

Sally Pipes Debates Single Payer Health Care in U of Iowa Virtual Debate

On April 4, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debated Professor Gerald Friedman from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a major proponent of single payer on the question: “Is a Single-Payer National Insurance System the Best Option for the U.S. ...

How Public Safety Policy Mistakes Are Contributing to California’s Unsafe Streets

Last Sunday was a bloody one in Northern California.   In the early morning hours on Sunday April 3rd, as people were leaving a night club in downtown Sacramento, automatic weapons fire rang out sending people fleeing.   When the victims were counted, 18 people were shot and six were dead. Later ...

The Very Thin Blue Line – Police staffing is down, and homicides are up

In Oakland in 2021, 133 people were killed and another 537 were shot, making Oakland one of California’s most dangerous cities. To put the numbers in perspective, more Oakland residents were killed per capita than the entire fatal casualties experienced by the US Armed Forces in the 1990-1991 Gulf War. ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?

Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...

Gavin Newsom’s License to Misinform on Covid

Last summer, while trying to survive a recall effort, California governor Gavin Newsom claimed that Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California” and challenged doubters to “look that up.” A few months later, he swore that “violent crime and property crime” is “higher in Texas than ...

What Crime Reports and Rates Don’t Tell Us

Last week the San Francisco Police Department issued its crime statistics report for 2021 also known as COMPSTAT.  Modeled on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and divided into two parts graded by seriousness they give us a picture of reported crime in the City of San Francisco.  Unlike the ...

Crime Victims Not Persuaded All’s Well in San Francisco

In a recent article – “We fact checked the most common claims about San Francisco crime”, the San Francisco Chronicle outrageously attempted to defend the state of crime in San Francisco as well as the recall facing District Attorney Chesa Boudin.   The Chronicle may feel that while crime is up, ...

America’s Cities in Decline

Go Downtown Things will be great when you’re — Downtown No finer place for sure — Downtown Everything’s waiting for you – Petula Clark, 1964  Perhaps I date myself, but I can still remember this 1960s song that captured the allure of the city.   Back then, downtown, the proverbial “engine ...

Newsom: Fact-Checked Again – And Wrong Again

A few months back, Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California,” and he dared anyone to check him on it. We did, and he was wrong. Now he’s claiming that crime in Texas is worse than in California. He’s wrong again. Appearing ...

Sally Pipes Debates Single Payer Health Care in U of Iowa Virtual Debate

On April 4, PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debated Professor Gerald Friedman from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a major proponent of single payer on the question: “Is a Single-Payer National Insurance System the Best Option for the U.S. ...

How Public Safety Policy Mistakes Are Contributing to California’s Unsafe Streets

Last Sunday was a bloody one in Northern California.   In the early morning hours on Sunday April 3rd, as people were leaving a night club in downtown Sacramento, automatic weapons fire rang out sending people fleeing.   When the victims were counted, 18 people were shot and six were dead. Later ...

The Very Thin Blue Line – Police staffing is down, and homicides are up

In Oakland in 2021, 133 people were killed and another 537 were shot, making Oakland one of California’s most dangerous cities. To put the numbers in perspective, more Oakland residents were killed per capita than the entire fatal casualties experienced by the US Armed Forces in the 1990-1991 Gulf War. ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?

Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...

Gavin Newsom’s License to Misinform on Covid

Last summer, while trying to survive a recall effort, California governor Gavin Newsom claimed that Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California” and challenged doubters to “look that up.” A few months later, he swore that “violent crime and property crime” is “higher in Texas than ...

What Crime Reports and Rates Don’t Tell Us

Last week the San Francisco Police Department issued its crime statistics report for 2021 also known as COMPSTAT.  Modeled on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and divided into two parts graded by seriousness they give us a picture of reported crime in the City of San Francisco.  Unlike the ...

Crime Victims Not Persuaded All’s Well in San Francisco

In a recent article – “We fact checked the most common claims about San Francisco crime”, the San Francisco Chronicle outrageously attempted to defend the state of crime in San Francisco as well as the recall facing District Attorney Chesa Boudin.   The Chronicle may feel that while crime is up, ...

America’s Cities in Decline

Go Downtown Things will be great when you’re — Downtown No finer place for sure — Downtown Everything’s waiting for you – Petula Clark, 1964  Perhaps I date myself, but I can still remember this 1960s song that captured the allure of the city.   Back then, downtown, the proverbial “engine ...

Newsom: Fact-Checked Again – And Wrong Again

A few months back, Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California,” and he dared anyone to check him on it. We did, and he was wrong. Now he’s claiming that crime in Texas is worse than in California. He’s wrong again. Appearing ...
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