Antitrust Action Has Agricultural Consequences
The United States government recently announced plans to look into allegations of anti-competitive behavior among agribusiness companies, particularly Monsanto, the ag biotechnology giant. As this action unfolds, policy makers should keep some realities in mind. Biotechnology advances have been the source of an agricultural revolution, providing higher yields and offering ...
Amy Kaleita
December 17, 2009
The Wages of Hubris
The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Benjamin Zycher
December 14, 2009
Plunder! Dissects Government Unions
Hows your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. Its time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. Thats just what you get in Steven Greenhuts shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...
John Seiler
December 10, 2009
New Study Examines the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops on the Environment
San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a new report examining the environmental and health concerns associated with genetically modified (GM) crops. The Way in Which We Produce Our Food, by Amy Kaleita, Ph.D., PRI senior fellow in environmental studies, concludes ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 17, 2009
The Way in Which We Produce Our Food
San Francisco–The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a new report examining the environmental and health concerns associated with genetically modified (GM) crops. The Way in Which We Produce Our Food, by Amy Kaleita, Ph.D., PRI senior fellow in environmental studies, concludes that genetically ...
Amy Kaleita
November 17, 2009
Pork, water policy don’t mix
SACRAMENTO – Advocates for government “solutions” for everything from health care to education argue that some aspects of life are just so darn complicated that only a centralized authority with taxing and spending power can handle such matters. Yet whenever we look at those areas of life dominated by the ...
Steven Greenhut
November 8, 2009
Solutions for California Water Woes
Last week, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called state legislators into a special session to hammer out the details of proposed water legislation. The proposal could include a bond measure of $9.4 billion or more, and would ideally address the highly contentious water allocations and restrictions in the San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta. ...
Amy Kaleita
October 20, 2009
Cooling Down the Cassandras
Washington Post, October 1, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 1, 2009 ReporterNews (Abilene, TX), September 30, 2009 Plateau in Temperatures Adds Difficulty to Task Of Reaching a Solution — New York Times, Sept. 23 WASHINGTON — In this headline on a New York Times story about difficulties confronting people alarmed ...
George Will
October 1, 2009
Labor Day fix: cut taxes, spending, regulation
For Californians, this Labor Day may not be a cause for celebration. The federal government recently reported that the state’s unemployment rate reached 11.9 percent in July, its highest level in more than four decades. Many have blamed the ailing national economy for these dismal jobs numbers. Although there is ...
Robert P. Murphy
September 6, 2009
California as a Warning for America
Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...
Fred Cox
August 23, 2009
Antitrust Action Has Agricultural Consequences
The United States government recently announced plans to look into allegations of anti-competitive behavior among agribusiness companies, particularly Monsanto, the ag biotechnology giant. As this action unfolds, policy makers should keep some realities in mind. Biotechnology advances have been the source of an agricultural revolution, providing higher yields and offering ...
The Wages of Hubris
The latest gambit was the “compromise” between the moderate Left and the hard Left to expand Medicaid upward from the bottom and Medicare downward from the top, squeezing the private-sector middle almost out of existence. Much ballyhooed a week ago, it appears that this plan will collapse of its own ...
Plunder! Dissects Government Unions
Hows your government treating you lately? I thought so. Unjust wars. Torture. Inflation. Wild spending. Record deficits. Record debt. Bankruptcy. Police brutality. Officious officials. Depression. Its time to get even. Or at least get an explanation. Thats just what you get in Steven Greenhuts shocking Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions ...
New Study Examines the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops on the Environment
San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a new report examining the environmental and health concerns associated with genetically modified (GM) crops. The Way in Which We Produce Our Food, by Amy Kaleita, Ph.D., PRI senior fellow in environmental studies, concludes ...
The Way in Which We Produce Our Food
San Francisco–The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a new report examining the environmental and health concerns associated with genetically modified (GM) crops. The Way in Which We Produce Our Food, by Amy Kaleita, Ph.D., PRI senior fellow in environmental studies, concludes that genetically ...
Pork, water policy don’t mix
SACRAMENTO – Advocates for government “solutions” for everything from health care to education argue that some aspects of life are just so darn complicated that only a centralized authority with taxing and spending power can handle such matters. Yet whenever we look at those areas of life dominated by the ...
Solutions for California Water Woes
Last week, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called state legislators into a special session to hammer out the details of proposed water legislation. The proposal could include a bond measure of $9.4 billion or more, and would ideally address the highly contentious water allocations and restrictions in the San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta. ...
Cooling Down the Cassandras
Washington Post, October 1, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 1, 2009 ReporterNews (Abilene, TX), September 30, 2009 Plateau in Temperatures Adds Difficulty to Task Of Reaching a Solution — New York Times, Sept. 23 WASHINGTON — In this headline on a New York Times story about difficulties confronting people alarmed ...
Labor Day fix: cut taxes, spending, regulation
For Californians, this Labor Day may not be a cause for celebration. The federal government recently reported that the state’s unemployment rate reached 11.9 percent in July, its highest level in more than four decades. Many have blamed the ailing national economy for these dismal jobs numbers. Although there is ...
California as a Warning for America
Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...