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  • Poverty


    Are California’s Poor Losing Out In State’s Drive For Clean Energy Future?

    California policymakers have been on overdrive in recent years pursuing a clean energy future for the Golden State. State policymakers have enacted scores of government mandates and programs to push employers and individuals to reduce emissions, including unrealistic renewable energy mandates, cap-and-trade, and its embrace of high-speed rail. Many of ...

    Put Medicaid Back to Work Helping the Truly Unfortunate

    Some Americans may soon have to punch a time clock to qualify for Medicaid. Last month, the Trump administration announced that states could seek federal permission to require people to work, attend school, or otherwise contribute to the community in order to receive Medicaid benefits. Kentucky’s plan to mandate 80 ...

    Does Amazon Already Know Location of its Next Headquarters?

    When it comes to choosing vendors and making other business decisions, we’ve all had our secret preferences – the tax attorneys who saved our competitors a lot of money, the website developers from our old firm, the office space next to our favorite wine bar. Oftentimes, we’ve already made a ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis

    DOWNLOAD THE PDF In Gov. Jerry Brown’s California, all is nearly well. He led off his State of the State address with an assurance that “California is prospering.” He bragged about jobs created and personal income growth on his watch, and congratulated lawmakers for the public confidence he says has ...

    Has Obamacare Turned Uncle Sam into a Drug Dealer?

    Obamacare is fueling the opioid epidemic. That’s according to an explosive new report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The health law expanded Medicaid coverage to millions of childless, able-bodied adults. Some of them have used their free coverage to obtain prescriptions for powerful opioids, which they have then sold ...

    Basic Income Comes to Stockton

    Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again.  This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached.  The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...

    Are Trailers the Solution to LA’s Homeless Problem?

    A dashcam video of downtown Los Angeles on Christmas Day 2017 revealed the devastating reality of the city’s homelessness problem. The video, shot in the city’s Skid Row district, shows dozens of tents, makeshift shelters, and people walking aimlessly along streets littered with trash. The video looked like it was ...

    Are Things Really “Fine” in California?

    PRI’s coverage of California’s poverty problem through various op-eds and a policy brief have drawn considerable attention. Most of it has been positive, but one California writer for the hard-left Mother Jones claimed that despite the point we made, “California is doing just fine, thank you very much.” Rather than ...

    Governor Jerry Brown Has It All Wrong About California’s Education Funding

    The recent press conference on California Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed 2018-19 budget revealed that the governor wants to increase funding to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), his signature education finance program. However, there are very significant problems with LCFF. Prior to the enactment of the LCFF, funding California’s public ...

    Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show

    Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.

    Are California’s Poor Losing Out In State’s Drive For Clean Energy Future?

    California policymakers have been on overdrive in recent years pursuing a clean energy future for the Golden State. State policymakers have enacted scores of government mandates and programs to push employers and individuals to reduce emissions, including unrealistic renewable energy mandates, cap-and-trade, and its embrace of high-speed rail. Many of ...

    Put Medicaid Back to Work Helping the Truly Unfortunate

    Some Americans may soon have to punch a time clock to qualify for Medicaid. Last month, the Trump administration announced that states could seek federal permission to require people to work, attend school, or otherwise contribute to the community in order to receive Medicaid benefits. Kentucky’s plan to mandate 80 ...

    Does Amazon Already Know Location of its Next Headquarters?

    When it comes to choosing vendors and making other business decisions, we’ve all had our secret preferences – the tax attorneys who saved our competitors a lot of money, the website developers from our old firm, the office space next to our favorite wine bar. Oftentimes, we’ve already made a ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Governor Brown Ignores State’s Poverty Crisis

    DOWNLOAD THE PDF In Gov. Jerry Brown’s California, all is nearly well. He led off his State of the State address with an assurance that “California is prospering.” He bragged about jobs created and personal income growth on his watch, and congratulated lawmakers for the public confidence he says has ...

    Has Obamacare Turned Uncle Sam into a Drug Dealer?

    Obamacare is fueling the opioid epidemic. That’s according to an explosive new report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The health law expanded Medicaid coverage to millions of childless, able-bodied adults. Some of them have used their free coverage to obtain prescriptions for powerful opioids, which they have then sold ...

    Basic Income Comes to Stockton

    Just six years after declaring bankruptcy due to a 15-year spending binge, Stockton is now exploring creative new ways of spending again.  This time, it’s a one-year experiment to give several dozen Stockton families $500 a month, with no strings attached.  The idea of “universal basic income” – providing everyone ...

    Are Trailers the Solution to LA’s Homeless Problem?

    A dashcam video of downtown Los Angeles on Christmas Day 2017 revealed the devastating reality of the city’s homelessness problem. The video, shot in the city’s Skid Row district, shows dozens of tents, makeshift shelters, and people walking aimlessly along streets littered with trash. The video looked like it was ...

    Are Things Really “Fine” in California?

    PRI’s coverage of California’s poverty problem through various op-eds and a policy brief have drawn considerable attention. Most of it has been positive, but one California writer for the hard-left Mother Jones claimed that despite the point we made, “California is doing just fine, thank you very much.” Rather than ...

    Governor Jerry Brown Has It All Wrong About California’s Education Funding

    The recent press conference on California Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed 2018-19 budget revealed that the governor wants to increase funding to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), his signature education finance program. However, there are very significant problems with LCFF. Prior to the enactment of the LCFF, funding California’s public ...

    Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show

    Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.
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