Look for Alternatives to Tuition Hikes
Tuition at the University of California could be going up again. At the system’s recent Board of Regents meeting, reported the Contra Costa Times, “Administrators presented four budget scenarios … to help the Board of Regents plan future budgets. Under the rosiest scenario – which is unlikely, given the state’s ...
Vicki E. Murray
May 31, 2011
Teachers Unions using our kids as props to take home more pay
Last week teacher union activists descended upon the Capitol, but education reform was not on their agenda. The priority was lobbying legislators to vote in favor of Gov. Jerry Browns tax extensions and avoid a vote of the people on the tax increases. The activists also targeted two education reform ...
Katy Grimes
May 22, 2011
Unions say, ‘Shut up and pay us’
Yet another report confirms the enormous liabilities that California taxpayers must endure to pay for pensions for public employees. The study, released May 5 at a Pension Boot Camp for elected officials held near Sacramento by the reform group Californians for Fiscal Responsibility, echoed the points made by the watchdog ...
Steven Greenhut
May 13, 2011
Lesson from Wisconsin
As Wisconsin government-employee unions protested against Gov. Scott Walkers budget-balancing proposals, teachers union members walked out of class, depriving thousands of children of their right to an education.The teachers callous, selfish actions demonstrate the need to give parents the ability to bypass the unionized government-monopoly school system. Mr. Walker wants ...
Lance T. izumi
May 6, 2011
The book can be purchased online at here. To learn more or request an interview the author please contact Kelly Gorton at 415/955-6136. Thanks for listening!
Kelly Gorton
April 20, 2011
Military model works for students
President Barack Obama has highlighted the need to improve student achievement, and a recent report finds that U.S. military programs are doing just that. The report by the National Association of State Boards of Education notes that education officials are amazed at the militarys ability to take at-risk young people ...
Lance T. izumi
April 18, 2011
PRI’s Vicki Murray Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholding Arizona Scholarship Program
San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute’s Vicki Murray applauds the ruling issued Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court reversing the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn, a legal challenge aimed at ending Arizona’s tax credit scholarship program. A recent study by Vicki Murray, Education Studies Associate ...
Vicki E. Murray
April 6, 2011
Students blocked from attending better schools
On Wednesday the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act by a vote of 225 to 195. Last month a bipartisan coalition in Congress introduced the act reauthorizing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which bolsters a burgeoning choice movement nationwide. Powerful opponents, unfortunately, don’t want ...
Vicki E. Murray
April 4, 2011
Choice Foes, Including President Obama, Seek to Block DC Students from SOARing to Better Schools
Today the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act. Last month a strong bi-partisan coalition in Congress introduced the act reauthorizing the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program, which bolsters a burgeoning movement for education choice nationwide. Powerful opponents of school choice, ...
Vicki E. Murray
March 30, 2011
How to Raise the Status of Teachers
Supply and Demand Raising the status of teachers in America requires not only improvements on the teacher supply side, but also recognition of the parents’ preferences on the demand side. High quality usually equates to high status, so its unsurprising that a recent report on international education reforms cites Finland, ...
Lance T. izumi
March 27, 2011
Look for Alternatives to Tuition Hikes
Tuition at the University of California could be going up again. At the system’s recent Board of Regents meeting, reported the Contra Costa Times, “Administrators presented four budget scenarios … to help the Board of Regents plan future budgets. Under the rosiest scenario – which is unlikely, given the state’s ...
Teachers Unions using our kids as props to take home more pay
Last week teacher union activists descended upon the Capitol, but education reform was not on their agenda. The priority was lobbying legislators to vote in favor of Gov. Jerry Browns tax extensions and avoid a vote of the people on the tax increases. The activists also targeted two education reform ...
Unions say, ‘Shut up and pay us’
Yet another report confirms the enormous liabilities that California taxpayers must endure to pay for pensions for public employees. The study, released May 5 at a Pension Boot Camp for elected officials held near Sacramento by the reform group Californians for Fiscal Responsibility, echoed the points made by the watchdog ...
Lesson from Wisconsin
As Wisconsin government-employee unions protested against Gov. Scott Walkers budget-balancing proposals, teachers union members walked out of class, depriving thousands of children of their right to an education.The teachers callous, selfish actions demonstrate the need to give parents the ability to bypass the unionized government-monopoly school system. Mr. Walker wants ...
The book can be purchased online at here. To learn more or request an interview the author please contact Kelly Gorton at 415/955-6136. Thanks for listening!
Military model works for students
President Barack Obama has highlighted the need to improve student achievement, and a recent report finds that U.S. military programs are doing just that. The report by the National Association of State Boards of Education notes that education officials are amazed at the militarys ability to take at-risk young people ...
PRI’s Vicki Murray Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholding Arizona Scholarship Program
San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute’s Vicki Murray applauds the ruling issued Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court reversing the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn, a legal challenge aimed at ending Arizona’s tax credit scholarship program. A recent study by Vicki Murray, Education Studies Associate ...
Students blocked from attending better schools
On Wednesday the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act by a vote of 225 to 195. Last month a bipartisan coalition in Congress introduced the act reauthorizing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which bolsters a burgeoning choice movement nationwide. Powerful opponents, unfortunately, don’t want ...
Choice Foes, Including President Obama, Seek to Block DC Students from SOARing to Better Schools
Today the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act. Last month a strong bi-partisan coalition in Congress introduced the act reauthorizing the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program, which bolsters a burgeoning movement for education choice nationwide. Powerful opponents of school choice, ...
How to Raise the Status of Teachers
Supply and Demand Raising the status of teachers in America requires not only improvements on the teacher supply side, but also recognition of the parents’ preferences on the demand side. High quality usually equates to high status, so its unsurprising that a recent report on international education reforms cites Finland, ...