School Choice


Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice

he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

Competition, Not Control, Will Improve Schools

Freedom Politics, July 30, 2009 U.S. Rep. John P. Kline, Minnesota Republican recently gained the ranking minority slot on the House Education and Labor Committee, a signal that Republicans are re-thinking their support for federal education activism in favor of local control, their old-time religion. The GOP should remember that ...

School Choice Would Satisfy Hunger for Change

Since 2000 education funding has increase 49 percent, and student performance has yet to see improvements. However, Secretary Duncan stated, “America urgently needs to elevate the quality of K-12 schooling and boost college graduation rates, not simply to propel the economic recovery but also because students need stronger skills to ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...

Are You Smarter than a Fourteen-Year-Old?

Among the 32 countries participating in the latest Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. led in teaching hours per public school year – 1,080 – compared with an international average of 803. American schools also spend significantly more than their international counterparts (p. 265). What international achievement leaders ...

The Teacher Unions’ War Against Military Families

The Senate Armed Services Committee is considering a proposal to provide military families with tuition vouchers. The idea enjoys support in the military but the National Education Association (NEA) has mounted an attack in a letter to the Committee, part of its ongoing battle against educational choice. Both the NEA ...

Why Not Expand Successful G.I. Bill Concept to K-12?

AM1440 KINF – The Andy Caldwell Show (Santa Maria/Lompoc, CA) June 24, 2009 Independent Women’s Forum, June 24, 2009 Human Events, June 18, 2009 This week marks the 65th anniversary of the Servicemembers’ Readjustment Act of 1944, today known as known as the Montgomery G.I. Bill of Rights. By putting ...

Diplomas Count…If You Can Get Them

Women’s Independent Forum, June 16, 2009 This post was co-authored by Evelyn B. Stacey, Education Studies Policy Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute in Sacramento, California. Education Week just released its annual “Diplomas Count ” report. It found that nearly 31 percent of students ended up without a high school ...

Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice

he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...

Save the D.C. 216

A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...

What Do School Tests Measure?

The New York Times, August 4, 2009 According to a New York Times analysis, New York City students have steadily improved their performance on statewide tests since Mayor Michael Bloomberg took control of the public schools seven years ago. While statewide passing rates on the tests have risen in every ...

Competition, Not Control, Will Improve Schools

Freedom Politics, July 30, 2009 U.S. Rep. John P. Kline, Minnesota Republican recently gained the ranking minority slot on the House Education and Labor Committee, a signal that Republicans are re-thinking their support for federal education activism in favor of local control, their old-time religion. The GOP should remember that ...

School Choice Would Satisfy Hunger for Change

Since 2000 education funding has increase 49 percent, and student performance has yet to see improvements. However, Secretary Duncan stated, “America urgently needs to elevate the quality of K-12 schooling and boost college graduation rates, not simply to propel the economic recovery but also because students need stronger skills to ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...

Are You Smarter than a Fourteen-Year-Old?

Among the 32 countries participating in the latest Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. led in teaching hours per public school year – 1,080 – compared with an international average of 803. American schools also spend significantly more than their international counterparts (p. 265). What international achievement leaders ...

The Teacher Unions’ War Against Military Families

The Senate Armed Services Committee is considering a proposal to provide military families with tuition vouchers. The idea enjoys support in the military but the National Education Association (NEA) has mounted an attack in a letter to the Committee, part of its ongoing battle against educational choice. Both the NEA ...

Why Not Expand Successful G.I. Bill Concept to K-12?

AM1440 KINF – The Andy Caldwell Show (Santa Maria/Lompoc, CA) June 24, 2009 Independent Women’s Forum, June 24, 2009 Human Events, June 18, 2009 This week marks the 65th anniversary of the Servicemembers’ Readjustment Act of 1944, today known as known as the Montgomery G.I. Bill of Rights. By putting ...

Diplomas Count…If You Can Get Them

Women’s Independent Forum, June 16, 2009 This post was co-authored by Evelyn B. Stacey, Education Studies Policy Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute in Sacramento, California. Education Week just released its annual “Diplomas Count ” report. It found that nearly 31 percent of students ended up without a high school ...
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