School Choice

Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Summer 2020

DOWNLOAD THE PDF .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} Letter from the President These are stressful times for our nation. Americans have faced shelter-in-place orders that lasted weeks. ...

Racial preferences or school choice? How to improve education for non-white students

One of the most important questions in America today is how to improve the quality of education for underrepresented minorities so that they can succeed in life. Two huge political earthquakes offer two vastly different answers: racial preferences and school choice. In the first earthquake, the California Legislature voted to ...

Budget Trailer Bills Prove Once Again the “Devil is in the Details”

On Monday, Gov. Newsom announced via press release that he had signed the 2020-21 state budget. Naturally, much of the budget press coverage typically focuses on the debate between the Governor and the Legislature and the total state spending picture.  Often overlooked are the budget “trailer bills” – the policy ...

What We’re Watching – June 12

Tim Anaya – PRI Webinar on Data Privacy During COVID-19 Crisis In case you missed it yesterday, check our PRI’s webinar featuring an all-star panel discussing cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulation during the COVID-19 crisis. Evan Harris – American D-Day Paratroopers Recreate Normandy Jump 75 Years Later Last weekend was ...

What a Difference a State Makes: The Future of Charter Schools in California vs. Arizona

While Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-supermajority in the Legislature effectively eliminated most charter-school expansion in California, the charter school landscape is much different in neighboring Arizona. When Governor Newsom signed the anti-charter-school-expansion bill into law last year, his office said that new charter schools will likely not open in ...
Charter Schools

Education: PRI’s Second Annual Policy Conference

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s second annual policy conference in Sacramento.  The panel focuses on education.  As the attack over charter schools has increased, one false narrative is that they don’t serve the needs of special needs students. To the contrary, school choice options including charter ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s 2020 CA Ideas in Action Conference

PRI’s second annual “California Ideas in Action” conference was held a few weeks back.  This year’s conference featured PRI scholars, policy experts, and real life changemakers discussing how free market ideas can address the new decade’s major challenges in California – homelessness, the future of work, education, health care, and ...

What We’re Watching – Leap Year Edition

Tim Anaya – Happy Leap Day 2020 Saturday is Leap Day – the one time every four years when we actually observe the date February 29th.  This begs the question – what are you going to do with your extra day this year?  In this video, we learn the results ...

Larry Sand – Opportunities to Expand School Choice

Noted education reformer Larry Sand of the California Teachers Empowerment Network talks with PRI’s Lance Izumi about opportunities to expand school choice in California despite recent legislative setbacks last year targeting charter schools. They discuss a looming Supreme Court decision that could help more students utilize education freedom scholarships to ...
Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Summer 2020

DOWNLOAD THE PDF .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} Letter from the President These are stressful times for our nation. Americans have faced shelter-in-place orders that lasted weeks. ...

Racial preferences or school choice? How to improve education for non-white students

One of the most important questions in America today is how to improve the quality of education for underrepresented minorities so that they can succeed in life. Two huge political earthquakes offer two vastly different answers: racial preferences and school choice. In the first earthquake, the California Legislature voted to ...

Budget Trailer Bills Prove Once Again the “Devil is in the Details”

On Monday, Gov. Newsom announced via press release that he had signed the 2020-21 state budget. Naturally, much of the budget press coverage typically focuses on the debate between the Governor and the Legislature and the total state spending picture.  Often overlooked are the budget “trailer bills” – the policy ...

What We’re Watching – June 12

Tim Anaya – PRI Webinar on Data Privacy During COVID-19 Crisis In case you missed it yesterday, check our PRI’s webinar featuring an all-star panel discussing cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulation during the COVID-19 crisis. Evan Harris – American D-Day Paratroopers Recreate Normandy Jump 75 Years Later Last weekend was ...

What a Difference a State Makes: The Future of Charter Schools in California vs. Arizona

While Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-supermajority in the Legislature effectively eliminated most charter-school expansion in California, the charter school landscape is much different in neighboring Arizona. When Governor Newsom signed the anti-charter-school-expansion bill into law last year, his office said that new charter schools will likely not open in ...
Charter Schools

Education: PRI’s Second Annual Policy Conference

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s second annual policy conference in Sacramento.  The panel focuses on education.  As the attack over charter schools has increased, one false narrative is that they don’t serve the needs of special needs students. To the contrary, school choice options including charter ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s 2020 CA Ideas in Action Conference

PRI’s second annual “California Ideas in Action” conference was held a few weeks back.  This year’s conference featured PRI scholars, policy experts, and real life changemakers discussing how free market ideas can address the new decade’s major challenges in California – homelessness, the future of work, education, health care, and ...

What We’re Watching – Leap Year Edition

Tim Anaya – Happy Leap Day 2020 Saturday is Leap Day – the one time every four years when we actually observe the date February 29th.  This begs the question – what are you going to do with your extra day this year?  In this video, we learn the results ...

Larry Sand – Opportunities to Expand School Choice

Noted education reformer Larry Sand of the California Teachers Empowerment Network talks with PRI’s Lance Izumi about opportunities to expand school choice in California despite recent legislative setbacks last year targeting charter schools. They discuss a looming Supreme Court decision that could help more students utilize education freedom scholarships to ...
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