California’s Big Battery Bet
Following a 2020 summer of blackouts, the darkest since early this century, California is hoping that it can avoid replays in the future by investing in batteries. Big batteries. That are expensive. And come with significant energy storage limitations. Bloomberg News is reporting that by August, there will be 1,700 megawatts ...
Kerry Jackson
April 22, 2021
California’s Big Battery Bet
Following a 2020 summer of blackouts, the darkest since early this century, California is hoping that it can avoid replays in the future by investing in batteries. Big batteries. That are expensive. And come with significant energy storage limitations. Bloomberg News is reporting that by August, there will be 1,700 megawatts ...
Kerry Jackson
April 22, 2021
Should California create a public bank?
Nearly 200 local and national banks operate more than 6,500 branches in California. But lawmakers believe the state needs one more. A bill in Sacramento establishes a public bank with “a zero-fee, zero-penalty public option for basic financial services.” Assembly Bill 1177, the California Public Banking Option Act, would create ...
Kerry Jackson
April 22, 2021
CEQA Strikes Again in Holding Up Major Homebuilding Project
Recently, the Southern California Association of Governments voted on new housing development goals for the region for the coming decade. Its vote requires cities and counties to make plans to zone for up to 1.34 million new homes by the end of the decade. The need to build additional new ...
Tim Anaya
April 22, 2021
Business & Economics
Earth Day 2021 Special with Julian Morris
Julian Morris, Senior Fellow at Reason and a Senior Scholar at the International Center for Law and Economics, joins us for a discussion on environmental topics as we mark Earth Day 2021. We discuss the Biden Administration’s “green infrastructure” proposals, California’s big government energy policies, whether government fuel emission standards ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2021
Let’s Return Earth Day To Its Roots
The first Earth Day celebration was conceived by then-U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson and held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience, and most activities were organized at the grassroots level. Sadly, today’s Earth ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
April 20, 2021
No Way to End California’s Homelessness Crisis
In late January, a survey conducted by Data for Progress, a progressive activist group, found that an overwhelming majority of Californians favor increasing taxes on corporations to fund “a range of efforts to help” alleviate the homelessness crisis in California. But California is already home to one of the highest ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2021
New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief
Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...
Tim Anaya
April 19, 2021
Good Morning Arizona Interviews Steven Greenhut on “Mega-Drought” in the West
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Are we running out of water? It’s a scary thought but a possible reality for states like Arizona that are facing droughts. Some scientists warn the Grand Canyon State and the rest of the West may be headed for the worst megadrought in history. According to the ...
Steven Greenhut
April 16, 2021
KMVT Idaho Interviews Steven Greenhut on the West’s “Mega-Drought”
Much of the western United States is running out of water with much of Southern Idaho in the abnormally dry or moderate drought categories. Nearly 80% of the American West is in a drought and now is the time to think about the future of Idaho water. With much of ...
Steven Greenhut
April 16, 2021
California’s Big Battery Bet
Following a 2020 summer of blackouts, the darkest since early this century, California is hoping that it can avoid replays in the future by investing in batteries. Big batteries. That are expensive. And come with significant energy storage limitations. Bloomberg News is reporting that by August, there will be 1,700 megawatts ...
California’s Big Battery Bet
Following a 2020 summer of blackouts, the darkest since early this century, California is hoping that it can avoid replays in the future by investing in batteries. Big batteries. That are expensive. And come with significant energy storage limitations. Bloomberg News is reporting that by August, there will be 1,700 megawatts ...
Should California create a public bank?
Nearly 200 local and national banks operate more than 6,500 branches in California. But lawmakers believe the state needs one more. A bill in Sacramento establishes a public bank with “a zero-fee, zero-penalty public option for basic financial services.” Assembly Bill 1177, the California Public Banking Option Act, would create ...
CEQA Strikes Again in Holding Up Major Homebuilding Project
Recently, the Southern California Association of Governments voted on new housing development goals for the region for the coming decade. Its vote requires cities and counties to make plans to zone for up to 1.34 million new homes by the end of the decade. The need to build additional new ...
Earth Day 2021 Special with Julian Morris
Julian Morris, Senior Fellow at Reason and a Senior Scholar at the International Center for Law and Economics, joins us for a discussion on environmental topics as we mark Earth Day 2021. We discuss the Biden Administration’s “green infrastructure” proposals, California’s big government energy policies, whether government fuel emission standards ...
Let’s Return Earth Day To Its Roots
The first Earth Day celebration was conceived by then-U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson and held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience, and most activities were organized at the grassroots level. Sadly, today’s Earth ...
No Way to End California’s Homelessness Crisis
In late January, a survey conducted by Data for Progress, a progressive activist group, found that an overwhelming majority of Californians favor increasing taxes on corporations to fund “a range of efforts to help” alleviate the homelessness crisis in California. But California is already home to one of the highest ...
New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief
Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...
Good Morning Arizona Interviews Steven Greenhut on “Mega-Drought” in the West
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Are we running out of water? It’s a scary thought but a possible reality for states like Arizona that are facing droughts. Some scientists warn the Grand Canyon State and the rest of the West may be headed for the worst megadrought in history. According to the ...
KMVT Idaho Interviews Steven Greenhut on the West’s “Mega-Drought”
Much of the western United States is running out of water with much of Southern Idaho in the abnormally dry or moderate drought categories. Nearly 80% of the American West is in a drought and now is the time to think about the future of Idaho water. With much of ...