Business & Economics
UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute
Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Kevin Dayton
August 30, 2009
Star Data Dump: How is This Useful to Parents?
This week the California Standardized Test results have been released, and according to the California Department of Education, “far too many students are not meeting proficiency. They are making gains but the [achievement] gap remains.” The STAR testing program is California’s state assessment required by the No Child Left Behind ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
August 21, 2009
D.C. Parents for School Choice Demands Answers from Obama Administration
Independent Women’s Forum, August 21, 2009 School will start in the nation’s capital in just two weeks, but 216 D.C. schoolchildren still don’t know where they’ll be going because Education Secretary Arne Duncan rescinded their Opportunity Scholarships. And, in spite of promises to do whatever works in education, the Obama ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 21, 2009
Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice
he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 21, 2009
Will “Race to the Top” Money Talk Loud Enough to Drown Out Union Complaints?
On July 24, President Obama laid out a plan for incentive-based education reform in a speech at the United States Department of Education. The incentives come in the form of $4 billion in federal “Race to the Top” money up for grabs by schools as part of his Economic Recovery ...
Rachel Chaney
August 19, 2009
Money doesn’t give the whole picture in evaluating schools
Reason Foundation, August 17, 2009 Flash Report, August 17, 2009 UCLA Education News Roundup, August 20, 2009 California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact that the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 17, 2009
Back to School: Higher miseducation
Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...
State Senator Roy Dyson (D-29th)
August 14, 2009
‘Housed’ Teacher System Needs to be Overhauled
THE Los Angeles Unified School District has been given permission to fire Matthew Kim, a disabled special education teacher who has not worked for seven years while drawing his full salary and benefits. Kim’s case shows the need for district reform, but it’s hardly alone in that regard. Kim was ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
August 13, 2009
Down but Not Out in D.C.: Bi-Partisan, Bi-Cameral Efforts to Continue the Opportunity Scholarship Program
This Policy Brief was co-authored by Evelyn B. Stacey, Education Studies Policy Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute in Sacramento, California. Executive Summary This June, dozens of students who had used D.C. Opportunity Scholarships graduated from their chosen private high schools. “We stand as examples of just how successful this ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 13, 2009
Save the D.C. 216
A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...
Vicki E. Murray
August 12, 2009
UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute
Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Star Data Dump: How is This Useful to Parents?
This week the California Standardized Test results have been released, and according to the California Department of Education, “far too many students are not meeting proficiency. They are making gains but the [achievement] gap remains.” The STAR testing program is California’s state assessment required by the No Child Left Behind ...
D.C. Parents for School Choice Demands Answers from Obama Administration
Independent Women’s Forum, August 21, 2009 School will start in the nation’s capital in just two weeks, but 216 D.C. schoolchildren still don’t know where they’ll be going because Education Secretary Arne Duncan rescinded their Opportunity Scholarships. And, in spite of promises to do whatever works in education, the Obama ...
Making Digital Textbooks a New Chapter in School Choice
he digital books are standards-aligned and may be viewed on a big screen or a computer, downloaded, or printed for classroom use so schools can take advantage of them using existing hardware – even if they do not have laptops for students. This week the Governor released the results from ...
Will “Race to the Top” Money Talk Loud Enough to Drown Out Union Complaints?
On July 24, President Obama laid out a plan for incentive-based education reform in a speech at the United States Department of Education. The incentives come in the form of $4 billion in federal “Race to the Top” money up for grabs by schools as part of his Economic Recovery ...
Money doesn’t give the whole picture in evaluating schools
Reason Foundation, August 17, 2009 Flash Report, August 17, 2009 UCLA Education News Roundup, August 20, 2009 California’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now mounting over the impact that the state’s budget deficit will have on education funding. The California Teachers Association, along with state Superintendent of Public ...
Back to School: Higher miseducation
Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...
‘Housed’ Teacher System Needs to be Overhauled
THE Los Angeles Unified School District has been given permission to fire Matthew Kim, a disabled special education teacher who has not worked for seven years while drawing his full salary and benefits. Kim’s case shows the need for district reform, but it’s hardly alone in that regard. Kim was ...
Down but Not Out in D.C.: Bi-Partisan, Bi-Cameral Efforts to Continue the Opportunity Scholarship Program
This Policy Brief was co-authored by Evelyn B. Stacey, Education Studies Policy Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute in Sacramento, California. Executive Summary This June, dozens of students who had used D.C. Opportunity Scholarships graduated from their chosen private high schools. “We stand as examples of just how successful this ...
Save the D.C. 216
A new campaign from D.C. Parents for School Choice called SaveThe216 launched today calls that a “slap in the face.” As one scholarship mother asks, “Congressmen and people in the [Obama] Administration get to choose the best school for their kids, why can’t I?” Despite efforts by Education Secretary Duncan ...