Newsom’s May Revise Places Big Spending Bet That the Good Times Will Continue to Roll
On Friday, Gov. Newsom unveiled the “May Revise” to his 2021-22 state budget plan, proposing a record $196.8 billion in General Fund spending and $267.8 billion in total spending. Saying that the budget doesn’t “play small ball,” Newsom presented what he called a “generational budget” and “a historic, transformational budget.” ...
Tim Anaya
May 17, 2021
California Drought Brings the Hammer Down on Arrowhead’s “Free Water”
The fight between Nestlé and the California State Water Resources Control Board finally bubbled over last month after years of finger-pointing. In an April 23, 2021 letter, the board ordered that Nestlé cease-and-desist “unauthorized diversions and threatened unauthorized diversions from Strawberry Creek in San Bernardino County…” The letter, which according ...
Evan Harris
May 13, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future
DOWNLOAD PDF Even before it was a state, California was the New World’s new world. Everything that the Western Hemisphere promised was condensed and amplified in what became the 31st state. Not only was it arguably the greatest land of opportunity in human history, but rather than having exhausted itself ...
Kerry Jackson
May 12, 2021
Blackouts, Increasing Crime, Rampant Homelessness, And Man-Made Drought: Is This California Or A Third World Nation?
While still trying to process the unwelcome news that we’re going to have to grind through yet another year of drought, California energy officials told us to also be ready for the power to go out when the days grow long and warm. “The managers of California’s electricity system,” the ...
Kerry Jackson
May 11, 2021
Early Release for 76,000 California Inmates
Last week, Gov. Newsom, in an “emergency declaration”, is giving 76,000 inmates — including violent and repeat felons — the opportunity to leave prison early in order to reduce the state’s prison population. Of the 76,000 inmates, 63,000 were convicted of violent crimes, including 20,000 serving life sentences with the ...
Rowena Itchon
May 11, 2021
Government-Sponsored Health Care Roundup: Where The States Stand.
Colorado lawmakers just nixed a bill that would’ve led to the creation of a state-level public health insurance option. Hospitals and doctors argued that their revenues would plummet if a state-run health plan hit the market. The Colorado Hospital Association warned that some of its members would go out of business. That’s not a ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 10, 2021
6 Factors Inhibiting Family Growth in California
California has some of the lowest fertility rates in the nation, coming in at 1.6 in 2019. The number is expected to decrease even more. One recent study projects that 25% of American millennial women will be childless, a significant uptick from historical U.S. trends. While reasons for lowered fertility ...
McKenzie Richards
May 10, 2021
Biden’s New Coverage Subsidies Won’t Help Uninsured Americans
In his address to Congress last week, President Biden announced his plan to make permanent the new health insurance subsidies included in his American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March. These subsidies, which are currently set to expire next year, reduce exchange premiums for everyone who makes less than 400 percent ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 5, 2021
Court Puts the Hammer Down on Independent California Truckers
A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that California truckers who own and operate their own rigs have to be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. Will the 70,000 California drivers affected by the decision spend $200 million more to pass a ballot proposition ...
Kerry Jackson
May 4, 2021
Nolan Gray – The California Housing Crisis
PRI’s guest in this podcast is Nolan Gray, an urban planner and currently a Ph.D. student at UCLA. Housing affordability and housing shortages are two key reasons so many Californians are fleeing the state. Nolan discusses why housing is so expensive and the regulatory barriers that are preventing more houses ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 3, 2021
Newsom’s May Revise Places Big Spending Bet That the Good Times Will Continue to Roll
On Friday, Gov. Newsom unveiled the “May Revise” to his 2021-22 state budget plan, proposing a record $196.8 billion in General Fund spending and $267.8 billion in total spending. Saying that the budget doesn’t “play small ball,” Newsom presented what he called a “generational budget” and “a historic, transformational budget.” ...
California Drought Brings the Hammer Down on Arrowhead’s “Free Water”
The fight between Nestlé and the California State Water Resources Control Board finally bubbled over last month after years of finger-pointing. In an April 23, 2021 letter, the board ordered that Nestlé cease-and-desist “unauthorized diversions and threatened unauthorized diversions from Strawberry Creek in San Bernardino County…” The letter, which according ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future
DOWNLOAD PDF Even before it was a state, California was the New World’s new world. Everything that the Western Hemisphere promised was condensed and amplified in what became the 31st state. Not only was it arguably the greatest land of opportunity in human history, but rather than having exhausted itself ...
Blackouts, Increasing Crime, Rampant Homelessness, And Man-Made Drought: Is This California Or A Third World Nation?
While still trying to process the unwelcome news that we’re going to have to grind through yet another year of drought, California energy officials told us to also be ready for the power to go out when the days grow long and warm. “The managers of California’s electricity system,” the ...
Early Release for 76,000 California Inmates
Last week, Gov. Newsom, in an “emergency declaration”, is giving 76,000 inmates — including violent and repeat felons — the opportunity to leave prison early in order to reduce the state’s prison population. Of the 76,000 inmates, 63,000 were convicted of violent crimes, including 20,000 serving life sentences with the ...
Government-Sponsored Health Care Roundup: Where The States Stand.
Colorado lawmakers just nixed a bill that would’ve led to the creation of a state-level public health insurance option. Hospitals and doctors argued that their revenues would plummet if a state-run health plan hit the market. The Colorado Hospital Association warned that some of its members would go out of business. That’s not a ...
6 Factors Inhibiting Family Growth in California
California has some of the lowest fertility rates in the nation, coming in at 1.6 in 2019. The number is expected to decrease even more. One recent study projects that 25% of American millennial women will be childless, a significant uptick from historical U.S. trends. While reasons for lowered fertility ...
Biden’s New Coverage Subsidies Won’t Help Uninsured Americans
In his address to Congress last week, President Biden announced his plan to make permanent the new health insurance subsidies included in his American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March. These subsidies, which are currently set to expire next year, reduce exchange premiums for everyone who makes less than 400 percent ...
Court Puts the Hammer Down on Independent California Truckers
A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that California truckers who own and operate their own rigs have to be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. Will the 70,000 California drivers affected by the decision spend $200 million more to pass a ballot proposition ...
Nolan Gray – The California Housing Crisis
PRI’s guest in this podcast is Nolan Gray, an urban planner and currently a Ph.D. student at UCLA. Housing affordability and housing shortages are two key reasons so many Californians are fleeing the state. Nolan discusses why housing is so expensive and the regulatory barriers that are preventing more houses ...