

Identity Politics Comes to STEM

In January, PRI had the pleasure of hosting Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald at a luncheon in Southern California to discuss her new book The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine our Culture.  One of the most disturbing points during her talk was ...
Charter Schools

Newsom Supports Charter Cap: Kids Will Suffer

An ominous aspect of the recent Los Angeles teachers strike settlement is the provision pushing for a halt on the number of charter schools. Although the 2017 L.A. school board elections resulted in a board majority favoring charter schools, in the strike settlement agreement The New York Times noted, “it ...

Will LA Teachers Strike Settlement Lead to $11 Billion Tax Hike?

The settlement of the Los Angeles’ teachers strike last week made major news across the state. As PRI’s Lance Izumi wrote recently in the Daily Caller, “the Los Angeles teachers strike is a perfect storm of bad policies, bad management, bad demands, and, too often, bad actors.” One of the ...

LAUSD teachers should exercise their Janus rights, not follow their union off a fiscal cliff

Despite the recent settlement of the Los Angeles teachers strike, mostly in the teacher union’s favor, the deal largely ignores the shaky financial realities of the school district. While the union crows about its apparent victory, the potential fiscal disaster should make teachers consider leaving the union, not rallying around ...

What We’re Watching – Welcome to Change

This week, PRI is celebrating National School Choice Week with the release of our new mini-documentary, “Welcome to Change”. The film profiles Life Learning Academy on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay, which serves students battling significant adversity – violence, poverty, broken homes, even homelessness. Watch the movie and you’ll ...
Charter Schools

PRI Releases “Welcome to Change” School Choice Documentary on Groundbreaking SF School Serving At-Risk Youth

As California celebrates National School Choice Week (week of January 20-26), the Pacific Research Institute today released a new mini-documentary called “Welcome to Change,” showing the power of charter schools to get even the most troubled youths on the path to lead healthy, productive lives. “Charter schools give the flexibility ...

The best solution to Los Angeles teachers’ strike? More school choice

Conventional analyses of the Los Angeles teachers strike present the public with a false dichotomy: is the teachers union right or is the school district right?  The reality is that both sides are wrong, and the solution for parents and students is greater school choice for all children. First, the ...

What We’re Watching – January 18

Tim Anaya – Choosing Diversity Preview Next week is National School Choice Week. As part of the celebration, we’ll be releasing Choosing Diversity, the latest book from our Lance Izumi on the importance of charter schools. Here’s a preview of Lance speaking about his new book! Rowena Itchon – What ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – Choosing Diversity

Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi joins us to talk about his new book on charter schools, Choosing Diversity, which profiles several charter schools across the country that are a different as one could imagine, but all meet the diverse and complex needs of each individual student. ...

Lance Izumi Talks “Choosing Diversity” on Phil Cowan Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his upcoming book Choosing Diversity on “The Phil Cowan Show” on AM 1380 The Answer in Sacramento.  The interview begins at the 1 hour, 34 minute mark.

Identity Politics Comes to STEM

In January, PRI had the pleasure of hosting Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald at a luncheon in Southern California to discuss her new book The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine our Culture.  One of the most disturbing points during her talk was ...
Charter Schools

Newsom Supports Charter Cap: Kids Will Suffer

An ominous aspect of the recent Los Angeles teachers strike settlement is the provision pushing for a halt on the number of charter schools. Although the 2017 L.A. school board elections resulted in a board majority favoring charter schools, in the strike settlement agreement The New York Times noted, “it ...

Will LA Teachers Strike Settlement Lead to $11 Billion Tax Hike?

The settlement of the Los Angeles’ teachers strike last week made major news across the state. As PRI’s Lance Izumi wrote recently in the Daily Caller, “the Los Angeles teachers strike is a perfect storm of bad policies, bad management, bad demands, and, too often, bad actors.” One of the ...

LAUSD teachers should exercise their Janus rights, not follow their union off a fiscal cliff

Despite the recent settlement of the Los Angeles teachers strike, mostly in the teacher union’s favor, the deal largely ignores the shaky financial realities of the school district. While the union crows about its apparent victory, the potential fiscal disaster should make teachers consider leaving the union, not rallying around ...

What We’re Watching – Welcome to Change

This week, PRI is celebrating National School Choice Week with the release of our new mini-documentary, “Welcome to Change”. The film profiles Life Learning Academy on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay, which serves students battling significant adversity – violence, poverty, broken homes, even homelessness. Watch the movie and you’ll ...
Charter Schools

PRI Releases “Welcome to Change” School Choice Documentary on Groundbreaking SF School Serving At-Risk Youth

As California celebrates National School Choice Week (week of January 20-26), the Pacific Research Institute today released a new mini-documentary called “Welcome to Change,” showing the power of charter schools to get even the most troubled youths on the path to lead healthy, productive lives. “Charter schools give the flexibility ...

The best solution to Los Angeles teachers’ strike? More school choice

Conventional analyses of the Los Angeles teachers strike present the public with a false dichotomy: is the teachers union right or is the school district right?  The reality is that both sides are wrong, and the solution for parents and students is greater school choice for all children. First, the ...

What We’re Watching – January 18

Tim Anaya – Choosing Diversity Preview Next week is National School Choice Week. As part of the celebration, we’ll be releasing Choosing Diversity, the latest book from our Lance Izumi on the importance of charter schools. Here’s a preview of Lance speaking about his new book! Rowena Itchon – What ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – Choosing Diversity

Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi joins us to talk about his new book on charter schools, Choosing Diversity, which profiles several charter schools across the country that are a different as one could imagine, but all meet the diverse and complex needs of each individual student. ...

Lance Izumi Talks “Choosing Diversity” on Phil Cowan Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his upcoming book Choosing Diversity on “The Phil Cowan Show” on AM 1380 The Answer in Sacramento.  The interview begins at the 1 hour, 34 minute mark.
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