

Michele Steeb – Helping Turn Women’s Lives Around

Saint John’s Program for Real Change CEO Michele Steeb joins us to discuss how the Sacramento-based program is making a difference in helping homeless mothers living in crisis break the cycle of poverty and make better lives for themselves and their children.

ObamaCare Faces Two Existential Challenges In 2018

It’s a New Year — but not a happy one for ObamaCare’s defenders. Two recent developments could lead to the collapse of the health law’s exchanges. First, the Trump administration will soon announce that it will allow insurers to sell “short-term” health plans that last up to 364 days.  Currently, insurers ...

Bye Bye! PRI’s Ode to 2017

One of my all-time favorite shows is “The McLaughlin Group.” I used to love watching Dr. McLaughlin spar over the years with the likes of Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Clarence Page, Freddy “the Beadle” Barnes, Mor-ton Kondracke, the late great Jack Germond, and “The Prince of Darkness” Robert Novak.  There ...

Trump Right To End Obamacare Subsidies

President Trump delivered a surprise to health insurers — he ended billions of dollars in illegal federal payments to them. These payments are Obamacare’s “cost-sharing reduction” subsidies, or CSRs. They’re intended to reimburse insurers for covering out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for certain low-income exchange enrollees. Attorneys general from 18 states and ...

The Other Pretty Girl

At a PRI conference a few years ago, someone in the audience had a great question for our keynote speaker, a renowned economist: Given California’s bad economic policies, why do people still like the state?  With typical flair and charm, not to mention political incorrectness (which is why I am ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...
Blended Learning

Celebrating a Virtual “Friendsgiving”

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, we’re also preparing for an overload of turkey, pumpkin pie, and relatives. Thanksgiving is about more than getting a food coma.  It’s about getting together with your loved ones and giving thanks for all that we are thankful for in life. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...

Gas and Diesel Fuel Tax Hikes Begin Today

Californians who didn’t fill up on Tuesday are probably kicking themselves today. Tax hikes on gasoline and diesel fuel went into effect, sending prices significantly higher. The levy on a gallon of gasoline spiked 12 cents, from 18 cents to 30, while diesel jumped from 16 cents a gallon to ...

Whatever Happened to Spending Cuts?

This week, Republicans are preparing to unveil the details of a tax reform proposal that would deliver tax relief to individuals and businesses, as well as simplify the tax filing process. How to “pay for” the tax cuts will be the big debate in the weeks and months ahead. Some ...

Michele Steeb – Helping Turn Women’s Lives Around

Saint John’s Program for Real Change CEO Michele Steeb joins us to discuss how the Sacramento-based program is making a difference in helping homeless mothers living in crisis break the cycle of poverty and make better lives for themselves and their children.

ObamaCare Faces Two Existential Challenges In 2018

It’s a New Year — but not a happy one for ObamaCare’s defenders. Two recent developments could lead to the collapse of the health law’s exchanges. First, the Trump administration will soon announce that it will allow insurers to sell “short-term” health plans that last up to 364 days.  Currently, insurers ...

Bye Bye! PRI’s Ode to 2017

One of my all-time favorite shows is “The McLaughlin Group.” I used to love watching Dr. McLaughlin spar over the years with the likes of Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Clarence Page, Freddy “the Beadle” Barnes, Mor-ton Kondracke, the late great Jack Germond, and “The Prince of Darkness” Robert Novak.  There ...

Trump Right To End Obamacare Subsidies

President Trump delivered a surprise to health insurers — he ended billions of dollars in illegal federal payments to them. These payments are Obamacare’s “cost-sharing reduction” subsidies, or CSRs. They’re intended to reimburse insurers for covering out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for certain low-income exchange enrollees. Attorneys general from 18 states and ...

The Other Pretty Girl

At a PRI conference a few years ago, someone in the audience had a great question for our keynote speaker, a renowned economist: Given California’s bad economic policies, why do people still like the state?  With typical flair and charm, not to mention political incorrectness (which is why I am ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...
Blended Learning

Celebrating a Virtual “Friendsgiving”

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, we’re also preparing for an overload of turkey, pumpkin pie, and relatives. Thanksgiving is about more than getting a food coma.  It’s about getting together with your loved ones and giving thanks for all that we are thankful for in life. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...

Gas and Diesel Fuel Tax Hikes Begin Today

Californians who didn’t fill up on Tuesday are probably kicking themselves today. Tax hikes on gasoline and diesel fuel went into effect, sending prices significantly higher. The levy on a gallon of gasoline spiked 12 cents, from 18 cents to 30, while diesel jumped from 16 cents a gallon to ...

Whatever Happened to Spending Cuts?

This week, Republicans are preparing to unveil the details of a tax reform proposal that would deliver tax relief to individuals and businesses, as well as simplify the tax filing process. How to “pay for” the tax cuts will be the big debate in the weeks and months ahead. Some ...
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