State Budget


Oregon’s Drug Price Bill Is Hard To Swallow

President Donald Trump is not the only politician saying he is going to work to get drug prices down. Oregon lawmakers are already patting themselves on the back for tackling drug prices. Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland) says the measure, Oregon House Bill 2387, could be a model for national reform. ...
Drug Innovation

ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Drug Innovation

Issue Brief: Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...

Don’t buy the ColoradoCare single payer snake oil

The good people of Colorado must be smoking something these days. That’s the only explanation for the decision by 156,000 of the state’s more than 3 million registered voters to endorse a November ballot initiative that would create a statewide single-payer health care system. Patients in single-payer systems elsewhere must ...

America Marches Blindly Toward Single-Payer

Hillary Clinton just dipped her toe a little bit further into the waters of single-payer health care, prodded by her competitor for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders. Last week, she called for allowing more people to join Medicare — the government-run healthcare program for seniors — by allowing those ...

Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform

Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...

Here’s Why States Must Resist The Temptation To Expand Medicaid

Last week, Alaska became the 30th state to expand Medicaid with federal funding from the Affordable Care Act. “Alaska and Alaskans cannot wait any longer,” said Gov. Bill Walker. “We‘re not going to step away from this opportunity to help fellow Alaskans, period.” Some “help.” Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is saddling ...
Charter Schools

Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California

San Francisco – One would expect that California, with its abundance of technology companies, would have a leading advantage in the online learning revolution. But in fact, when it comes to harnessing technology and applying it to public education, the state is lagging in many respects. Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing ...
Business & Economics

The seven lean years

California’s Proposition 30, officially titled “Temporary Taxes to Fund Education,” is celebrating its second anniversary this November. The greatest anniversary gift would be to repeal it. California needs sustainable and robust economic growth. Strong economic growth creates jobs, raises families’ incomes and improves our standard of living. And, while economic ...

Oregon’s Drug Price Bill Is Hard To Swallow

President Donald Trump is not the only politician saying he is going to work to get drug prices down. Oregon lawmakers are already patting themselves on the back for tackling drug prices. Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland) says the measure, Oregon House Bill 2387, could be a model for national reform. ...
Drug Innovation

ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Drug Innovation

Issue Brief: Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...

Don’t buy the ColoradoCare single payer snake oil

The good people of Colorado must be smoking something these days. That’s the only explanation for the decision by 156,000 of the state’s more than 3 million registered voters to endorse a November ballot initiative that would create a statewide single-payer health care system. Patients in single-payer systems elsewhere must ...

America Marches Blindly Toward Single-Payer

Hillary Clinton just dipped her toe a little bit further into the waters of single-payer health care, prodded by her competitor for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders. Last week, she called for allowing more people to join Medicare — the government-run healthcare program for seniors — by allowing those ...

Walker Trumps the GOP Presidential Field in Healthcare Reform

Donald Trump may lead the Republican presidential candidates in the polls today. But he doesn’t lead the pack in ideas for how to replace Obamacare. At the recent GOP debate, Trump said he believed in single-payer healthcare. “It works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland.” The business mogul ...

Here’s Why States Must Resist The Temptation To Expand Medicaid

Last week, Alaska became the 30th state to expand Medicaid with federal funding from the Affordable Care Act. “Alaska and Alaskans cannot wait any longer,” said Gov. Bill Walker. “We‘re not going to step away from this opportunity to help fellow Alaskans, period.” Some “help.” Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is saddling ...
Charter Schools

Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California

San Francisco – One would expect that California, with its abundance of technology companies, would have a leading advantage in the online learning revolution. But in fact, when it comes to harnessing technology and applying it to public education, the state is lagging in many respects. Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing ...
Business & Economics

The seven lean years

California’s Proposition 30, officially titled “Temporary Taxes to Fund Education,” is celebrating its second anniversary this November. The greatest anniversary gift would be to repeal it. California needs sustainable and robust economic growth. Strong economic growth creates jobs, raises families’ incomes and improves our standard of living. And, while economic ...
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