

Budget Trailer Bills Prove Once Again the “Devil is in the Details”

On Monday, Gov. Newsom announced via press release that he had signed the 2020-21 state budget. Naturally, much of the budget press coverage typically focuses on the debate between the Governor and the Legislature and the total state spending picture.  Often overlooked are the budget “trailer bills” – the policy ...

SB 1410 Would Give Renters a Decade to Pay Rent

When Tim Anaya first told me about a California senate bill that would give renters who lost their jobs during the coronavirus shutdown until 2034 to pay back their rent, I thought I didn’t hear him right: “Did you say 2024?” (I thought four years was plenty.) But yes, dear readers, he said 2034. It’s no typo either. SB 1410 would force landlords to enter into a “rent stabilization agreement” with the tenant, and prohibits the landlord ...

Do coronavirus numbers show bias in health care? This study’s results will surprise you

African-Americans make up 12.4 percent of the population but have accounted for 23.8 percent of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths, as of June 23. This disparity has gained considerable attention in light of the protests sweeping the country. But the situation is more complicated than it appears. According to a working ...
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn Discusses “Punting Poverty” on Andy Caldwell Show

Listen to PRI’s Damon Dunn discuss his new book Punting Poverty on the Andy Caldwell Show on KUHL AM 1440 in Santa Maria, AM 1290 in Santa Barbara, and K-News 98.5 in San Luis Obispo. The interview begins at the 22:00 minute mark. The Andy Caldwell Show · TACS062620
Business & Economics

PRI’s Hon. Dan Kolkey Quoted in Los Angeles Times on state executive orders

California’s mask order tests the limits of Newsom’s executive power By: Phil Willon Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order June 18 requiring all Californians to wear face masks came as welcome news to those in the state concerned by the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. Nevada City Mayor Reinette Senum instead greeted ...

How Newsom could use his powers to revive California’s economy

With Californians facing double-digit unemployment in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, California’s governor should be using his emergency powers to mitigate the pandemic’s effects on our economy. Unfortunately, he has interpreted his emergency powers to authorize him to legislate additional costs on employing Californians. Perhaps in good ...

California Gas Prices Are Rising Again Thanks to Another Gas Tax Increase

Californians who are struggling to make ends meet during these tough economic times are going to be in for sticker shock come July 1:  gas prices will rise yet again. What’s behind the increase, you ask?  It’s not due to rising demand as people begin to slowly return to normalcy ...

What We’re Watching – June 26

Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute.  The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico.  A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...

Democrats’ Obamacare Bailout Could Extend The Pandemic

This week, the House of Representatives is set to vote on legislation designed to “stabilize” Obamacare. Democrats claim the plan, which extends exchange subsidies to a broader share of the population, will help more Americans afford health insurance in the midst of the pandemic and accompanying economic crisis. But the legislation would ...

Think July 1 Gas Tax Increase Will Fund Better Roads? Think Again.

On July 1, three days before we celebrate our American freedom, and while we’re still feeling the effects of a three-month loss of that liberty, the state tax on gasoline will increase by 3.2 cents per gallon. It should be enough to ensure California keeps its position as the state ...

Budget Trailer Bills Prove Once Again the “Devil is in the Details”

On Monday, Gov. Newsom announced via press release that he had signed the 2020-21 state budget. Naturally, much of the budget press coverage typically focuses on the debate between the Governor and the Legislature and the total state spending picture.  Often overlooked are the budget “trailer bills” – the policy ...

SB 1410 Would Give Renters a Decade to Pay Rent

When Tim Anaya first told me about a California senate bill that would give renters who lost their jobs during the coronavirus shutdown until 2034 to pay back their rent, I thought I didn’t hear him right: “Did you say 2024?” (I thought four years was plenty.) But yes, dear readers, he said 2034. It’s no typo either. SB 1410 would force landlords to enter into a “rent stabilization agreement” with the tenant, and prohibits the landlord ...

Do coronavirus numbers show bias in health care? This study’s results will surprise you

African-Americans make up 12.4 percent of the population but have accounted for 23.8 percent of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths, as of June 23. This disparity has gained considerable attention in light of the protests sweeping the country. But the situation is more complicated than it appears. According to a working ...
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn Discusses “Punting Poverty” on Andy Caldwell Show

Listen to PRI’s Damon Dunn discuss his new book Punting Poverty on the Andy Caldwell Show on KUHL AM 1440 in Santa Maria, AM 1290 in Santa Barbara, and K-News 98.5 in San Luis Obispo. The interview begins at the 22:00 minute mark. The Andy Caldwell Show · TACS062620
Business & Economics

PRI’s Hon. Dan Kolkey Quoted in Los Angeles Times on state executive orders

California’s mask order tests the limits of Newsom’s executive power By: Phil Willon Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order June 18 requiring all Californians to wear face masks came as welcome news to those in the state concerned by the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. Nevada City Mayor Reinette Senum instead greeted ...

How Newsom could use his powers to revive California’s economy

With Californians facing double-digit unemployment in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, California’s governor should be using his emergency powers to mitigate the pandemic’s effects on our economy. Unfortunately, he has interpreted his emergency powers to authorize him to legislate additional costs on employing Californians. Perhaps in good ...

California Gas Prices Are Rising Again Thanks to Another Gas Tax Increase

Californians who are struggling to make ends meet during these tough economic times are going to be in for sticker shock come July 1:  gas prices will rise yet again. What’s behind the increase, you ask?  It’s not due to rising demand as people begin to slowly return to normalcy ...

What We’re Watching – June 26

Rowena Itchon – “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” I ran across this teaser on the upcoming documentary “Project Home: 3D Printing the Future” by the Moving Picture Institute.  The first 3D printed homes are located in a neighborhood in southern Mexico.  A way to solve California’s homeless problem? Ben Smithwick ...

Democrats’ Obamacare Bailout Could Extend The Pandemic

This week, the House of Representatives is set to vote on legislation designed to “stabilize” Obamacare. Democrats claim the plan, which extends exchange subsidies to a broader share of the population, will help more Americans afford health insurance in the midst of the pandemic and accompanying economic crisis. But the legislation would ...

Think July 1 Gas Tax Increase Will Fund Better Roads? Think Again.

On July 1, three days before we celebrate our American freedom, and while we’re still feeling the effects of a three-month loss of that liberty, the state tax on gasoline will increase by 3.2 cents per gallon. It should be enough to ensure California keeps its position as the state ...
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