Fostering Opportunity and Improving Achievement: The Benefits of a Foster-Care Scholarship Program in California
Fostering Opportunity and Improving Achievement: The Benefits of a Foster-Care Scholarship Program in California, by Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D., PRI associate director of Education Studies, and Evelyn B. Stacey, policy fellow, finds that adopting a Florida-style foster-care scholarship program in California would have no negative impact to state and public-school ...
Vicki E. Murray
June 30, 2010
Making the Pieces Fit
New Study Finds Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform —Would Benefit Students, Public Schools, and the State— San Francisco— Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based public policy think tank, released a policy brief on improving education opportunities for foster-care children in California. Fostering Opportunity ...
Vicki E. Murray
June 30, 2010
Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works
Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works By Evelyn Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies SACRAMENTO—In the first round of Race to the Top (RTTT), California placed 27th out of 41 states that applied and failed to gain a one-time federal grant. Now California is trying again in Phase ...
Evelyn B. Stacey
June 23, 2010
The Overton Window
Essentially, if you put policy options for a given area on a spectrum ranging from freest to least free, there is a very small window of options that will be considered politically feasible. That is, there are relatively few policy options a politician will support in order to garner public ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 21, 2010
The real lesson in Obama’s education policies
In a recent column, David Brooks, who fills the center-right slot on the New York Times opinion page, asserts that the Obama administration’s education agenda adheres to a “measured vision of a limited but energetic government.” Citing the president’s $4.5 billion Race to the Top (RTTT) education-funding program, Mr. Brooks ...
Lance T. izumi
June 17, 2010
Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform
Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform By Vicki Murray, associate director of Education Studies May was national Foster-Care Month, intended to raise awareness of a population among the most at-risk academically. The consensus of a recent statewide California Education Summit was that the Golden State does ...
Vicki E. Murray
June 9, 2010
Charter Schools
N.Y. Times misses the real lesson of charter schools
A recent lengthy New York Times article on charter schools, which are deregulated publicly funded schools of choice, came to the conclusion that the record of these schools was mixed, with some charters doing better than regular public schools, while others perform about the same or worse. That’s no surprise ...
Lance T. izumi
June 1, 2010
The Emperor’s New Clothes
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report: Weak National Standards Basis for Weak National Tests BOSTON/SAN FRANCISCO – A new report demonstrates that fundamental flaws within the Common Core State Standards Initiative’s push for national academic standards, especially the weak definition of college and career readiness, will result in sub-standard national assessments. ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 20, 2010
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report:
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report: Weak National Standards Basis for Weak National Tests BOSTON/SAN FRANCISCO – A new report demonstrates that fundamental flaws within the Common Core State Standards Initiative’s push for national academic standards, especially the weak definition of college and career readiness, will result in sub-standard national assessments. ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 20, 2010
Confederacy of Dunces–International Edition
Here’s one for the “You-Just-Can’t-Make-This-Stuff-Up” file. In a clever American Spectator column, Daniel Oliver takes aim at Congress, the European Union, the United Nations, in defense of equal educational opportunity for all. Oliver writes, In this contest, readers are asked to identify the bogus news item. All three items are ...
Vicki E. Murray
May 10, 2010
Fostering Opportunity and Improving Achievement: The Benefits of a Foster-Care Scholarship Program in California
Fostering Opportunity and Improving Achievement: The Benefits of a Foster-Care Scholarship Program in California, by Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D., PRI associate director of Education Studies, and Evelyn B. Stacey, policy fellow, finds that adopting a Florida-style foster-care scholarship program in California would have no negative impact to state and public-school ...
Making the Pieces Fit
New Study Finds Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform —Would Benefit Students, Public Schools, and the State— San Francisco— Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based public policy think tank, released a policy brief on improving education opportunities for foster-care children in California. Fostering Opportunity ...
Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works
Race to the Top Proves that Competition Works By Evelyn Stacey, policy fellow in Education Studies SACRAMENTO—In the first round of Race to the Top (RTTT), California placed 27th out of 41 states that applied and failed to gain a one-time federal grant. Now California is trying again in Phase ...
The Overton Window
Essentially, if you put policy options for a given area on a spectrum ranging from freest to least free, there is a very small window of options that will be considered politically feasible. That is, there are relatively few policy options a politician will support in order to garner public ...
The real lesson in Obama’s education policies
In a recent column, David Brooks, who fills the center-right slot on the New York Times opinion page, asserts that the Obama administration’s education agenda adheres to a “measured vision of a limited but energetic government.” Citing the president’s $4.5 billion Race to the Top (RTTT) education-funding program, Mr. Brooks ...
Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform
Foster-Care Scholarship Program is an Academically and Fiscally Responsible Reform By Vicki Murray, associate director of Education Studies May was national Foster-Care Month, intended to raise awareness of a population among the most at-risk academically. The consensus of a recent statewide California Education Summit was that the Golden State does ...
N.Y. Times misses the real lesson of charter schools
A recent lengthy New York Times article on charter schools, which are deregulated publicly funded schools of choice, came to the conclusion that the record of these schools was mixed, with some charters doing better than regular public schools, while others perform about the same or worse. That’s no surprise ...
The Emperor’s New Clothes
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report: Weak National Standards Basis for Weak National Tests BOSTON/SAN FRANCISCO – A new report demonstrates that fundamental flaws within the Common Core State Standards Initiative’s push for national academic standards, especially the weak definition of college and career readiness, will result in sub-standard national assessments. ...
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report:
New Pioneer/Pacific Research Institute Report: Weak National Standards Basis for Weak National Tests BOSTON/SAN FRANCISCO – A new report demonstrates that fundamental flaws within the Common Core State Standards Initiative’s push for national academic standards, especially the weak definition of college and career readiness, will result in sub-standard national assessments. ...
Confederacy of Dunces–International Edition
Here’s one for the “You-Just-Can’t-Make-This-Stuff-Up” file. In a clever American Spectator column, Daniel Oliver takes aim at Congress, the European Union, the United Nations, in defense of equal educational opportunity for all. Oliver writes, In this contest, readers are asked to identify the bogus news item. All three items are ...