

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

Should Dangerous Felons on Parole Have the Right to Vote?

Among the measures on a lengthy statewide ballot this November – there are 11 statewide ballot propositions in addition to numerous local measures across the state – are two curious measures that deal with voting. One measure, Proposition 18, would allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if ...
Charter Schools

California Cheats Charter School Students of Funding Again

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Governor Newsom glaringly failed to fund growing regular public schools and public charter schools.  A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democrat legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget for the ...

Good Bills this Session — Really.

When I mentioned to our editorial committee that I was going to work on a blog on good bills out of California’s recent legislative session, Kerry Jackson joked that I needed fewer than 100 words to cover that topic. After a few hours of hunting and a little help from ...

Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs

President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...

California On Fire: Newsom Releases A Hobgoblin

While visiting yet another charred part of California last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he was “a little bit exhausted that we have to continue to debate this issue. This a climate damn emergency.” It’s a statement he can make confident that few of California’s 39.8 million residents have recently, ...

Lance Izumi Discusses Teacher Union Role on COVID-19 School Shutdowns

Lance Izumi, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in education, joins the Phil Cowan Show on AM 1380 The Answer with guest host Katy Grimes, to discuss the current state of education due to COVID-19 and the impact of the coronavirus. Izumi and Grimes also discuss some of the more egregious ...

Should We Be Rebuilding the State Capitol As State Faces Massive Recession?

An unusual hearing took place at the State Capitol last week.  Members of the Joint Rules Committee gathered to hear presentations on plans to tear down the existing State Capitol annex and replace it with a new, modern building.  Three different building design models were reviewed.  A design decision will ...

Keep the government out of pharmaceutical drug manufacturing

Earlier this month, the California legislature passed a bill that would make the Golden State the first in the nation to establish its own line of generic drugs. Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill into law by the end of the month. The measure’s architects argue that ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

Should Dangerous Felons on Parole Have the Right to Vote?

Among the measures on a lengthy statewide ballot this November – there are 11 statewide ballot propositions in addition to numerous local measures across the state – are two curious measures that deal with voting. One measure, Proposition 18, would allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if ...
Charter Schools

California Cheats Charter School Students of Funding Again

The 2020-21 state budget signed back in June by Governor Newsom glaringly failed to fund growing regular public schools and public charter schools.  A purported “fix” to this problem, pushed by the governor and Democrat legislators, turns out to be just more Sacramento smoke and mirrors. The budget for the ...

Good Bills this Session — Really.

When I mentioned to our editorial committee that I was going to work on a blog on good bills out of California’s recent legislative session, Kerry Jackson joked that I needed fewer than 100 words to cover that topic. After a few hours of hunting and a little help from ...

Price Controls Are Disastrous For Rents And Will Be For Drugs

President Trump and senior advisor Jared Kushner claim that the most favored nation executive order signed by the President over the weekend is necessary for drug pricing because “the U.S. shouldn’t pay more than other European countries for the same treatments.” This policy will make things worse, not better. If the president ...

California On Fire: Newsom Releases A Hobgoblin

While visiting yet another charred part of California last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he was “a little bit exhausted that we have to continue to debate this issue. This a climate damn emergency.” It’s a statement he can make confident that few of California’s 39.8 million residents have recently, ...

Lance Izumi Discusses Teacher Union Role on COVID-19 School Shutdowns

Lance Izumi, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in education, joins the Phil Cowan Show on AM 1380 The Answer with guest host Katy Grimes, to discuss the current state of education due to COVID-19 and the impact of the coronavirus. Izumi and Grimes also discuss some of the more egregious ...

Should We Be Rebuilding the State Capitol As State Faces Massive Recession?

An unusual hearing took place at the State Capitol last week.  Members of the Joint Rules Committee gathered to hear presentations on plans to tear down the existing State Capitol annex and replace it with a new, modern building.  Three different building design models were reviewed.  A design decision will ...

Keep the government out of pharmaceutical drug manufacturing

Earlier this month, the California legislature passed a bill that would make the Golden State the first in the nation to establish its own line of generic drugs. Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill into law by the end of the month. The measure’s architects argue that ...

Wildfires, Global Climate Change, And The Policy Environment

California is suffering from raging wildfires that, as of September 10th, have burned over 3.1 million acres, caused 12 fatalities, and destroyed over 3,900 structures. Residents are also enduring rolling electricity blackouts and unaffordable energy, yet California’s greenhouse gas emissions are now rising while the long-term national decline in emissions continues unabated. Connecting ...
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