School Choice
Suburban Fort Worth schools underperform
Are the Texas public schools that serve many middle-class children performing well? Lots of parents think so. But many of these schools are not as good as they think. Thats according to a new study from the Pacific Research Institute, which analyzed school performance in Texas using a number of ...
Lance T. izumi
November 12, 2014
Peoria County Schools: Not As Good As Parents Think
Are the Illinois public schools that serve many middle-class children performing well? Their parents may think so. But many of these schools are not as good as they think. Thats according to a new study from the Pacific Research Institute, which analyzed school performance in Illinois, including Peoria County, using ...
Lance T. izumi
August 7, 2014
Where’s Weyermuller: Is School Choice the Answer?
“Not as good as you think” is the title of an extensive Illinois education study released this week in Chicago. The subtitle is: “Why Middle Class Parents In Illinois should be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools.” The author Lance Izumi introduced the 152 page study at a breakfast sponsored ...
Lance T. izumi
June 11, 2014
Killing fair play for charter schools
Recently, the enemies of school choice won a significant victory. A small, but very important, amendment to the California Education Code, Assembly Bill 2225 by Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, died in the Assembly education committee voted down by Democrats in a party-line vote. This bill merely said that ...
Lance Izumi
June 9, 2014
Suburban Schools Not Actually That Good, Studies Find
The schools middle-class families send their kids to arent as good as parents think, say two recently released studies from different sources. A national study released in May found that U.S. students whose parents have college degrees perform worse than peers from comparable families in other countries. In the United ...
Joy Pullman
May 29, 2014
Obama the populist?
From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...
Lance T. izumi
February 11, 2014
Missed opportunity for school choice
On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...
Lance T. izumi
January 20, 2014
A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning
Governor Jerry Browns new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...
Lance Izumi
January 14, 2014
Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy
SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldnt be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report A Nation at Risk. Using a ...
Lance T. izumi
May 6, 2013
Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California
The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...
Lance Izumi
January 29, 2013
Suburban Fort Worth schools underperform
Are the Texas public schools that serve many middle-class children performing well? Lots of parents think so. But many of these schools are not as good as they think. Thats according to a new study from the Pacific Research Institute, which analyzed school performance in Texas using a number of ...
Peoria County Schools: Not As Good As Parents Think
Are the Illinois public schools that serve many middle-class children performing well? Their parents may think so. But many of these schools are not as good as they think. Thats according to a new study from the Pacific Research Institute, which analyzed school performance in Illinois, including Peoria County, using ...
Where’s Weyermuller: Is School Choice the Answer?
“Not as good as you think” is the title of an extensive Illinois education study released this week in Chicago. The subtitle is: “Why Middle Class Parents In Illinois should be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools.” The author Lance Izumi introduced the 152 page study at a breakfast sponsored ...
Killing fair play for charter schools
Recently, the enemies of school choice won a significant victory. A small, but very important, amendment to the California Education Code, Assembly Bill 2225 by Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, died in the Assembly education committee voted down by Democrats in a party-line vote. This bill merely said that ...
Suburban Schools Not Actually That Good, Studies Find
The schools middle-class families send their kids to arent as good as parents think, say two recently released studies from different sources. A national study released in May found that U.S. students whose parents have college degrees perform worse than peers from comparable families in other countries. In the United ...
Obama the populist?
From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...
Missed opportunity for school choice
On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...
A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning
Governor Jerry Browns new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...
Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy
SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldnt be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report A Nation at Risk. Using a ...
Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California
The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...