A Response to the “Bloomberg Doomers”
Last month, Bloomberg published a now-infamous op-ed titled, “Inflation Stings Most if You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal”. Professor Teresa Ghilarducci suggests that to curb inflation, we should eat lentils instead of red meat and let our pets die instead of going to the vet. The advice ...
McKenzie Richards
April 26, 2022
Biden & Co. could ‘march in’ and kneecap America’s economy
The Biden administration may soon cripple America’s economy — inadvertently, of course. Officials are reportedly giving serious consideration to a “march-in” petition, nominally filed by a handful of cancer patients but promoted by Knowledge Ecology International, the activist group founded by Ralph Nader. The petition urges the administration to relicense ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 22, 2022
More Talk, Less Action as Dry, Hot Summer Approaches
On Tuesday, Gov. Newsom travelled to Butte County where, according to a press release from his office, he discussed “impacts of the climate driven drought, including on hydropower production by state facilities, and the state’s response.” It’s part of the Governor’s campaign to promote his so-called “Save Our Water” campaign, ...
Tim Anaya
April 20, 2022
Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance
The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
April 19, 2022
How California Agriculture Can Survive Another Year of Drought, State Water Cutbacks
Water management and drought preparedness should be cornerstones of every state in the West. Among the states suffering the most from lack of water is California. Water has shown itself to be a finite resource in many states, particularly those reliant upon surface snowpack sources from mountain ranges in the ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 19, 2022
Who Grows Your Peaches?
In 1973, March 22 was designated National Ag Day by the Agriculture Council of America and the inaugural celebration of the day was in 1979. Since the inception of National Ag Day, it has been expanded to encompass the week that March 22 falls in each year. I have to ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 31, 2022
Life In The Dry Lane
Letters to the editor are often thought of as barometers of the public’s mood. While it’s obvious that California has been blue for some time, it’s still instructive to take a look at what residents are saying. In the Los Angeles Times, for instance, a recent series of letters suggested ...
Kerry Jackson
March 29, 2022
Is California Now At War With Farms?
California leads the nation in agricultural production. It’s no exaggeration to say this state feeds the world out of its fertile Central Valley. But that rich land has become a battlefield. California is the nation’s No. 1 state in agriculture commodity sales, with its share nearly double that of no. 2 Iowa. ...
Kerry Jackson
March 24, 2022
The Judge – Justice and Compassion in the Salinas Valley
In 1775-1776 the de Anza Expedition traveled from Sinaloa to San Francisco establishing the inland route from Mission San Gabriel to San Francisco. On their way north they camped in Natividad – now Salinas – along what is today Old Stage Road on their way to the site of Mission ...
Steve Smith
March 24, 2022
Prop 12 puts food security, animal health at risk
Livestock raising has long been a complex and misunderstood issue outside the agricultural community. Large communal pens often are considered the most humane by casual observers, but they do not tell the whole story. That is the case with California’s Proposition 12. The legislation created problematic perimeters for housing of ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 22, 2022
A Response to the “Bloomberg Doomers”
Last month, Bloomberg published a now-infamous op-ed titled, “Inflation Stings Most if You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal”. Professor Teresa Ghilarducci suggests that to curb inflation, we should eat lentils instead of red meat and let our pets die instead of going to the vet. The advice ...
Biden & Co. could ‘march in’ and kneecap America’s economy
The Biden administration may soon cripple America’s economy — inadvertently, of course. Officials are reportedly giving serious consideration to a “march-in” petition, nominally filed by a handful of cancer patients but promoted by Knowledge Ecology International, the activist group founded by Ralph Nader. The petition urges the administration to relicense ...
More Talk, Less Action as Dry, Hot Summer Approaches
On Tuesday, Gov. Newsom travelled to Butte County where, according to a press release from his office, he discussed “impacts of the climate driven drought, including on hydropower production by state facilities, and the state’s response.” It’s part of the Governor’s campaign to promote his so-called “Save Our Water” campaign, ...
Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance
The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...
How California Agriculture Can Survive Another Year of Drought, State Water Cutbacks
Water management and drought preparedness should be cornerstones of every state in the West. Among the states suffering the most from lack of water is California. Water has shown itself to be a finite resource in many states, particularly those reliant upon surface snowpack sources from mountain ranges in the ...
Who Grows Your Peaches?
In 1973, March 22 was designated National Ag Day by the Agriculture Council of America and the inaugural celebration of the day was in 1979. Since the inception of National Ag Day, it has been expanded to encompass the week that March 22 falls in each year. I have to ...
Life In The Dry Lane
Letters to the editor are often thought of as barometers of the public’s mood. While it’s obvious that California has been blue for some time, it’s still instructive to take a look at what residents are saying. In the Los Angeles Times, for instance, a recent series of letters suggested ...
Is California Now At War With Farms?
California leads the nation in agricultural production. It’s no exaggeration to say this state feeds the world out of its fertile Central Valley. But that rich land has become a battlefield. California is the nation’s No. 1 state in agriculture commodity sales, with its share nearly double that of no. 2 Iowa. ...
The Judge – Justice and Compassion in the Salinas Valley
In 1775-1776 the de Anza Expedition traveled from Sinaloa to San Francisco establishing the inland route from Mission San Gabriel to San Francisco. On their way north they camped in Natividad – now Salinas – along what is today Old Stage Road on their way to the site of Mission ...
Prop 12 puts food security, animal health at risk
Livestock raising has long been a complex and misunderstood issue outside the agricultural community. Large communal pens often are considered the most humane by casual observers, but they do not tell the whole story. That is the case with California’s Proposition 12. The legislation created problematic perimeters for housing of ...