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  • Poverty

    Business & Economics

    ISSUE BRIEF: Damon Dunn Shares Stories from His Rise from Poverty, Makes the Case for Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

    Recalling his experiences overcoming extreme poverty, former collegiate and pro football player and successful businessman Damon Dunn makes the case for why socialism doesn’t work in a new brief published by the nonpartisan, California-based think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Download a copy of “My Rise from Poverty and Why ...

    New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste

    Medicaid was created in 1965 to provide health coverage to impoverished Americans. But according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it’s the insurer of record for a significant number of middle-class Americans. The cost to taxpayers? Hundreds of millions of dollars. The culprit for this epic ...

    Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short

    A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...

    Big Government Plays Favorites with Renewable Energy, We All Pay the Difference

    Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) can be considered the flagship environmental policy for state government in the US. The RPS programs have been adopted by 29 states and apply to half of the national electricity market. The staple of any RPS program is mandating the use of one energy source over ...

    Colorado’s big government emissions mandate

    Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...

    Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

    California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

    Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

    State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

    Blue State Model Continues To Drag Down California

    About the same time two of California’s largest cities were named among the seven worst-run municipalities in the country, we learn that the state’s — and the country’s — largest county had the worst population outflow in the U.S. in 2018. The livin’ in California ain’t easy, in the summertime ...

    If Newsom Is Right, California’s Rot Is Coming To The Rest Of America

    California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom predicted this week that the Republican Party will “will go into the waste bin of society.” It was an interesting comment, coming only a couple of weeks after his party’s presidential candidates appeared at California’s Democratic Party convention. That convention showed why California is moving in a ...

    Medicaid expansion is a failure: Lots of spending, little benefit

    Researchers from MIT and Harvard recently released a report concluding that Obamacare had a “clearly positive effect on access to and consumption of health care.” Nearly 16 million people gained coverage through Medicaid expansion while just over 11 million purchased insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges in the past year. But that ...
    Business & Economics

    ISSUE BRIEF: Damon Dunn Shares Stories from His Rise from Poverty, Makes the Case for Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

    Recalling his experiences overcoming extreme poverty, former collegiate and pro football player and successful businessman Damon Dunn makes the case for why socialism doesn’t work in a new brief published by the nonpartisan, California-based think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Download a copy of “My Rise from Poverty and Why ...

    New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste

    Medicaid was created in 1965 to provide health coverage to impoverished Americans. But according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it’s the insurer of record for a significant number of middle-class Americans. The cost to taxpayers? Hundreds of millions of dollars. The culprit for this epic ...

    Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short

    A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...

    Big Government Plays Favorites with Renewable Energy, We All Pay the Difference

    Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) can be considered the flagship environmental policy for state government in the US. The RPS programs have been adopted by 29 states and apply to half of the national electricity market. The staple of any RPS program is mandating the use of one energy source over ...

    Colorado’s big government emissions mandate

    Colorado officials are painting a rosy picture of the impact on the economy and the environment from its low emission vehicle standards’ known as the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation, or CLEAR. State officials prepared an initial economic impact analysis of the regulations, which replicate California’s expensive auto emissions standards, ...

    Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

    California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

    Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

    State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

    Blue State Model Continues To Drag Down California

    About the same time two of California’s largest cities were named among the seven worst-run municipalities in the country, we learn that the state’s — and the country’s — largest county had the worst population outflow in the U.S. in 2018. The livin’ in California ain’t easy, in the summertime ...

    If Newsom Is Right, California’s Rot Is Coming To The Rest Of America

    California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom predicted this week that the Republican Party will “will go into the waste bin of society.” It was an interesting comment, coming only a couple of weeks after his party’s presidential candidates appeared at California’s Democratic Party convention. That convention showed why California is moving in a ...

    Medicaid expansion is a failure: Lots of spending, little benefit

    Researchers from MIT and Harvard recently released a report concluding that Obamacare had a “clearly positive effect on access to and consumption of health care.” Nearly 16 million people gained coverage through Medicaid expansion while just over 11 million purchased insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges in the past year. But that ...
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