Drug Pricing
The Real Vaccine Skeptics Work at the FDA
Demonstrators in 50 cities across the country took the streets last month to demand a government takeover of America’s health system. The Democrats who control Washington are trying to give those activists what they’re asking for, albeit in piecemeal fashion. In recent weeks, they’ve proposed lowering Medicare’s eligibility age and adding dental, vision and hearing benefits ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 13, 2021
Let’s Not Repeat Canada’s Healthcare Mistakes
Demonstrators in 50 cities across the country took the streets last month to demand a government takeover of America’s health system. The Democrats who control Washington are trying to give those activists what they’re asking for, albeit in piecemeal fashion. In recent weeks, they’ve proposed lowering Medicare’s eligibility age and adding dental, vision and hearing benefits ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 5, 2021
Drug Pricing
Watch PRI, Pioneer Institute Webinar on ICER, health care innovation
The Pioneer Institute and Pacific Research Institute hosted an educational webinar on the importance of protecting treatment access, innovation, and equity as Washington addresses drug pricing reforms on July 19, 2021. Pioneer Institute, PRI, and special guests explored the current policy landscape on treatment value and access and how policy ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 21, 2021
America’s drug rebate system is broken
Rebates and discounts are generally viewed as important competitive tools that lower prices for consumers, and rightly so. But consumers should beware when discounts create competitive restrictions that reduces their choices and increases their costs. Such is the case when dominant drug manufacturers use rebates to keep lower-priced drugs off ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 24, 2021
To See the Fallacy of H.R. 3 (Lower Drug Costs Now Act) Just Look at the Inflation Data
Railing about sky high drug prices makes good political theater and helps drum up support for the latest attempt to impose drug price controls (H.R. 3 or the Lower Drug Costs Now Act). This accusation also perpetuates misinformation. If implemented, H.R. 3 would endanger patient access to current efficacious medicines ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 9, 2021
Government Health Insurance: An Offer Businesses Should Refuse
Executives at many large corporations want the government to take on a greater role providing health coverage and controlling costs, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey. That seems to indicate big business is sympathetic to the core of the Democrats’ healthcare agenda, including the idea of a public option ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 25, 2021
Democratic drug pricing bill is a house of cards
House Democrats just introduced H.R. 3, a bill that would allow the government to cap drug prices based on what they cost in six other developed nations. President Joe Biden is sympathetic to the idea. In his speech to Congress this week, he called for giving the federal government the power to negotiate drug ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 3, 2021
With HR 3, House Democrats Lose Their Grip on Reality
Last week, House Democrats introduced H.R. 3, a bill that would empower the federal government to set prescription drug prices for the entire U.S. pharmaceutical market. The measure comes at the worst possible time. The rapid development of effective vaccines against COVID-19 has demonstrated what can happen when the drug industry ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 28, 2021
Europe Negotiates A Poor Vaccine Rollout
Several European countries just instituted another round of lockdowns amid a new wave of Covid-19 cases. This turn of events is sobering but puzzling. Europe seemed to have Covid-19 under control a few months ago, at least compared to the United States. What happened? The countries’ vaccination rates offer an explanation. Europe ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 26, 2021
Here They Go Again: The Democratic Obsession with Drug Price Controls Will Harm Patients and Diminish Innovation
The U.S. House of Representatives is once again considering “The Lower Drug Costs Now Act”. It was a bad idea in the last Congress, and it is still bad policy today. If it becomes law, this Act (H.R. 3) empowers the federal government to negotiate prices on select drugs for ...
Wayne Winegarden
April 26, 2021
The Real Vaccine Skeptics Work at the FDA
Demonstrators in 50 cities across the country took the streets last month to demand a government takeover of America’s health system. The Democrats who control Washington are trying to give those activists what they’re asking for, albeit in piecemeal fashion. In recent weeks, they’ve proposed lowering Medicare’s eligibility age and adding dental, vision and hearing benefits ...
Let’s Not Repeat Canada’s Healthcare Mistakes
Demonstrators in 50 cities across the country took the streets last month to demand a government takeover of America’s health system. The Democrats who control Washington are trying to give those activists what they’re asking for, albeit in piecemeal fashion. In recent weeks, they’ve proposed lowering Medicare’s eligibility age and adding dental, vision and hearing benefits ...
Watch PRI, Pioneer Institute Webinar on ICER, health care innovation
The Pioneer Institute and Pacific Research Institute hosted an educational webinar on the importance of protecting treatment access, innovation, and equity as Washington addresses drug pricing reforms on July 19, 2021. Pioneer Institute, PRI, and special guests explored the current policy landscape on treatment value and access and how policy ...
America’s drug rebate system is broken
Rebates and discounts are generally viewed as important competitive tools that lower prices for consumers, and rightly so. But consumers should beware when discounts create competitive restrictions that reduces their choices and increases their costs. Such is the case when dominant drug manufacturers use rebates to keep lower-priced drugs off ...
To See the Fallacy of H.R. 3 (Lower Drug Costs Now Act) Just Look at the Inflation Data
Railing about sky high drug prices makes good political theater and helps drum up support for the latest attempt to impose drug price controls (H.R. 3 or the Lower Drug Costs Now Act). This accusation also perpetuates misinformation. If implemented, H.R. 3 would endanger patient access to current efficacious medicines ...
Government Health Insurance: An Offer Businesses Should Refuse
Executives at many large corporations want the government to take on a greater role providing health coverage and controlling costs, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey. That seems to indicate big business is sympathetic to the core of the Democrats’ healthcare agenda, including the idea of a public option ...
Democratic drug pricing bill is a house of cards
House Democrats just introduced H.R. 3, a bill that would allow the government to cap drug prices based on what they cost in six other developed nations. President Joe Biden is sympathetic to the idea. In his speech to Congress this week, he called for giving the federal government the power to negotiate drug ...
With HR 3, House Democrats Lose Their Grip on Reality
Last week, House Democrats introduced H.R. 3, a bill that would empower the federal government to set prescription drug prices for the entire U.S. pharmaceutical market. The measure comes at the worst possible time. The rapid development of effective vaccines against COVID-19 has demonstrated what can happen when the drug industry ...
Europe Negotiates A Poor Vaccine Rollout
Several European countries just instituted another round of lockdowns amid a new wave of Covid-19 cases. This turn of events is sobering but puzzling. Europe seemed to have Covid-19 under control a few months ago, at least compared to the United States. What happened? The countries’ vaccination rates offer an explanation. Europe ...
Here They Go Again: The Democratic Obsession with Drug Price Controls Will Harm Patients and Diminish Innovation
The U.S. House of Representatives is once again considering “The Lower Drug Costs Now Act”. It was a bad idea in the last Congress, and it is still bad policy today. If it becomes law, this Act (H.R. 3) empowers the federal government to negotiate prices on select drugs for ...