

Candy Anyone?

Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) I admit I am not completely done trolling the new Innisbrook holiday gift ...

Skelton previews the crock that he, the gov and Dems will push relentlessly in next budget fight

This has been a breakthrough week when it comes to math and reality at the Sacramento bureau of the L.A. Times. Evan Halper actually wrote a story that noted the compromise budget slightly increased spending instead of continuing his career-long, grossly misleading practice of describing a cut in a projected ...

On Obama: Why the Democratic Candidate Is Wrong to Blindly Throw Money Into Schools

In this installment of Education Watch, Bruce Fuller and Lance T. Izumi discuss Barack Obama’s latest school proposals. Go to Mr. Fuller’s post. Lance T. Izumi, a senior fellow in California studies and the senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, is the co-author ...

Since tonight’s debate won’t talk education…

Since tonight’s debate won’t talk education… …I will. It’s a safe bet that education won’t be a big part of tonight’s presidential debate, so if you need to ponder what an McCain or Obama administration should or could do, two NY Times blog entries from earlier this week have some ...

McCain, Obama Spar on Education

The campaigns of Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama engaged in a sharp and testy exchange on education last week, making the topic the center of debate for the first time since the long race for the presidency began. Neither candidate changed course on the policies he is promising ...

Do the Math – Or Let Parents Pick a School That Will

Last summer, when the California State Board of Education unveiled a plan to require all 8th graders to take algebra by 2011, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell opposed the move. That stance might strike parents as odd but California educrats have been fighting higher standards in math for ...

How the Right and Left Fight – An Example of our Divisiveness

Below is a demonstration of how we debate issues in America. In the opening paragraphs of the first editorial, the author sets up a concise summary of the issue to be supported. In the opening paragraph in support of an opposing view: a zinger. Lets be very frank, shall we? ...

The Rantings of a P.T.A. Mom

Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) As usual, Bruce Fuller and Lance Izumi , my fellow Education Watch contributors, ...

On the Republican Convention: McCain Is Right About School Vouchers

In this installment of Education Watch, Bruce Fuller and Lance T. Izumi discuss John McCain’s view on education, particularly school vouchers. Go to Mr. Fuller’s post. Lance T. Izumi, a senior fellow in California studies and the senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, ...

Court reconnects with reality in homeschool reversal

SACRAMENTO — Earlier this year, California’s 2nd District Court of Appeal shocked parents and lawmakers by effectively banning the homeschooling of children. In my column “Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision,” I pointed out that the court had ignored a longtime state practice that gave approval to ...

Candy Anyone?

Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) I admit I am not completely done trolling the new Innisbrook holiday gift ...

Skelton previews the crock that he, the gov and Dems will push relentlessly in next budget fight

This has been a breakthrough week when it comes to math and reality at the Sacramento bureau of the L.A. Times. Evan Halper actually wrote a story that noted the compromise budget slightly increased spending instead of continuing his career-long, grossly misleading practice of describing a cut in a projected ...

On Obama: Why the Democratic Candidate Is Wrong to Blindly Throw Money Into Schools

In this installment of Education Watch, Bruce Fuller and Lance T. Izumi discuss Barack Obama’s latest school proposals. Go to Mr. Fuller’s post. Lance T. Izumi, a senior fellow in California studies and the senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, is the co-author ...

Since tonight’s debate won’t talk education…

Since tonight’s debate won’t talk education… …I will. It’s a safe bet that education won’t be a big part of tonight’s presidential debate, so if you need to ponder what an McCain or Obama administration should or could do, two NY Times blog entries from earlier this week have some ...

McCain, Obama Spar on Education

The campaigns of Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama engaged in a sharp and testy exchange on education last week, making the topic the center of debate for the first time since the long race for the presidency began. Neither candidate changed course on the policies he is promising ...

Do the Math – Or Let Parents Pick a School That Will

Last summer, when the California State Board of Education unveiled a plan to require all 8th graders to take algebra by 2011, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell opposed the move. That stance might strike parents as odd but California educrats have been fighting higher standards in math for ...

How the Right and Left Fight – An Example of our Divisiveness

Below is a demonstration of how we debate issues in America. In the opening paragraphs of the first editorial, the author sets up a concise summary of the issue to be supported. In the opening paragraph in support of an opposing view: a zinger. Lets be very frank, shall we? ...

The Rantings of a P.T.A. Mom

Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) As usual, Bruce Fuller and Lance Izumi , my fellow Education Watch contributors, ...

On the Republican Convention: McCain Is Right About School Vouchers

In this installment of Education Watch, Bruce Fuller and Lance T. Izumi discuss John McCain’s view on education, particularly school vouchers. Go to Mr. Fuller’s post. Lance T. Izumi, a senior fellow in California studies and the senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, ...

Court reconnects with reality in homeschool reversal

SACRAMENTO — Earlier this year, California’s 2nd District Court of Appeal shocked parents and lawmakers by effectively banning the homeschooling of children. In my column “Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision,” I pointed out that the court had ignored a longtime state practice that gave approval to ...
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