employed as a full-time, entry-level bank teller at JP Morgan Chase – admittedly ...
Electric Vehicles

George Will Cites PRI Study on Electric Car Subsidies in National Column

The electric-vehicle tax credit should be taken off the road Some government foolishness has an educational value that compensates for its considerable cost. Consider the multibillion-dollar federal electric-vehicle tax credit, which efficiently illustrates how government can, with one act, diminish its already-negligible prestige while subtracting from America’s fairness. Sen. John ...
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