

Hope in child obesity fight

The recent report that obesity among preschoolers has dipped slightly is positive news for our communities. While we cheer the steps communities and families have taken to make children healthier, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Obesity in children ages 2-4 may be decreasing; however ...

Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy

SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldn’t be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report “A Nation at Risk.” Using a ...

Obama ‘Preschool For All’ Unlikely To Live Up To The Hype

An outline released by the White House contends that President Barack Obama’s universal preschool proposal will “improve quality and expand access to preschool” by, among other things, using federal funding incentives to require states “to meet quality benchmarks that are linked to better outcomes for children.” There is justifiable skepticism, ...

Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California

The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...

Next-Gen Education

The Pacific Research Institute is pleased to co-sponsor the study “Education Savings Accounts: A Path to Give All Children an Effective Education and Prepare Them for Life” by Jonathan Butcher, Education Director at the Goldwater Institute. Education savings accounts provide an innovative solution to children’s educational needs. Conceived by the ...

Next-Gen Education

San Francisco, CA December 12, 2012 – The Pacific Research Institute is pleased to co-sponsor the study “Education Savings Accounts: A Path to Give All Children an Effective Education and Prepare Them for Life” by Jonathan Butcher, Education Director at the Goldwater Institute. Education savings accounts provide an innovative solution ...

Audit Shows State Employee Posted Nearly 5,000 Comments While At Work

from the Sacramento Bee

Republican Rx: Parental Choice in Education

In the aftermath of Mitt Romney’s defeat, Republicans are scrambling to find a winning electoral formula. While the punditry class advises the GOP to cave in on immigration and social issues, the bigger and better opportunity for Republicans to increase their voter base and divide the Democrats would be to ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

Prop. 30 hikes taxes without fixing K-12 systemic flaws

As Gov. Jerry Brown scurries around the state to save Proposition 30, his ballot measure to increase state sales and income taxes, voters are expressing skepticism that the tax revenues raised by the initiative will be spent wisely. They have reason to worry because Prop. 30 includes no reform of ...

Hope in child obesity fight

The recent report that obesity among preschoolers has dipped slightly is positive news for our communities. While we cheer the steps communities and families have taken to make children healthier, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Obesity in children ages 2-4 may be decreasing; however ...

Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy

SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldn’t be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report “A Nation at Risk.” Using a ...

Obama ‘Preschool For All’ Unlikely To Live Up To The Hype

An outline released by the White House contends that President Barack Obama’s universal preschool proposal will “improve quality and expand access to preschool” by, among other things, using federal funding incentives to require states “to meet quality benchmarks that are linked to better outcomes for children.” There is justifiable skepticism, ...

Educational Impact of the Khan Academy and Provides Recommendations for Greater Adoption in California

The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report today highlighting the successes of the Khan Academy, including improved learning and significant cost savings. The report also discusses the bureaucratic obstacles that hold back its expansion in California and makes recommendations for removing ...

Next-Gen Education

The Pacific Research Institute is pleased to co-sponsor the study “Education Savings Accounts: A Path to Give All Children an Effective Education and Prepare Them for Life” by Jonathan Butcher, Education Director at the Goldwater Institute. Education savings accounts provide an innovative solution to children’s educational needs. Conceived by the ...

Next-Gen Education

San Francisco, CA December 12, 2012 – The Pacific Research Institute is pleased to co-sponsor the study “Education Savings Accounts: A Path to Give All Children an Effective Education and Prepare Them for Life” by Jonathan Butcher, Education Director at the Goldwater Institute. Education savings accounts provide an innovative solution ...

Audit Shows State Employee Posted Nearly 5,000 Comments While At Work

from the Sacramento Bee

Republican Rx: Parental Choice in Education

In the aftermath of Mitt Romney’s defeat, Republicans are scrambling to find a winning electoral formula. While the punditry class advises the GOP to cave in on immigration and social issues, the bigger and better opportunity for Republicans to increase their voter base and divide the Democrats would be to ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

Prop. 30 hikes taxes without fixing K-12 systemic flaws

As Gov. Jerry Brown scurries around the state to save Proposition 30, his ballot measure to increase state sales and income taxes, voters are expressing skepticism that the tax revenues raised by the initiative will be spent wisely. They have reason to worry because Prop. 30 includes no reform of ...
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