Biden’s $750 billion health plan fixes nothing
Democrat Joe Biden made his plan for a new public government-run health insurance option a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. But another key provision of his health care agenda has gotten considerably less attention. The former vice president proposes to give taxpayer-subsidized coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges to more people — ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 3, 2020
Proposition 16 backers are spending big to reinstitutionalize racial discrimination
By Lawrence Siskind In 1996, California voters amended their Constitution by enacting Proposition 209. It reads: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin … in education or public employment or contracting.” ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 29, 2020
More McMansions: What California Needs To Make Housing More Affordable
A Bloomberg News story last week laments, not overtly but in an unmistakable tone, the “surge” in demand for luxury homes because it “highlights the growing U.S. wealth gap.” The “surge” should instead be a welcome development. Greater demand for opulent homes means more housing for everyone. “Luxury” housing is ...
Kerry Jackson
October 29, 2020
What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?
During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...
Evan Harris
October 27, 2020
BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance
When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 26, 2020
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...
Tim Anaya
October 26, 2020
Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone
Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...
Kerry Jackson
October 22, 2020
Prop 24: A Choice Between Expensive Ineffectiveness or a Prosperous Future
On November 3, Californians will be asked to make a what appears to be a simple decision, that is, would they like to increase their privacy? However, where Proposition 24, to enable the California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act is concerned, appearances are deceiving. In 2018, seeking to address the ...
Bartlett Cleland
October 21, 2020
Powering California With Wind – A utility’s perspective
Milton Friedman famously declared that “one of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” While California desperately needs to apply this wisdom across the policy spectrum, arguably, the gap between policy leaders’ intentions and the empirical results are the widest when ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 19, 2020
Prop. 20: Will Voters Fix Unintended Consequences in State’s Soft-on-Crime Shift?
Starting with the Legislature’s approval of former Gov. Jerry Brown’s public safety realignment plan in 2011, California has undergone a big change on criminal justice policy. Turning its back on policies like “Three Strikes” that were passed during the 1990’s, voters approved three ballot measures (Props 36, 47, and 57) ...
Tim Anaya
October 15, 2020
Biden’s $750 billion health plan fixes nothing
Democrat Joe Biden made his plan for a new public government-run health insurance option a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. But another key provision of his health care agenda has gotten considerably less attention. The former vice president proposes to give taxpayer-subsidized coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges to more people — ...
Proposition 16 backers are spending big to reinstitutionalize racial discrimination
By Lawrence Siskind In 1996, California voters amended their Constitution by enacting Proposition 209. It reads: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin … in education or public employment or contracting.” ...
More McMansions: What California Needs To Make Housing More Affordable
A Bloomberg News story last week laments, not overtly but in an unmistakable tone, the “surge” in demand for luxury homes because it “highlights the growing U.S. wealth gap.” The “surge” should instead be a welcome development. Greater demand for opulent homes means more housing for everyone. “Luxury” housing is ...
What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?
During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...
BidenCare would bring socialized medicine and end private health insurance
When President Trump accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at their debate Thursday of supporting socialized medicine, Biden called the claim “ridiculous.” But in fact, Trump is right. The former vice president is trying to position himself as a moderate on health care — someone who will build on ObamaCare. ...
PRI’s 2020 Free-Market Election Analysis
For hard-working Californians who are busy with their everyday lives, it can be hard to sort through the various measures we’ll be voting on this November. To help you get educated on the issues, below are links to PRI’s free-market analysis on the November ballot. We hope you will find ...
Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone
Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...
Prop 24: A Choice Between Expensive Ineffectiveness or a Prosperous Future
On November 3, Californians will be asked to make a what appears to be a simple decision, that is, would they like to increase their privacy? However, where Proposition 24, to enable the California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act is concerned, appearances are deceiving. In 2018, seeking to address the ...
Powering California With Wind – A utility’s perspective
Milton Friedman famously declared that “one of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” While California desperately needs to apply this wisdom across the policy spectrum, arguably, the gap between policy leaders’ intentions and the empirical results are the widest when ...
Prop. 20: Will Voters Fix Unintended Consequences in State’s Soft-on-Crime Shift?
Starting with the Legislature’s approval of former Gov. Jerry Brown’s public safety realignment plan in 2011, California has undergone a big change on criminal justice policy. Turning its back on policies like “Three Strikes” that were passed during the 1990’s, voters approved three ballot measures (Props 36, 47, and 57) ...