
Business & Economics

The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30

The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the state’s economy. “The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Proposition 30” was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Address Patent Flaws or Face the Economic Consequences

The U.S. became the world’s largest economy, in part, because its policies supported innovation and entrepreneurship. From Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, U.S. entrepreneurs invented many of the innovations that drove the 20th century global economy, with patents playing an indispensable role in this innovation process — which may explain ...
Business & Economics

Governor should ground tax proposal

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...

Heed Your Libertarian Impulse, Gov. Brown

It’s time for Gov. Jerry Brown to release his inner libertarian. I know. This sounds nuts, or born of wishful thinking. The governor has spent his first months in office advocating more government spending and protecting the ravenous public-sector unions that helped elect him to office. But deep down – ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...
Business & Economics

Higher taxes will not make California a better state

Gov. Jerry Brown’s recent talk to the California State Association of Counties was more meandering and disjointed than usual, but the governor stuck to his talking points: Unless California voters approve tax extensions, they must get used to greatly diminished public services. Without at least the tax extensions, he said, ...
Business & Economics

Tax Freedom Day comes later in California

Californians sweating to complete tax returns by April 15 may be unaware that another milestone occurs the very next day. California’s Tax Freedom Day will arrive on April 16. This should trouble Californians for a number of reasons. For the nation as a whole, Tax Freedom Day arrives on April ...
Business & Economics

Carl’s Jr. chewed up by California

California has changed dramatically since 1941, when Carl and Margaret Karcher scraped together about 325 bucks to start a hot dog cart in Los Angeles – a precursor to a drive-through restaurant they opened in Anaheim and which grew into the Carl’s Jr. fast-food empire. The Karchers were household names ...
Business & Economics

Arthur Laffer in San Francisco

On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Business & Economics

“California Government Oversized”

Interview: PRI Research Director Jason Clemens San Francisco- California government can do more with fewer taxpayer dollars, according to a new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and ...
Business & Economics

The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30

The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the state’s economy. “The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Proposition 30” was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

Address Patent Flaws or Face the Economic Consequences

The U.S. became the world’s largest economy, in part, because its policies supported innovation and entrepreneurship. From Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, U.S. entrepreneurs invented many of the innovations that drove the 20th century global economy, with patents playing an indispensable role in this innovation process — which may explain ...
Business & Economics

Governor should ground tax proposal

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...

Heed Your Libertarian Impulse, Gov. Brown

It’s time for Gov. Jerry Brown to release his inner libertarian. I know. This sounds nuts, or born of wishful thinking. The governor has spent his first months in office advocating more government spending and protecting the ravenous public-sector unions that helped elect him to office. But deep down – ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...
Business & Economics

Higher taxes will not make California a better state

Gov. Jerry Brown’s recent talk to the California State Association of Counties was more meandering and disjointed than usual, but the governor stuck to his talking points: Unless California voters approve tax extensions, they must get used to greatly diminished public services. Without at least the tax extensions, he said, ...
Business & Economics

Tax Freedom Day comes later in California

Californians sweating to complete tax returns by April 15 may be unaware that another milestone occurs the very next day. California’s Tax Freedom Day will arrive on April 16. This should trouble Californians for a number of reasons. For the nation as a whole, Tax Freedom Day arrives on April ...
Business & Economics

Carl’s Jr. chewed up by California

California has changed dramatically since 1941, when Carl and Margaret Karcher scraped together about 325 bucks to start a hot dog cart in Los Angeles – a precursor to a drive-through restaurant they opened in Anaheim and which grew into the Carl’s Jr. fast-food empire. The Karchers were household names ...
Business & Economics

Arthur Laffer in San Francisco

On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Business & Economics

“California Government Oversized”

Interview: PRI Research Director Jason Clemens San Francisco- California government can do more with fewer taxpayer dollars, according to a new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and ...
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