School Choice


Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...

New K-12 Ethnic Studies Opens the Door to Classroom Politicization

Fresh on the heels of his student vaccination mandate, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a requirement that all California high school students take a course in ethnic studies.  Despite window-dressing language meant to reassure the public that these courses do not promote bias or bigotry, the reality is ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi Quoted in New York Post on Education, Newsom Recall

6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday By Deroy Murdock There are 6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday. That’s the number of K-12 students who largely are ill-served by the Golden State’s Democratic governor. California once boasted America’s finest government classrooms. ...

Corey DeAngelis – School Choice and Covid-19

PRI’s podcast guest this week is Corey DeAngelis, executive director of the Educational Freedom Institute, director of research for the National Federation for Children, and a fellow at the Cato Institute and the Reason Foundation. He is interviewed by PRI’s director of the Young Leaders Circle, Evan Harris. They discuss ...

EdChoice Interviews Lance Izumi on School Choice, Education

The EdChoice “Big Ideas” podcast interviewed Lance Izumi, senior director for the Center for Education at Pacific Research Institute, about his recent book A Kite in the Hurricane No More. Lance talks about Mia Giordano, a co-author and focus of the book, which chronicles Mia’s experiences trying to navigate school with ...

In Advance of Recall Election, New PRI Book Offers Realistic Path to Saving California

Experts Offer Market-Based Solutions on Issues from Health Care to the Economy SACRAMENTO – With the September 14 recall on the horizon, the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released Saving California, a new book offering realistic, market-based reforms to 10 of the state’s major policy challenges. The authors are current ...

Newsom’s Savings Account for Students Needs to Be at the Front End, Not at the Back

In his recently released revised budget, Governor Gavin Newsom put forward a group of proposals to “Re-Imagine California’s Public Schools.”  Sadly, most of these proposals will do little to raise student achievement in a public school system that was failing to do so even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps the ...
Charter Schools

EdChoice “Big Ideas” Podcast Interviews Lance Izumi on School Choice

Lance Izumi joined the EdChoice Chats “Big Ideas” podcast to talk about one of his recent books, “Choosing Diversity: How Charter Schools Promote Diverse Learning Models and Meet the Diverse Needs of Parents and Children.” Lance also explains common misunderstandings about charter schools, breaks down the different types of charter ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Spring 2021

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President The dawn of the Biden-Harris Administration has ushered in a new, progressive era.  All who believe in freedom, opportunity, and limited government are concerned about the administration’s plans for new government programs and its opposition topro-growth, market-driven solutions to our nation’s challenges. ...
Charter Schools

Why African-American Parents Are Seeking Greater School Choice

With the close of Black History Month, it is the perfect time to examine how the public school system has often poorly served African-American children and why a large proportion of African-American parents support school choice. Data shows that the regular public schools are failing to meet the education needs ...

Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...

New K-12 Ethnic Studies Opens the Door to Classroom Politicization

Fresh on the heels of his student vaccination mandate, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a requirement that all California high school students take a course in ethnic studies.  Despite window-dressing language meant to reassure the public that these courses do not promote bias or bigotry, the reality is ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi Quoted in New York Post on Education, Newsom Recall

6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday By Deroy Murdock There are 6,163,001 reasons for California voters to recall Gavin Newsom on Tuesday. That’s the number of K-12 students who largely are ill-served by the Golden State’s Democratic governor. California once boasted America’s finest government classrooms. ...

Corey DeAngelis – School Choice and Covid-19

PRI’s podcast guest this week is Corey DeAngelis, executive director of the Educational Freedom Institute, director of research for the National Federation for Children, and a fellow at the Cato Institute and the Reason Foundation. He is interviewed by PRI’s director of the Young Leaders Circle, Evan Harris. They discuss ...

EdChoice Interviews Lance Izumi on School Choice, Education

The EdChoice “Big Ideas” podcast interviewed Lance Izumi, senior director for the Center for Education at Pacific Research Institute, about his recent book A Kite in the Hurricane No More. Lance talks about Mia Giordano, a co-author and focus of the book, which chronicles Mia’s experiences trying to navigate school with ...

In Advance of Recall Election, New PRI Book Offers Realistic Path to Saving California

Experts Offer Market-Based Solutions on Issues from Health Care to the Economy SACRAMENTO – With the September 14 recall on the horizon, the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released Saving California, a new book offering realistic, market-based reforms to 10 of the state’s major policy challenges. The authors are current ...

Newsom’s Savings Account for Students Needs to Be at the Front End, Not at the Back

In his recently released revised budget, Governor Gavin Newsom put forward a group of proposals to “Re-Imagine California’s Public Schools.”  Sadly, most of these proposals will do little to raise student achievement in a public school system that was failing to do so even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps the ...
Charter Schools

EdChoice “Big Ideas” Podcast Interviews Lance Izumi on School Choice

Lance Izumi joined the EdChoice Chats “Big Ideas” podcast to talk about one of his recent books, “Choosing Diversity: How Charter Schools Promote Diverse Learning Models and Meet the Diverse Needs of Parents and Children.” Lance also explains common misunderstandings about charter schools, breaks down the different types of charter ...
Energy Costs

Impact Magazine – Spring 2021

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President The dawn of the Biden-Harris Administration has ushered in a new, progressive era.  All who believe in freedom, opportunity, and limited government are concerned about the administration’s plans for new government programs and its opposition topro-growth, market-driven solutions to our nation’s challenges. ...
Charter Schools

Why African-American Parents Are Seeking Greater School Choice

With the close of Black History Month, it is the perfect time to examine how the public school system has often poorly served African-American children and why a large proportion of African-American parents support school choice. Data shows that the regular public schools are failing to meet the education needs ...
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