Representative Young Kim (CA-39) – Keynote, PRI Sacramento Policy Conference
Newly elected Representative Young Kim of Orange County provided the keynote address at this year’s virtual Sacramento Ideas in Action Policy conference. Rep. Kim discusses her first days in Congress, her legislative priorities, and her goal to forge bipartisanship in Washington.
Pacific Research Institute
February 8, 2021
Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II
Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...
Kerry Jackson
February 8, 2021
Should California Legislative Staff Be Unionized?
California is struggling with its Covid-19 recovery efforts. More than 941,000 people are still waiting for their Covid unemployment benefit claims to be processed. A recent San Francisco Chronicle headline proclaimed, “Newsom’s $2 billion plan to reopen California schools fizzles.” California now ranks dead last in vaccine distribution according to ...
Tim Anaya
February 4, 2021
Would Massive Tax Hike “Actually Permanently End Homelessness”?
Sacramento might decide this year if it will hike corporate tax rates to raise up to $2.4 billion annually to fund homelessness programs. Would such an effort work? Not everyone is sold on it. First, some brief background. Assembly Bill 71, the Bring California Home Act, would increase tax rates, ...
Kerry Jackson
February 3, 2021
Cynthia Ariosta and Carl Dene: The Plight of Small Businesses during COVID 19
Cynthia Ariosta and Carl Dene of the Coalition of Bay Area Restaurants and Wineries discuss the impact of Gov. Newsom’s on again/off again restrictions on small businesses. The pandemic has hit California hard, especially small businesses and employees of restaurants and wineries. Cynthia and Carl provide first-hand experience on what ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 1, 2021
Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats
Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 1, 2021
Poor Communications Are Hurting the Governor on Covid
Last week, California should have celebrated an important step to help small business owners and Californians reclaim some sense in of normal. Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement to lift stay-at-home restrictions across the state was met with surprise, confusion, and more questions. Late Sunday night on Jan. 24, 2021, Sacramento ...
Evan Harris
February 1, 2021
Winners and Losers – January 29
Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Larry Kudlow – Larry Kudlow, former Trump economic advisor, is returning to his roots in front of a television camera. Fox Business Network announced it has hired Kudlow to host a new daily program, taking on his former television ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 29, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is California’s Economy on the Brink Due to Climate Change?
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”36222″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The economic outlook for California inspires as much optimism as a weather report of dark clouds and heavy thunderstorms. Rather than entertain the possibility that the hard times are the result of poor public policy, blame has been assigned to ...
Kerry Jackson
January 28, 2021
Biden’s ill-advised Obamacare rescue mission
President Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that includes billions in new subsidies for health insurance purchased on Obamacare’s exchanges. That may be good news for people who get coverage through those marketplaces. But is it really the best use of taxpayer resources, given that many of those ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 26, 2021
Representative Young Kim (CA-39) – Keynote, PRI Sacramento Policy Conference
Newly elected Representative Young Kim of Orange County provided the keynote address at this year’s virtual Sacramento Ideas in Action Policy conference. Rep. Kim discusses her first days in Congress, her legislative priorities, and her goal to forge bipartisanship in Washington.
Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II
Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...
Should California Legislative Staff Be Unionized?
California is struggling with its Covid-19 recovery efforts. More than 941,000 people are still waiting for their Covid unemployment benefit claims to be processed. A recent San Francisco Chronicle headline proclaimed, “Newsom’s $2 billion plan to reopen California schools fizzles.” California now ranks dead last in vaccine distribution according to ...
Would Massive Tax Hike “Actually Permanently End Homelessness”?
Sacramento might decide this year if it will hike corporate tax rates to raise up to $2.4 billion annually to fund homelessness programs. Would such an effort work? Not everyone is sold on it. First, some brief background. Assembly Bill 71, the Bring California Home Act, would increase tax rates, ...
Cynthia Ariosta and Carl Dene: The Plight of Small Businesses during COVID 19
Cynthia Ariosta and Carl Dene of the Coalition of Bay Area Restaurants and Wineries discuss the impact of Gov. Newsom’s on again/off again restrictions on small businesses. The pandemic has hit California hard, especially small businesses and employees of restaurants and wineries. Cynthia and Carl provide first-hand experience on what ...
Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats
Last week, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that will re-open ObamaCare’s insurance exchanges from Feb. 15 through May 15 and direct federal agencies to re-examine some of the health care rules enacted by the Trump administration. There’s a limit to what Biden can accomplish by executive action. But with narrow control of Congress, there’s still plenty ...
Poor Communications Are Hurting the Governor on Covid
Last week, California should have celebrated an important step to help small business owners and Californians reclaim some sense in of normal. Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement to lift stay-at-home restrictions across the state was met with surprise, confusion, and more questions. Late Sunday night on Jan. 24, 2021, Sacramento ...
Winners and Losers – January 29
Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Larry Kudlow – Larry Kudlow, former Trump economic advisor, is returning to his roots in front of a television camera. Fox Business Network announced it has hired Kudlow to host a new daily program, taking on his former television ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is California’s Economy on the Brink Due to Climate Change?
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”36222″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The economic outlook for California inspires as much optimism as a weather report of dark clouds and heavy thunderstorms. Rather than entertain the possibility that the hard times are the result of poor public policy, blame has been assigned to ...
Biden’s ill-advised Obamacare rescue mission
President Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that includes billions in new subsidies for health insurance purchased on Obamacare’s exchanges. That may be good news for people who get coverage through those marketplaces. But is it really the best use of taxpayer resources, given that many of those ...