Drug Pricing
Drug Importation Programs Come At Too High a Cost
Lawmakers in Colorado are trying to open their state’s borders to prescription drugs from abroad. In 2019, they green-lit imports from Canada. They’re still working on a plan to implement that policy that can garner federal approval. Then last week, legislators approved a bill that would allow Coloradans to import prescription drugs ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 15, 2021
Drug Pricing
Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse
President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 12, 2021
Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse
President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 12, 2021
Drug Pricing
Wayne Winegarden – A Flawed Analysis on Valuing Medicines
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) promotes itself as “the nation’s drug pricing watchdog.” However, as documented in the first of a series of PRI reports, ICER’s cost-effectiveness analyses contain inappropriate methodologies and subjective judgments in determining the value of medicines. In this podcast, PRI senior fellow Wayne ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 5, 2021
Drug Pricing
ISSUE BRIEF: ICER Analyses Are Flawed, Undervalue Life-Saving Medicines, and Are Biased Toward Price Controls
A commonly-used analysis to determine a medicine’s value is based on flawed methodologies that would diminish innovation and access, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. “Cost effectiveness reports may provide precise estimates, but there is no ...
Wayne H Winegarden
March 17, 2021
Don’t Overreact to Rising Health Spending
U.S. healthcare spending has reached a new high, according to the latest federal data. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimate national health expenditures reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, an increase of 4.6 percent over the previous year. That’s just under 18 percent of the national economy. It’s more ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 28, 2021
Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats
Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 1, 2021
It’s the Payment System
Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 19, 2021
Drug Pricing
NEW BRIEF: Tearing Down Drug ‘Rebate Walls’ Would Save Patients, Improve Health Care Outcomes
Tearing down drug “rebate walls” that increase patient costs and block access to cheaper and often more effective medications would increase competition, lower out-of-pocket costs, and improve health outcomes, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. Click ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 9, 2020
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...
Tim Anaya
October 26, 2020
Drug Importation Programs Come At Too High a Cost
Lawmakers in Colorado are trying to open their state’s borders to prescription drugs from abroad. In 2019, they green-lit imports from Canada. They’re still working on a plan to implement that policy that can garner federal approval. Then last week, legislators approved a bill that would allow Coloradans to import prescription drugs ...
Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse
President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Sanders Proposal Brings Medicare Closer To The Brink Of Collapse
President Joe Biden wants to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Now Sen. Bernie Sanders is intent on doing him one better. The Vermont socialist, the country’s leading promoter of single-payer health care, is pushing Democrats to open up Medicare to Americans as young as 55. “There are many millions of seniors ...
Wayne Winegarden – A Flawed Analysis on Valuing Medicines
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) promotes itself as “the nation’s drug pricing watchdog.” However, as documented in the first of a series of PRI reports, ICER’s cost-effectiveness analyses contain inappropriate methodologies and subjective judgments in determining the value of medicines. In this podcast, PRI senior fellow Wayne ...
ISSUE BRIEF: ICER Analyses Are Flawed, Undervalue Life-Saving Medicines, and Are Biased Toward Price Controls
A commonly-used analysis to determine a medicine’s value is based on flawed methodologies that would diminish innovation and access, finds a new report released today by the nonpartisan Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific Research Institute. “Cost effectiveness reports may provide precise estimates, but there is no ...
Don’t Overreact to Rising Health Spending
U.S. healthcare spending has reached a new high, according to the latest federal data. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimate national health expenditures reached $3.8 trillion in 2019, an increase of 4.6 percent over the previous year. That’s just under 18 percent of the national economy. It’s more ...
Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats
Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...
It’s the Payment System
Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...
NEW BRIEF: Tearing Down Drug ‘Rebate Walls’ Would Save Patients, Improve Health Care Outcomes
Tearing down drug “rebate walls” that increase patient costs and block access to cheaper and often more effective medications would increase competition, lower out-of-pocket costs, and improve health outcomes, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. Click ...
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...