

Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Live from Seattle

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses his new book The Homeschool Boom with host Tim Gaydos on “Live from Seattle” on KGNW Radio in Seattle.

Lance Izumi Discusses Homeschool Boom on David Webb Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on The David Webb Show on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Charter Schools

Yes, Parents Can Choose Curriculum for their Children – With Success

Terry McAuliffe sank his Virginia gubernatorial bid with his condescension toward parents, typified in his claim that experts, not parents, were the only ones qualified to choose school curricula. “I love Billy and Jack McAuliffe, my parents, but they should not have been picking my math and science book,” McAuliffe ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Lars Larson Show

Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Lance Izumi – Parents pull kids from public school over demand to teach CRT

Alicia Jessop – How the Free Market is Benefitting Student Athletes Following Landmark Court Ruling

Alicia Jessop, associate professor at Pepperdine University, sports industry leader, attorney, and journalist, discusses the massive changes to college athletics that have resulted from the change in name, image, and likeness regulations earlier this year. Jessop and Evan Harris of PRI’s Young Leaders Circle discuss how college athlete compensation has ...

With Number of Homeschoolers Surpassing Eight Million, New PRI Book Explores The Homeschool Boom

Book examines growing homeschool appeal to minority communities, special needs students, families fleeing conventional schools   Examining the growth of homeschool enrollment in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies, and Possibilities, a new book that profiles families from ...

Are Schools Covering Up the School Crime Wave?

The scandal in Loudon County, Virginia, where the school superintendent and school board covered up the rape of a student, has made national headlines. National data indicates that such cover-ups may be occurring more frequently than the public realizes. In the Loudon County case, in June the local superintendent and ...

New Study Busts Myths About Charter Schools

From the teachers’ unions to the Biden administration, the apologists for the regular public schools have used a variety of myths to slam charter schools.  A new study, however, busts these myths and undercuts Biden-supported anti-charter legislation. The University of Arkansas study authored by eminent school-choice expert Professor Patrick Wolf ...

Real school crime – don’t blame parents

The National School Board Association’s recent letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland warning about “threats of violence and acts of intimidation” by parents distracts from the much larger problem of violence and crime in schools. In its letter, the NSBA does not cite any data to support its push to ...

Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Live from Seattle

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses his new book The Homeschool Boom with host Tim Gaydos on “Live from Seattle” on KGNW Radio in Seattle.

Lance Izumi Discusses Homeschool Boom on David Webb Show

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on The David Webb Show on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Charter Schools

Yes, Parents Can Choose Curriculum for their Children – With Success

Terry McAuliffe sank his Virginia gubernatorial bid with his condescension toward parents, typified in his claim that experts, not parents, were the only ones qualified to choose school curricula. “I love Billy and Jack McAuliffe, my parents, but they should not have been picking my math and science book,” McAuliffe ...

Lance Izumi discusses Homeschool Boom on Lars Larson Show

Listen to PRI’s Lance Izumi discuss his new book The Homeschool Boom on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Lance Izumi – Parents pull kids from public school over demand to teach CRT

Alicia Jessop – How the Free Market is Benefitting Student Athletes Following Landmark Court Ruling

Alicia Jessop, associate professor at Pepperdine University, sports industry leader, attorney, and journalist, discusses the massive changes to college athletics that have resulted from the change in name, image, and likeness regulations earlier this year. Jessop and Evan Harris of PRI’s Young Leaders Circle discuss how college athlete compensation has ...

With Number of Homeschoolers Surpassing Eight Million, New PRI Book Explores The Homeschool Boom

Book examines growing homeschool appeal to minority communities, special needs students, families fleeing conventional schools   Examining the growth of homeschool enrollment in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies, and Possibilities, a new book that profiles families from ...

Are Schools Covering Up the School Crime Wave?

The scandal in Loudon County, Virginia, where the school superintendent and school board covered up the rape of a student, has made national headlines. National data indicates that such cover-ups may be occurring more frequently than the public realizes. In the Loudon County case, in June the local superintendent and ...

New Study Busts Myths About Charter Schools

From the teachers’ unions to the Biden administration, the apologists for the regular public schools have used a variety of myths to slam charter schools.  A new study, however, busts these myths and undercuts Biden-supported anti-charter legislation. The University of Arkansas study authored by eminent school-choice expert Professor Patrick Wolf ...

Real school crime – don’t blame parents

The National School Board Association’s recent letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland warning about “threats of violence and acts of intimidation” by parents distracts from the much larger problem of violence and crime in schools. In its letter, the NSBA does not cite any data to support its push to ...
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