State Budget

Health Care

Just Say ‘No’ To New Health Insurance Taxes

This month, consulting firm Oliver Wyman released a new study revealing that — surprise, surprise — health insurance premiums will increase by several thousand dollars over the next ten years. That’s bad enough news for consumers. Even worse? The study only looked at the cost impact of Obamacare’s new tax ...

A GOP ed reform roadmap

On the New York Times Education Watch, Dr. Lance Izumi lays out a post-election “lesson plan for Republicans” at the national level. He argues quite simply that the minority party needs to latch on to three basic themes in the area of education policy: Decentralization – repent for the federal ...
Business & Economics

Governor should ground tax proposal

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...

Villaraigosa’s Whistle Stop

Offering up what appeared to be a campaign speech, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa addressed the Sacramento Press Club today, repeatedly blasting the Tea Party and Republicans, and even went after California’s Proposition 13 with a vengeance. What was interesting is that Villaraigosa spent an inordinate amount of time talking ...
Business & Economics

Making public pay for budget cuts

Sacramento – Last year, one of my reporters and her adult son were walking in downtown Sacramento when a couple of young toughs tried grabbing her purse. She pulled back her purse, and the robbers lunged at the two of them, leaving the son’s face covered in blood. Despite a ...

Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...
Business & Economics

Brown Busts the Budget

The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. “For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed,” Brown said in a news conference. ...
Business & Economics

Redevelopment Might Really be a Goner

Hours before the Wednesday midnight deadline for passing a state budget, legislative Democrats rammed through a ridiculous, gimmick-laden, majority-vote spending plan that failed to reform anything and failed to impress Gov. Jerry Brown, who wisely vetoed it less than a day later. The budget succeeded mainly in one area:ensuring the ...

Unions say, ‘Shut up and pay us’

Yet another report confirms the enormous liabilities that California taxpayers must endure to pay for pensions for public employees. The study, released May 5 at a Pension Boot Camp for elected officials held near Sacramento by the reform group Californians for Fiscal Responsibility, echoed the points made by the watchdog ...
Health Care

Just Say ‘No’ To New Health Insurance Taxes

This month, consulting firm Oliver Wyman released a new study revealing that — surprise, surprise — health insurance premiums will increase by several thousand dollars over the next ten years. That’s bad enough news for consumers. Even worse? The study only looked at the cost impact of Obamacare’s new tax ...

A GOP ed reform roadmap

On the New York Times Education Watch, Dr. Lance Izumi lays out a post-election “lesson plan for Republicans” at the national level. He argues quite simply that the minority party needs to latch on to three basic themes in the area of education policy: Decentralization – repent for the federal ...
Business & Economics

Governor should ground tax proposal

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to increase sales and income taxes in a quest to “find another $10 billion” in revenue. He will have to craft a plan soon to get it on the 2012 ballot. To help California’s struggling economy, any tax proposals should be rooted in sound economics, which ...

Villaraigosa’s Whistle Stop

Offering up what appeared to be a campaign speech, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa addressed the Sacramento Press Club today, repeatedly blasting the Tea Party and Republicans, and even went after California’s Proposition 13 with a vengeance. What was interesting is that Villaraigosa spent an inordinate amount of time talking ...
Business & Economics

Making public pay for budget cuts

Sacramento – Last year, one of my reporters and her adult son were walking in downtown Sacramento when a couple of young toughs tried grabbing her purse. She pulled back her purse, and the robbers lunged at the two of them, leaving the son’s face covered in blood. Despite a ...

Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...
Business & Economics

Brown Busts the Budget

The California Legislature just passed a budget. Less than 24 hours later, the governor vetoed it, leaving many scratching their heads why Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a budget from his own party. “For the first time in history, the state budget has been vetoed,” Brown said in a news conference. ...
Business & Economics

Redevelopment Might Really be a Goner

Hours before the Wednesday midnight deadline for passing a state budget, legislative Democrats rammed through a ridiculous, gimmick-laden, majority-vote spending plan that failed to reform anything and failed to impress Gov. Jerry Brown, who wisely vetoed it less than a day later. The budget succeeded mainly in one area:ensuring the ...

Unions say, ‘Shut up and pay us’

Yet another report confirms the enormous liabilities that California taxpayers must endure to pay for pensions for public employees. The study, released May 5 at a Pension Boot Camp for elected officials held near Sacramento by the reform group Californians for Fiscal Responsibility, echoed the points made by the watchdog ...
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