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    Whatever Happened to Spending Cuts?

    This week, Republicans are preparing to unveil the details of a tax reform proposal that would deliver tax relief to individuals and businesses, as well as simplify the tax filing process. How to “pay for” the tax cuts will be the big debate in the weeks and months ahead. Some ...
    Business & Economics

    To lure Amazon and more, California needs a statewide enterprise zone

    Everyone wants a piece of Amazon. A city in Georgia has even offered to rename itself “Amazon” if only the web sales giant would locate its second headquarters there. Jerry Brown is making a pitch, too. The governor, according to the Mercury News, “is offering tax breaks and other incentives ...

    Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

    Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...

    End of Legislative Session Brings Brief Respite from Higher Energy Prices

    Legislation that would have required all electric power sold in the state to be generated by renewable sources by 2045 was held up in the final days of the recently-completed legislative session. But it will come back. Should the idea ever become law, we’ll remember these as the easy days ...

    A Big Week on Health Care in Washington

    The health care debate continues to heat up this week. A big vote in Congress on the Graham-Cassidy health care reform legislation is expected before Saturday, September 30. This is the deadline to pass repeal and replace legislation with just 50 votes (and Vice President Pence breaking the tie) under ...

    The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

    This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...

    Legislature Should Remove Barriers to Work for Californians

    Late last month, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta challenged state legislators to abolish one of the most noxious barriers to work: occupational licensing. If Sacramento lawmakers followed through, hundreds of thousands of Californians would be liberated from a system that bars entry into the workforce and also protects those who’ve ...

    Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

    Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

    Sacramento Right to Slow Down Effort to Muzzle “The Dog”

    That sound you heard one day in April was me sighing while seeing countless Facebook pictures of my friends with Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and his wife Beth. To say that I am a Chapman fan is an understatement. I’ve watched virtually every episode of their show, own ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Embracing A New California Vision That Isn’t So New

    Click here to download the brief Republican San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer recently gave a speech to the Commonwealth Club where he called for a “new vision” that will broaden his party’s appeal. He has a point. There’s no arguing that the California GOP doesn’t need a makeover – it ...

    Whatever Happened to Spending Cuts?

    This week, Republicans are preparing to unveil the details of a tax reform proposal that would deliver tax relief to individuals and businesses, as well as simplify the tax filing process. How to “pay for” the tax cuts will be the big debate in the weeks and months ahead. Some ...
    Business & Economics

    To lure Amazon and more, California needs a statewide enterprise zone

    Everyone wants a piece of Amazon. A city in Georgia has even offered to rename itself “Amazon” if only the web sales giant would locate its second headquarters there. Jerry Brown is making a pitch, too. The governor, according to the Mercury News, “is offering tax breaks and other incentives ...

    Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

    Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...

    End of Legislative Session Brings Brief Respite from Higher Energy Prices

    Legislation that would have required all electric power sold in the state to be generated by renewable sources by 2045 was held up in the final days of the recently-completed legislative session. But it will come back. Should the idea ever become law, we’ll remember these as the easy days ...

    A Big Week on Health Care in Washington

    The health care debate continues to heat up this week. A big vote in Congress on the Graham-Cassidy health care reform legislation is expected before Saturday, September 30. This is the deadline to pass repeal and replace legislation with just 50 votes (and Vice President Pence breaking the tie) under ...

    The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

    This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...

    Legislature Should Remove Barriers to Work for Californians

    Late last month, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta challenged state legislators to abolish one of the most noxious barriers to work: occupational licensing. If Sacramento lawmakers followed through, hundreds of thousands of Californians would be liberated from a system that bars entry into the workforce and also protects those who’ve ...

    Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

    Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

    Sacramento Right to Slow Down Effort to Muzzle “The Dog”

    That sound you heard one day in April was me sighing while seeing countless Facebook pictures of my friends with Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and his wife Beth. To say that I am a Chapman fan is an understatement. I’ve watched virtually every episode of their show, own ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Embracing A New California Vision That Isn’t So New

    Click here to download the brief Republican San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer recently gave a speech to the Commonwealth Club where he called for a “new vision” that will broaden his party’s appeal. He has a point. There’s no arguing that the California GOP doesn’t need a makeover – it ...
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