School Choice
Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda
Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...
Lance Izumi
April 25, 2017
Neil Gorsuch Could Help Religious Schools Get Public Funding
Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, is known for his commitment to religious freedom and preventing government from discriminating against religious organizations and individuals. If confirmed, the new justice could help sway a case that could be a landmark in American education, paving the way for public funds to ...
Lance Izumi
February 10, 2017
PRI Observes National School Choice Week At State Capitol
Watch State Senator Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, present a Senate Member’s Resolution on National School Choice Week to PRI’s Lance Izumi at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Sen. Gaines talks with Lance about the importance of school choice in his own children’s upbringing.
Pacific Research Institute
January 26, 2017
A Choice For Kids With No Options Left
January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Lance Izumi
January 26, 2017
Common Core
Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week
Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...
Lance Izumi
January 24, 2017
Charter Schools
Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices
During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...
Lance Izumi
January 11, 2017
Biased Classroom Politics: Reason For School Choice
During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...
Lance Izumi
January 11, 2017
Charter Schools
Donald Trump Says He Will Be “Biggest Cheerleader” for School Choice
Republican nominee Donald Trump says that, if elected president, he will make school choice the center of his education plan and will use $20 billion to establish a block grant to fund school choice for children living in low-income areas. Public schools are “our government-run monopoly” that has “trapped millions ...
Lance Izumi
September 15, 2016
#Charterswork School: Profile Clayton Valley Charter High School
Clayton Valley Charter High School (CVCHS) is an exemplar of how charter school conversion can rejuvenate a suffering public school. Founded in 1958 as Clayton Valley High School, it served part of Concord and nearby Clayton as a traditional public high school for more than 50 years. The idea to ...
Jenna Zendarski
August 4, 2016
Donald Trump Jr. Hits Home Run On Education
The politically motivated scramble of liberal “gotcha” journalists to accuse Donald Trump Jr. of cribbing verbiage in his convention speech, which subsequently exploded in their collective faces, unfortunately obscured Mr. Trump’s incisive points on the deplorable state of government-run education and the need to empower parents. In his speech, Mr. ...
Lance T. izumi
July 21, 2016
Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda
Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...
Neil Gorsuch Could Help Religious Schools Get Public Funding
Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, is known for his commitment to religious freedom and preventing government from discriminating against religious organizations and individuals. If confirmed, the new justice could help sway a case that could be a landmark in American education, paving the way for public funds to ...
PRI Observes National School Choice Week At State Capitol
Watch State Senator Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, present a Senate Member’s Resolution on National School Choice Week to PRI’s Lance Izumi at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Sen. Gaines talks with Lance about the importance of school choice in his own children’s upbringing.
A Choice For Kids With No Options Left
January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...
Capital Ideas: Lots Of Reasons To Celebrate National School Choice Week
Download the Brief This week marks National School Choice Week (NSCW) and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. NSCW comes at perfect time given recent news about student performance and politics in the classroom. In December, scores for the 2015 ...
Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices
During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...
Biased Classroom Politics: Reason For School Choice
During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...
Donald Trump Says He Will Be “Biggest Cheerleader” for School Choice
Republican nominee Donald Trump says that, if elected president, he will make school choice the center of his education plan and will use $20 billion to establish a block grant to fund school choice for children living in low-income areas. Public schools are “our government-run monopoly” that has “trapped millions ...
#Charterswork School: Profile Clayton Valley Charter High School
Clayton Valley Charter High School (CVCHS) is an exemplar of how charter school conversion can rejuvenate a suffering public school. Founded in 1958 as Clayton Valley High School, it served part of Concord and nearby Clayton as a traditional public high school for more than 50 years. The idea to ...
Donald Trump Jr. Hits Home Run On Education
The politically motivated scramble of liberal “gotcha” journalists to accuse Donald Trump Jr. of cribbing verbiage in his convention speech, which subsequently exploded in their collective faces, unfortunately obscured Mr. Trump’s incisive points on the deplorable state of government-run education and the need to empower parents. In his speech, Mr. ...