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  • Poverty


    Despite Obamacare, healthcare spending is spiraling out of control

    Former President Barack Obama promised the Affordable Care Act would bend “the cost curve and [start] to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government.” But his pledge has gone unfulfilled – patients and taxpayers are spending record amounts on healthcare. This year, total healthcare spending will increase 5.3 percent, according ...

    What We’re Watching – September 21

    Tim Anaya – Boy Asks President Trump for a Hug Our friends in North and South Carolina are busy today getting back on track in the aftermath of last week’s destructive Hurricane Florence.  The aftermath of this devastating storm was not all tragic.  President Trump and several Cabinet officials toured ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

    Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

    Medicaid expansion is a recipe for disaster

    This November, voters in Utah, Idaho, Nebraska, and Montana will decide whether to expand Medicaid. Expansion would place huge burdens on taxpayers while offering minimal benefits to new Medicaid enrollees. Last year, voters in Maine became the first to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot after Republican Gov. Paul LePage refused to expand the ...

    Kerry Jackson featured in New York Times article on California’s liberal policies

    Is California a Good Role Model? By Thomas B. Edsall Conservatives argue that California’s liberal politics have failed. They point out that by one key measure the state now has the highest poverty rate in the nation and they argue that its liberal minimum wage and restrictive housing codes have ...

    Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

    Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

    To Save Medicaid, Put People to Work

    President Trump has a message for millions of able-bodied Medicaid recipients: Get a job. Since January, the administration has allowed states to require Medicaid beneficiaries who are not disabled to engage in 80 hours per month of work, volunteering, job training, or school in return for taxpayer-funded health coverage. The ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

    Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

    End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

    For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...

    PRI’s Kerry Jackson Featured in Ozy.com Story on Poverty in California

    1 in 5 Californians is Poor.  Housing Prices Are to Blame By Nick Fouriezos In the Netflix television show Altered Carbon, the fears of rampant income inequality are fully realized. High society is taken literally, as the rich and wealthy live in a cloud city in the sky. The series is set hundreds ...

    Despite Obamacare, healthcare spending is spiraling out of control

    Former President Barack Obama promised the Affordable Care Act would bend “the cost curve and [start] to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government.” But his pledge has gone unfulfilled – patients and taxpayers are spending record amounts on healthcare. This year, total healthcare spending will increase 5.3 percent, according ...

    What We’re Watching – September 21

    Tim Anaya – Boy Asks President Trump for a Hug Our friends in North and South Carolina are busy today getting back on track in the aftermath of last week’s destructive Hurricane Florence.  The aftermath of this devastating storm was not all tragic.  President Trump and several Cabinet officials toured ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

    Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

    Medicaid expansion is a recipe for disaster

    This November, voters in Utah, Idaho, Nebraska, and Montana will decide whether to expand Medicaid. Expansion would place huge burdens on taxpayers while offering minimal benefits to new Medicaid enrollees. Last year, voters in Maine became the first to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot after Republican Gov. Paul LePage refused to expand the ...

    Kerry Jackson featured in New York Times article on California’s liberal policies

    Is California a Good Role Model? By Thomas B. Edsall Conservatives argue that California’s liberal politics have failed. They point out that by one key measure the state now has the highest poverty rate in the nation and they argue that its liberal minimum wage and restrictive housing codes have ...

    Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

    Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

    To Save Medicaid, Put People to Work

    President Trump has a message for millions of able-bodied Medicaid recipients: Get a job. Since January, the administration has allowed states to require Medicaid beneficiaries who are not disabled to engage in 80 hours per month of work, volunteering, job training, or school in return for taxpayer-funded health coverage. The ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

    Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

    End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

    For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...

    PRI’s Kerry Jackson Featured in Ozy.com Story on Poverty in California

    1 in 5 Californians is Poor.  Housing Prices Are to Blame By Nick Fouriezos In the Netflix television show Altered Carbon, the fears of rampant income inequality are fully realized. High society is taken literally, as the rich and wealthy live in a cloud city in the sky. The series is set hundreds ...
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