

Against The Evidence Obama And Liberal Media Push For More Government Preschool

In his State of the Union speech, Barack Obama made a renewed push for his Preschool for All plan, which would increase federal funding for government preschool programs. With congressional Democrats pushing legislation to implement the plan, the liberal media has dubbed universal government preschool as the new “in” thing ...

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Powerful testimony in trial on tenure

When the California Teachers Association flexed its muscles in 2012 and killed legislation to keep teacher-sexual predators out of the classroom, it looked like it would be impossible to reform the worst aspects of the state’s teacher employment practices. Now, however, a lawsuit brought on behalf of nine children could ...

Lance Izumi on the Teacher Tenure Lawsuit

Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute talks about the teacher tenure lawsuit in California. Listen to podcast here… Lance T. Izumi is president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the largest system of higher education in the nation with 2.8 million students. Mr. Izumi is ...

Missed opportunity for school choice

On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...

A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning

Governor Jerry Brown’s new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...

A Key Reason Why American Students Do Poorly

Although some young Americans graduate from high school with superb academic skills, a great many leave high school with pathetic abilities in crucial areas: reading, writing, basic math, and reasoning. One of the key reasons why that’s so is that many of their teachers are not very good themselves. Yes, ...
Common Core

Lance Izumi Podcast

Lance Izumi’s recent interview on Choice Media TV regarding the Common Core Standards, Governor Jerry Brown’s education decisions, and what’s next in education reform… Listen here…

Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control

Pacific Research Institute Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control San Francisco – A just-published study by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute and co-sponsored by the California-based Pacific Research Institute, the American Principles Project and the Civitas Institute concludes that the Common ...

Against The Evidence Obama And Liberal Media Push For More Government Preschool

In his State of the Union speech, Barack Obama made a renewed push for his Preschool for All plan, which would increase federal funding for government preschool programs. With congressional Democrats pushing legislation to implement the plan, the liberal media has dubbed universal government preschool as the new “in” thing ...

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Powerful testimony in trial on tenure

When the California Teachers Association flexed its muscles in 2012 and killed legislation to keep teacher-sexual predators out of the classroom, it looked like it would be impossible to reform the worst aspects of the state’s teacher employment practices. Now, however, a lawsuit brought on behalf of nine children could ...

Lance Izumi on the Teacher Tenure Lawsuit

Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute talks about the teacher tenure lawsuit in California. Listen to podcast here… Lance T. Izumi is president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the largest system of higher education in the nation with 2.8 million students. Mr. Izumi is ...

Missed opportunity for school choice

On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...

A New Strategy to Improve Math and Science Learning

Governor Jerry Brown’s new budget proposes an additional $10 billion for K-14 education, but he also wants public school districts to increase and improve services for low-income students, foster youth, and other at-risk children. While commendable, there is bill in the State Assembly that seeks to address the needs of ...

A Key Reason Why American Students Do Poorly

Although some young Americans graduate from high school with superb academic skills, a great many leave high school with pathetic abilities in crucial areas: reading, writing, basic math, and reasoning. One of the key reasons why that’s so is that many of their teachers are not very good themselves. Yes, ...
Common Core

Lance Izumi Podcast

Lance Izumi’s recent interview on Choice Media TV regarding the Common Core Standards, Governor Jerry Brown’s education decisions, and what’s next in education reform… Listen here…

Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control

Pacific Research Institute Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control San Francisco – A just-published study by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute and co-sponsored by the California-based Pacific Research Institute, the American Principles Project and the Civitas Institute concludes that the Common ...
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