Classroom Ideology
Classroom Ideology
Democrats dissenting on California’s woke math proposal
By Lance Izumi and Wenyuan Wu After enacting a controversial bill mandating ethnic studies in high school, California is set to consider a woke math framework sometime in the new year. Surprisingly and importantly, key opposition to this proposal is coming from Democrats, who warn their party of defections if ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 20, 2021
New K-12 Ethnic Studies Opens the Door to Classroom Politicization
Fresh on the heels of his student vaccination mandate, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a requirement that all California high school students take a course in ethnic studies. Despite window-dressing language meant to reassure the public that these courses do not promote bias or bigotry, the reality is ...
Lance Izumi
October 13, 2021
In California and Across the Country, Parents and Their Kids are Abandoning Public Schools
The COVID-19 pandemic may have been the crack in the dam that allowed parents’ building frustration with the regular public schools to burst forth. Public school enrollment is nose-diving across the country, with legions of parents everywhere choosing other learning options for their children. The National Alliance for Public Charter ...
Lance Izumi
September 29, 2021
New Analysis: Social Justice Math in San Francisco Hurt Kids’ Performance
In the controversy over the proposed “woke” California math curriculum framework, which has thankfully been shelved for at least the time being, proponents often pointed to San Francisco as an example where a similar math program supposedly improved student achievement. New research, however, shows just the opposite—woke math hurt student ...
Lance Izumi
August 17, 2021
Business & Economics
STEM-ming the Slide of Our Educational System
Recently we ran across several fascinating articles about civics, liberal arts, and climate hysteria that raise basic questions about the content taught at too many of our educational institutions: Has our society lost sight of the fundamental purpose of education, and is the result less resilient, less capable adults? While there is no doubt ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
November 14, 2019
Charter Schools
5 Warnings For Parents This Back-To-School Season
It is back-to-school time for students across America, which means that it also a time for parents to be aware of the signs that schools may not be providing the quality of education they want for their children. Here are the top five warning signs for which parents should be ...
Lance Izumi
August 16, 2019
Charter Schools
Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left
As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...
Lance Izumi
July 29, 2019
Classroom Ideology
Breaking The Liberal Monopoly On College Faculties Will Take More Than Hope
As President Trump delivered his well-received patriotic Independence Day tribute to America, the braying leftist college professoriate erupted in social-media fireworks, underscoring the importance of offering saner higher-education alternatives to young people. UC Berkeley professor and former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich compared Trump to a dictator glorifying himself with a military ...
Lance Izumi
July 8, 2019
Classroom Ideology
Are Teacher Unions the Biggest Threat to Freedom?
What is the biggest threat to freedom in our country? According to an eye-opening new book by educator Rebecca Friedrichs, who gained fame as the named plaintiff in a U.S. Supreme Court case challenging forced fees from teachers to unions, teacher unions are thwarting freedom on a massive scale. In ...
Lance Izumi
December 12, 2018
Classroom Ideology
Pell Grants for Kids a Good Idea
As someone who strongly believes that *ALL* parents (not just wealthy ones) should have true school choice in this country, I’m glad to see President Bush call for the creation of a “Pell Grants for Kids” program in his final State of the Union address. While the details of the ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 29, 2008
Democrats dissenting on California’s woke math proposal
By Lance Izumi and Wenyuan Wu After enacting a controversial bill mandating ethnic studies in high school, California is set to consider a woke math framework sometime in the new year. Surprisingly and importantly, key opposition to this proposal is coming from Democrats, who warn their party of defections if ...
New K-12 Ethnic Studies Opens the Door to Classroom Politicization
Fresh on the heels of his student vaccination mandate, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a requirement that all California high school students take a course in ethnic studies. Despite window-dressing language meant to reassure the public that these courses do not promote bias or bigotry, the reality is ...
In California and Across the Country, Parents and Their Kids are Abandoning Public Schools
The COVID-19 pandemic may have been the crack in the dam that allowed parents’ building frustration with the regular public schools to burst forth. Public school enrollment is nose-diving across the country, with legions of parents everywhere choosing other learning options for their children. The National Alliance for Public Charter ...
New Analysis: Social Justice Math in San Francisco Hurt Kids’ Performance
In the controversy over the proposed “woke” California math curriculum framework, which has thankfully been shelved for at least the time being, proponents often pointed to San Francisco as an example where a similar math program supposedly improved student achievement. New research, however, shows just the opposite—woke math hurt student ...
STEM-ming the Slide of Our Educational System
Recently we ran across several fascinating articles about civics, liberal arts, and climate hysteria that raise basic questions about the content taught at too many of our educational institutions: Has our society lost sight of the fundamental purpose of education, and is the result less resilient, less capable adults? While there is no doubt ...
5 Warnings For Parents This Back-To-School Season
It is back-to-school time for students across America, which means that it also a time for parents to be aware of the signs that schools may not be providing the quality of education they want for their children. Here are the top five warning signs for which parents should be ...
Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left
As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...
Breaking The Liberal Monopoly On College Faculties Will Take More Than Hope
As President Trump delivered his well-received patriotic Independence Day tribute to America, the braying leftist college professoriate erupted in social-media fireworks, underscoring the importance of offering saner higher-education alternatives to young people. UC Berkeley professor and former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich compared Trump to a dictator glorifying himself with a military ...
Are Teacher Unions the Biggest Threat to Freedom?
What is the biggest threat to freedom in our country? According to an eye-opening new book by educator Rebecca Friedrichs, who gained fame as the named plaintiff in a U.S. Supreme Court case challenging forced fees from teachers to unions, teacher unions are thwarting freedom on a massive scale. In ...
Pell Grants for Kids a Good Idea
As someone who strongly believes that *ALL* parents (not just wealthy ones) should have true school choice in this country, I’m glad to see President Bush call for the creation of a “Pell Grants for Kids” program in his final State of the Union address. While the details of the ...