

Solutions For The Homelessness Crisis – A Handbook For Policymakers

Does anyone recall that one year ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom devoted his entire State of the State address to solving homelessness, declaring that “we must do everything we can to ensure no Californian is homeless,” pledging to “reduce street homelessness quickly and humanely through emergency actions,” and promising to “be ...

Groundhog Day for Minimum Wage

At first, we were relieved to find that Pres. Biden’s proposal to include a $15 minimum wage hike in the COVID-19 relief package was just a bad nightmare.  But when Californians woke up the other day, the idea was back on track.  Unlike Bill Murray, who thanks to the magic ...

Gavin Newsom’s Worst Month

A group of Californians who’ve had enough of Gov. Gavin Newsom say they have the 1.5 million signatures needed to force a recall election, and believe they will eventually have 2 million. But, we probably won’t know until after the March 17 submission deadline if there are enough valid signatures. ...

Cheers to Giving Restaurants Freedom to Sell To-Go Cocktails with Dinner

If you’re a foodie like me, one of the worst parts of the Covid-19 pandemic has been not being able to go out to a great restaurant for lunch or dinner. It’s been sad to see many of my favorite restaurants here in Sacramento – including Biba, 33rd Street Bistro, ...

California’s Economic Recovery – PRI Sacramento Policy Conference

Policymakers in Sacramento and Washington are focusing on how to turn the economy around, keep businesses afloat, and help people stay employed amidst the ongoing pandemic. Elected officials, policy insiders, and free market economists discuss efforts to retain and create new jobs in California, the federal stimulus legislation, and other reforms ...

President Biden, It’s Time To Admit Obamacare’s Flaws

Starting today, uninsured Americans will be able to sign up for health plans through the federal exchange during a new special enrollment period through May 15. Created by one of President Biden’s first executive orders, it’s intended to help “restore and strengthen Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care.” ...

How About A Train Check?

It’s a myth that Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time. It’s no exaggeration, though, to say California can’t even make its bullet train run at all. The California high-speed rail has been delayed again. The first section, 119 miles through the Central Valley between Bakersfield ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Conference: Economic Recovery

Watch as policy insiders and free market economists discuss efforts to help California’s economy recover, including federal stimulus legislation.    

Sacramento Conference: Health Care

PRI’s health care experts discuss free market health care policy changes that should be made permanent following the pandemic and the latest developments on the Covid-19 vaccine.  

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...

Solutions For The Homelessness Crisis – A Handbook For Policymakers

Does anyone recall that one year ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom devoted his entire State of the State address to solving homelessness, declaring that “we must do everything we can to ensure no Californian is homeless,” pledging to “reduce street homelessness quickly and humanely through emergency actions,” and promising to “be ...

Groundhog Day for Minimum Wage

At first, we were relieved to find that Pres. Biden’s proposal to include a $15 minimum wage hike in the COVID-19 relief package was just a bad nightmare.  But when Californians woke up the other day, the idea was back on track.  Unlike Bill Murray, who thanks to the magic ...

Gavin Newsom’s Worst Month

A group of Californians who’ve had enough of Gov. Gavin Newsom say they have the 1.5 million signatures needed to force a recall election, and believe they will eventually have 2 million. But, we probably won’t know until after the March 17 submission deadline if there are enough valid signatures. ...

Cheers to Giving Restaurants Freedom to Sell To-Go Cocktails with Dinner

If you’re a foodie like me, one of the worst parts of the Covid-19 pandemic has been not being able to go out to a great restaurant for lunch or dinner. It’s been sad to see many of my favorite restaurants here in Sacramento – including Biba, 33rd Street Bistro, ...

California’s Economic Recovery – PRI Sacramento Policy Conference

Policymakers in Sacramento and Washington are focusing on how to turn the economy around, keep businesses afloat, and help people stay employed amidst the ongoing pandemic. Elected officials, policy insiders, and free market economists discuss efforts to retain and create new jobs in California, the federal stimulus legislation, and other reforms ...

President Biden, It’s Time To Admit Obamacare’s Flaws

Starting today, uninsured Americans will be able to sign up for health plans through the federal exchange during a new special enrollment period through May 15. Created by one of President Biden’s first executive orders, it’s intended to help “restore and strengthen Americans’ access to quality, affordable health care.” ...

How About A Train Check?

It’s a myth that Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time. It’s no exaggeration, though, to say California can’t even make its bullet train run at all. The California high-speed rail has been delayed again. The first section, 119 miles through the Central Valley between Bakersfield ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Conference: Economic Recovery

Watch as policy insiders and free market economists discuss efforts to help California’s economy recover, including federal stimulus legislation.    

Sacramento Conference: Health Care

PRI’s health care experts discuss free market health care policy changes that should be made permanent following the pandemic and the latest developments on the Covid-19 vaccine.  

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...
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