

The Numbers Don’t Lie: California Has an Outmigration Problem

Recent Census Bureau data tell a story that surprises no one who keeps up with current events in California: The state is losing residents like few others. According to economist Mark J. Perry, only four other states – New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana – had a greater net outflow ...

Living in Fear in LA – What Defunding the LAPD Means for Angelenos

If rapidly rising cases of COVID-19 haven’t stopped Los Angelenos from stepping out of their homes — this will. To carry out the LA City Council’s decision to bow to mob violence and cut $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department’s budget, the LAPD over the next several months ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...

The (Back) Rent Is Too Damn High

Did someone say that suspending the responsibilities for renters to make their payments due to the pandemic on time would create problems? Of course they did. And of course it has. By the end of the year, Californians will owe as much as $1.7 billion in back rent, says a ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

No Thanksgiving For You, California

Thanksgiving has not been canceled. Yet. But given what we’ve learned in recent days, would anyone be surprised if officials insisted we mark the holiday this year by cowering in our basements? On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governors of Oregon and Washington issued a travel advisory “urging visitors ...

So Why Did the GOP Do So Well Down Ballot in 2020? Here’s One Idea Why

There is much speculation as to why Republicans defied expectations in down-ballot races in California this election, especially when Donald Trump garnered less than 34 percent of the vote in the state.  The GOP is on track to gain two Congressional seats in Orange County and won many key Assembly ...

Big plans for BidenCare doomed if Republicans keep Senate majority

President-elect Joe Biden’s ambitious plan for a dramatic and costly overhaul of America’s health care sector that would start us down the road to socialized medicine and worse health care has no chance of approval if Republicans capture majority control of the U.S. Senate. And even if Democrats manage to control the Senate by ...

Prop. 18 Defeat Setback in National Push to Lower the Voting Age

One of the more overlooked results from the 2020 election is progressive states like California rejecting the lowering of the voting age. In Pacific Research Institute’s post-election podcast, I gave some insight into why Proposition 18, a ballot measure that allowed a 17-year-old to vote during an election year as ...

How Election Results Will Impact Next Year’s State Budget

Gov. Gavin Newsom had a lot riding on the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  How the presidential and congressional elections and one key statewide ballot measure shake out will have a significant impact on how he crafts his upcoming 2021-22 state budget plan, to be released on Jan. 10. Newsom bet ...

The Numbers Don’t Lie: California Has an Outmigration Problem

Recent Census Bureau data tell a story that surprises no one who keeps up with current events in California: The state is losing residents like few others. According to economist Mark J. Perry, only four other states – New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana – had a greater net outflow ...

Living in Fear in LA – What Defunding the LAPD Means for Angelenos

If rapidly rising cases of COVID-19 haven’t stopped Los Angelenos from stepping out of their homes — this will. To carry out the LA City Council’s decision to bow to mob violence and cut $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department’s budget, the LAPD over the next several months ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...

The (Back) Rent Is Too Damn High

Did someone say that suspending the responsibilities for renters to make their payments due to the pandemic on time would create problems? Of course they did. And of course it has. By the end of the year, Californians will owe as much as $1.7 billion in back rent, says a ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

No Thanksgiving For You, California

Thanksgiving has not been canceled. Yet. But given what we’ve learned in recent days, would anyone be surprised if officials insisted we mark the holiday this year by cowering in our basements? On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governors of Oregon and Washington issued a travel advisory “urging visitors ...

So Why Did the GOP Do So Well Down Ballot in 2020? Here’s One Idea Why

There is much speculation as to why Republicans defied expectations in down-ballot races in California this election, especially when Donald Trump garnered less than 34 percent of the vote in the state.  The GOP is on track to gain two Congressional seats in Orange County and won many key Assembly ...

Big plans for BidenCare doomed if Republicans keep Senate majority

President-elect Joe Biden’s ambitious plan for a dramatic and costly overhaul of America’s health care sector that would start us down the road to socialized medicine and worse health care has no chance of approval if Republicans capture majority control of the U.S. Senate. And even if Democrats manage to control the Senate by ...

Prop. 18 Defeat Setback in National Push to Lower the Voting Age

One of the more overlooked results from the 2020 election is progressive states like California rejecting the lowering of the voting age. In Pacific Research Institute’s post-election podcast, I gave some insight into why Proposition 18, a ballot measure that allowed a 17-year-old to vote during an election year as ...

How Election Results Will Impact Next Year’s State Budget

Gov. Gavin Newsom had a lot riding on the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  How the presidential and congressional elections and one key statewide ballot measure shake out will have a significant impact on how he crafts his upcoming 2021-22 state budget plan, to be released on Jan. 10. Newsom bet ...
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