

CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, recently delivered the following speech to the Northern California Lincoln Club.

Lance Izumi Discusses The Homeschool Boom on The Voice of Reason

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his latest book The Homeschool Boom and other topics on the education landscape on “The Voice of Reason” with host Andy Hooser in Wichita, KS. The interview begins at the 23:30 mark.

Diversity Smokescreen

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two more cases challenging the use of race as a criterion in college admissions, as has allegedly happened at Harvard University (a private institution) and the University of North Carolina (public). On the ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on the Phil Cowan Show

Interview begins at the 1:28:40 mark  

L.A. School District and Teachers Union Keep Mask Mandate Despite Science

It is St. Patrick’s week, but there is little Irish luck for school kids in Los Angeles who are still being forced to wear masks, despite strong science showing that mask mandates result in little benefit. At the end of February, Governor Gavin Newsom finally relented and issued a statement ...
Charter Schools

Newsom’s education agenda: More of the same means more failure

While school mask mandates have garnered headlines, Californians should be as concerned about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed education agenda, which he championed this week in his State of the State address. It pours more tax dollars into a failing system without any requirement for better results. Newsom proposes total education ...

California’s Poor Literacy Rates Makes Case for School Choice

When PRI pointed out a few years ago that California had the highest poverty rate in the nation, it’s fair to say it caught many by surprise. How could the biggest state economy in the country, brimming with tech, entertainment, and financial institution wealth, have so many poor? Turns out ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on the Big Ideas EdChoice Podcast

Click to Listen to Lance Izumi on the EdChoice Podcast EdChoice · Ep. 303: Big Ideas — with Lance Izumi
Business & Economics

PRI Panel of Former Speechwriters – Pres. Biden’s State of the Union Address

This special edition podcast features PRI’s panel of former speechwriters offering their perspectives on Pres. Biden’s first State of the Union Address.  On the panel: Lance Izumi, a former speechwriter to Gov. George Deukmejian and former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and now PRI’s senior director of the Center of Education; ...

The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country

It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, recently delivered the following speech to the Northern California Lincoln Club.

Lance Izumi Discusses The Homeschool Boom on The Voice of Reason

Listen to Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his latest book The Homeschool Boom and other topics on the education landscape on “The Voice of Reason” with host Andy Hooser in Wichita, KS. The interview begins at the 23:30 mark.

Diversity Smokescreen

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Andrew I. Fillat The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two more cases challenging the use of race as a criterion in college admissions, as has allegedly happened at Harvard University (a private institution) and the University of North Carolina (public). On the ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on the Phil Cowan Show

Interview begins at the 1:28:40 mark  

L.A. School District and Teachers Union Keep Mask Mandate Despite Science

It is St. Patrick’s week, but there is little Irish luck for school kids in Los Angeles who are still being forced to wear masks, despite strong science showing that mask mandates result in little benefit. At the end of February, Governor Gavin Newsom finally relented and issued a statement ...
Charter Schools

Newsom’s education agenda: More of the same means more failure

While school mask mandates have garnered headlines, Californians should be as concerned about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed education agenda, which he championed this week in his State of the State address. It pours more tax dollars into a failing system without any requirement for better results. Newsom proposes total education ...

California’s Poor Literacy Rates Makes Case for School Choice

When PRI pointed out a few years ago that California had the highest poverty rate in the nation, it’s fair to say it caught many by surprise. How could the biggest state economy in the country, brimming with tech, entertainment, and financial institution wealth, have so many poor? Turns out ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on the Big Ideas EdChoice Podcast

Click to Listen to Lance Izumi on the EdChoice Podcast EdChoice · Ep. 303: Big Ideas — with Lance Izumi
Business & Economics

PRI Panel of Former Speechwriters – Pres. Biden’s State of the Union Address

This special edition podcast features PRI’s panel of former speechwriters offering their perspectives on Pres. Biden’s first State of the Union Address.  On the panel: Lance Izumi, a former speechwriter to Gov. George Deukmejian and former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and now PRI’s senior director of the Center of Education; ...

The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country

It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...
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