
Business & Economics

Drowning In A VAT Of Taxes

The debate over a national sales tax, or valued-added tax, to tackle the country’s deficit and debt problems has intensified as we approach the fall election. Unfortunately the facts are becoming more obscure, and the narrow scope within which a VAT makes sense is being lost. This should be clarified–if ...
Business & Economics

A dishonest debate on VAT

The debate over a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT), to tackle the country’s deficit and debt problems is becoming fiercer as we approach the fall election. Unfortunately, the facts are becoming more obscure, and the narrow scope within which a VAT makes sense is being lost. This should ...
Business & Economics

Washington needs spending reform, not just tax reform

Washingtonians are struggling with unemployment and a sluggish economic recovery. In these conditions, it’s worth understanding how tax policies in Olympia are hurting a state the recession has hit particularly hard. Washington’s unemployment rate, which stood at 9.5 percent in March, has increased or remained the same every month since ...
Business & Economics

High taxes choke off jobs for Rhode Islanders

Rhode Island is still struggling with unemployment, a sluggish economic recovery, and increasing worker anxiety. It’s worthwhile to understand how tax policies generated on Smith Hill are hurting a state the recession has hit particularly hard. At 12.7 percent unemployment, Rhode Island has the country’s third-highest rate. Equally disturbing is ...
Business & Economics


California’s tax system, comparisons with other states, and the path to reform in the Golden State San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to ...
Business & Economics

California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure

Read the PDF study San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to the newly released study, Taxifornia. It is the second study in the ...
Business & Economics

California’s tax tactics undermine prosperity

California’s bond rating is the country’s lowest. The state faces near unprecedented unemployment and underemployment. State government and most counties face deficits for the foreseeable future. The solution to this predicament, some Sacramento politicians believe, is more taxes. The underlying assumption of such an approach is that taxes don’t have ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
Business & Economics

Jon Coupal: Prop. 13 blameless for state crisis

When California voters approved Proposition 13 by a landslide in 1978, they launched a nationwide revolt for lower taxes. Critics now blame that revolt for our current fiscal crisis. That charge needs to be considered in the light of actual data about property taxes in California. Prop. 13 limits property ...
Business & Economics

Where’s That Inflation?

From September 2008 to September 2009, the Federal Reserve pumped an unprecedented $2 trillion into the financial system by buying Treasury bonds and assets from banks. According to most mainstream economists, such action should create a general increase in prices. Inflation is the result of more dollars chasing the same ...
Business & Economics

Drowning In A VAT Of Taxes

The debate over a national sales tax, or valued-added tax, to tackle the country’s deficit and debt problems has intensified as we approach the fall election. Unfortunately the facts are becoming more obscure, and the narrow scope within which a VAT makes sense is being lost. This should be clarified–if ...
Business & Economics

A dishonest debate on VAT

The debate over a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT), to tackle the country’s deficit and debt problems is becoming fiercer as we approach the fall election. Unfortunately, the facts are becoming more obscure, and the narrow scope within which a VAT makes sense is being lost. This should ...
Business & Economics

Washington needs spending reform, not just tax reform

Washingtonians are struggling with unemployment and a sluggish economic recovery. In these conditions, it’s worth understanding how tax policies in Olympia are hurting a state the recession has hit particularly hard. Washington’s unemployment rate, which stood at 9.5 percent in March, has increased or remained the same every month since ...
Business & Economics

High taxes choke off jobs for Rhode Islanders

Rhode Island is still struggling with unemployment, a sluggish economic recovery, and increasing worker anxiety. It’s worthwhile to understand how tax policies generated on Smith Hill are hurting a state the recession has hit particularly hard. At 12.7 percent unemployment, Rhode Island has the country’s third-highest rate. Equally disturbing is ...
Business & Economics


California’s tax system, comparisons with other states, and the path to reform in the Golden State San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to ...
Business & Economics

California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure

Read the PDF study San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to the newly released study, Taxifornia. It is the second study in the ...
Business & Economics

California’s tax tactics undermine prosperity

California’s bond rating is the country’s lowest. The state faces near unprecedented unemployment and underemployment. State government and most counties face deficits for the foreseeable future. The solution to this predicament, some Sacramento politicians believe, is more taxes. The underlying assumption of such an approach is that taxes don’t have ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
Business & Economics

Jon Coupal: Prop. 13 blameless for state crisis

When California voters approved Proposition 13 by a landslide in 1978, they launched a nationwide revolt for lower taxes. Critics now blame that revolt for our current fiscal crisis. That charge needs to be considered in the light of actual data about property taxes in California. Prop. 13 limits property ...
Business & Economics

Where’s That Inflation?

From September 2008 to September 2009, the Federal Reserve pumped an unprecedented $2 trillion into the financial system by buying Treasury bonds and assets from banks. According to most mainstream economists, such action should create a general increase in prices. Inflation is the result of more dollars chasing the same ...
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