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  • Poverty


    What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s 2020 CA Ideas in Action Conference

    PRI’s second annual “California Ideas in Action” conference was held a few weeks back.  This year’s conference featured PRI scholars, policy experts, and real life changemakers discussing how free market ideas can address the new decade’s major challenges in California – homelessness, the future of work, education, health care, and ...

    Leave the Toy Aisle Alone, Please

    As a former legislative staffer in the California State Assembly, I often asked myself when reviewing legislation, “do we really need this bill?” I asked myself the same question when I came across the introduction of a bill mandating gender-neutral toy sections in department stores. Assembly Bill 2826 by Asm. ...

    A Prescription for Homelessness That Would Actually Clean Up our Streets

    Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered his annual State of the State address at the State Capitol.  And in an unusual twist, he devoted the entire address to one topic – homelessness.  Typically, the State of the State outlines a governor’s policy wish list in a variety of areas. Newsom ...

    PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis

    California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis.  On the same day, PRI held an ...

    Would Newsom’s Climate Catalyst Action Fund Fuel Second Coming of Solyndra?

    Last week, California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office was on a roll – releasing several, often-critical analyses of some of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s high profile budget proposals. Particularly pointed was its analysis of Newsom’s proposal to create a so-called “Climate Catalyst Action Fund.”  According to the administration’s budget documents, it “would ...
    Business & Economics

    Regulation stands in the way of entrepreneurship for low-income families

    https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Wayne-Winegarden-News.mp3   In October 2019, the Pacific Research Institute released findings of a new report, titled Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity #2 Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to the American Dream. The report, authored by Wayne Winegarden, contends that “overly complex government regulations are a common cause behind the barriers to low-income entrepreneurship.” ...

    Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

    Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

    California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

    A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...
    Climate Change

    California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet

    Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
    Business & Economics

    Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor

    The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...

    What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s 2020 CA Ideas in Action Conference

    PRI’s second annual “California Ideas in Action” conference was held a few weeks back.  This year’s conference featured PRI scholars, policy experts, and real life changemakers discussing how free market ideas can address the new decade’s major challenges in California – homelessness, the future of work, education, health care, and ...

    Leave the Toy Aisle Alone, Please

    As a former legislative staffer in the California State Assembly, I often asked myself when reviewing legislation, “do we really need this bill?” I asked myself the same question when I came across the introduction of a bill mandating gender-neutral toy sections in department stores. Assembly Bill 2826 by Asm. ...

    A Prescription for Homelessness That Would Actually Clean Up our Streets

    Last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered his annual State of the State address at the State Capitol.  And in an unusual twist, he devoted the entire address to one topic – homelessness.  Typically, the State of the State outlines a governor’s policy wish list in a variety of areas. Newsom ...

    PRI 2nd Annual Policy Conference: The Homeless Crisis

    California’s growing homeless crisis is impacting nearly everyone, especially those living in big cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Governor Newsom’s recent State of the State address, he reportedly spent 35 of his 42 minute speech on the homeless crisis.  On the same day, PRI held an ...

    Would Newsom’s Climate Catalyst Action Fund Fuel Second Coming of Solyndra?

    Last week, California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office was on a roll – releasing several, often-critical analyses of some of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s high profile budget proposals. Particularly pointed was its analysis of Newsom’s proposal to create a so-called “Climate Catalyst Action Fund.”  According to the administration’s budget documents, it “would ...
    Business & Economics

    Regulation stands in the way of entrepreneurship for low-income families

    https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Wayne-Winegarden-News.mp3   In October 2019, the Pacific Research Institute released findings of a new report, titled Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity #2 Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to the American Dream. The report, authored by Wayne Winegarden, contends that “overly complex government regulations are a common cause behind the barriers to low-income entrepreneurship.” ...

    Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

    Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

    California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

    A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...
    Climate Change

    California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet

    Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
    Business & Economics

    Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor

    The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...
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