School Choice
Listen to Lance Izumi on AM 1380, The Answer
Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi’s recent interview with Katy Grimes on “The Phil Cowan Show” on AM 1380, The Answer in Sacramento. Lance and Katy discuss school choice and Lance’s new book, The Corrupt Classroom. Lance’s interview starts at the 1:35 mark.
Pacific Research Institute
October 4, 2017
New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom
In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...
Ali Meyer
October 2, 2017
Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence
America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...
Lance Izumi
September 8, 2017
Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends
Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...
Lance Izumi
September 7, 2017
Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom
NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...
Lance T. izumi
August 8, 2017
The Corrupt Classroom with Lance Izumi
Lance Izumi talks about his new book The Corrupt Classroom, revealing how bias, indoctrination, violence, and social engineering show why America needs school choice.
Pacific Research Institute
July 25, 2017
The Corrupt Classroom Bias Indoctrination Violence And Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice
Click here to buy your copy of “The Corrupt Classroom” on As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: Politicized Teachers: In 2016, ...
Lance Izumi
July 20, 2017
The Corrupt Classroom
[podcast src=”” height=”360″ width=”100%”] As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice.
Lance Izumi
June 2, 2017
LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools
Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...
Lance Izumi
May 30, 2017
Even Blue California Warms To School Choice
A new poll by the respected Public Policy Institute of California found that a large majority of Californians support school-choice vouchers, which would grant parents public funding to pay for private-school tuition for their children. While that finding may seem shocking in blue California, that shock quickly dissipates given the ...
Lance Izumi
May 3, 2017
Listen to Lance Izumi on AM 1380, The Answer
Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi’s recent interview with Katy Grimes on “The Phil Cowan Show” on AM 1380, The Answer in Sacramento. Lance and Katy discuss school choice and Lance’s new book, The Corrupt Classroom. Lance’s interview starts at the 1:35 mark.
New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom
In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...
Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence
America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...
Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends
Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...
Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom
NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...
The Corrupt Classroom with Lance Izumi
Lance Izumi talks about his new book The Corrupt Classroom, revealing how bias, indoctrination, violence, and social engineering show why America needs school choice.
The Corrupt Classroom Bias Indoctrination Violence And Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice
Click here to buy your copy of “The Corrupt Classroom” on As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: Politicized Teachers: In 2016, ...
The Corrupt Classroom
[podcast src=”” height=”360″ width=”100%”] As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged. Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice.
LAUSD Election, New Data Provide Momentum For Charter Schools
Los Angeles Unified recently experienced a huge earthquake – a political seismic shift – when school board candidates supportive of charter schools defeated incumbents backed by the powerful local teachers union. And in a one-two punch, new research shows that charter schools are improving the achievement of the predominantly minority ...
Even Blue California Warms To School Choice
A new poll by the respected Public Policy Institute of California found that a large majority of Californians support school-choice vouchers, which would grant parents public funding to pay for private-school tuition for their children. While that finding may seem shocking in blue California, that shock quickly dissipates given the ...