

PRI Lance Izumi Discusses SF School Board Recall in Northern California Record

Sarah Downey With last week’s overwhelming vote to recall three San Francisco school board members, it’s raising questions about how the referendum could impact public education and politics across California as parents go to the polls in year three of the COVID-19 pandemic. The recall results (72 percent to 79 percent in ...

The Fight for Greater Transparency in Public Schools

One of the big fallouts of the COVID pandemic has been the revelation of what is being taught in the regular public schools.  Some of the most publicized revelations have occurred in California. Last year, it came to light that the Santa Clara Office of Education had conducted a series ...

Failing Public Schools Motivate More Black Families to Homeschool

As the United States observes Black History Month, African-American families are making history by leaving failing public schools and homeschooling their children in record numbers. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, parents, and especially black parents, found public schools incapable of handling the crisis. Even prior to the pandemic, public schools were ...

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Parents Love Homeschooling

Lance’s interview Begins at 56:30 mark.
Charter Schools

Blue state parents turn to home schooling

Closed public schools. COVID-19 mandates. Woke curricula. For these reasons and more, parents in blue states are turning to home schooling in droves. Nationally, home schooling has boomed. According to Census Bureau data, the proportion of households home-schooling their children skyrocketed from 5% in spring 2020 to 20% in spring ...

Transparency as a Political Principle

In the Declaration of Independence, sandwiched between the bold announcement of regime-change and an affirmation of natural rights, Thomas Jefferson penned an often-overlooked phrase, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” To justify separation from England, ...

Listen – Lance Izumi Interview on the Voice of Reason Radio

Interview begins at the 24:30 timestamp.
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom

This podcast, recently celebrating National School Choice Week, features senior director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi discussing his recent book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies and Possibilities. It also includes a panel discussion on school choice and homeschooling with Alicia Carter, PACT Academy principal; Carrie Carlson, a homeschool ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on National Review’s Radio Free California Podcast

Will talks with education expert Dr. Lance Izumi about his latest book, ‘The Homeschool Boom.’ Begin at 1:12:30.

Watch PRI’s Webinar on the Homeschool Boom

Watch PRI’s 2022 National School Choice Week webinar featuring Lance Izumi discussing his new book, The Homeschool Boom. He moderates a panel discussion with teachers and parents discussing the rise in parents exercising the ultimate school choice option – the choice to educate their kids at home.

PRI Lance Izumi Discusses SF School Board Recall in Northern California Record

Sarah Downey With last week’s overwhelming vote to recall three San Francisco school board members, it’s raising questions about how the referendum could impact public education and politics across California as parents go to the polls in year three of the COVID-19 pandemic. The recall results (72 percent to 79 percent in ...

The Fight for Greater Transparency in Public Schools

One of the big fallouts of the COVID pandemic has been the revelation of what is being taught in the regular public schools.  Some of the most publicized revelations have occurred in California. Last year, it came to light that the Santa Clara Office of Education had conducted a series ...

Failing Public Schools Motivate More Black Families to Homeschool

As the United States observes Black History Month, African-American families are making history by leaving failing public schools and homeschooling their children in record numbers. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, parents, and especially black parents, found public schools incapable of handling the crisis. Even prior to the pandemic, public schools were ...

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Parents Love Homeschooling

Lance’s interview Begins at 56:30 mark.
Charter Schools

Blue state parents turn to home schooling

Closed public schools. COVID-19 mandates. Woke curricula. For these reasons and more, parents in blue states are turning to home schooling in droves. Nationally, home schooling has boomed. According to Census Bureau data, the proportion of households home-schooling their children skyrocketed from 5% in spring 2020 to 20% in spring ...

Transparency as a Political Principle

In the Declaration of Independence, sandwiched between the bold announcement of regime-change and an affirmation of natural rights, Thomas Jefferson penned an often-overlooked phrase, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” To justify separation from England, ...

Listen – Lance Izumi Interview on the Voice of Reason Radio

Interview begins at the 24:30 timestamp.
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom

This podcast, recently celebrating National School Choice Week, features senior director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi discussing his recent book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies and Possibilities. It also includes a panel discussion on school choice and homeschooling with Alicia Carter, PACT Academy principal; Carrie Carlson, a homeschool ...

Listen to Lance Izumi on National Review’s Radio Free California Podcast

Will talks with education expert Dr. Lance Izumi about his latest book, ‘The Homeschool Boom.’ Begin at 1:12:30.

Watch PRI’s Webinar on the Homeschool Boom

Watch PRI’s 2022 National School Choice Week webinar featuring Lance Izumi discussing his new book, The Homeschool Boom. He moderates a panel discussion with teachers and parents discussing the rise in parents exercising the ultimate school choice option – the choice to educate their kids at home.
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