Been There, Done That on High Speed Rail
Inspired by California’s high-speed rail debacle, the Biden Administration and liberals in Congress have proposed spending tens of billions of dollars to build new high-speed rail networks nationwide. California Has “Been There, Done That” Californians have grown increasingly frustrated with its “train to nowhere,” which is tens of billions of ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 18, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
DOWNLOAD PDF Not too terribly long ago, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that to meet demand, each year the state needed 100,000 new housing units in addition to the 100,000 to 140,000 that are expected to be built annually, an impossibility in today’s political environment. But, intentional or not, policymakers ...
Kerry Jackson
June 17, 2021
Biden’s Self-Congratulation Can’t Cover up Obamacare’s Failings
The Biden administration is patting itself on the back for a supposed milestone in American health care. According to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services, “31 million Americans have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act — a record.” But a closer look at the report reveals ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 16, 2021
What Americans can Learn from Argentina’s Infrastructure Spending
We were sixth in line when the banker came outside to address the long line which stretched down the street for half a mile. He spoke in Spanish, “we are all out of money, come back next week!” I shook my head in frustration, wondering how we would buy food ...
McKenzie Richards
June 16, 2021
NorCal Record Covers Launch of Electricity Reliability Report
As electricity demands increase this summer, The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has launched a new website to encourage energy competition that leads to more affordability, innovation and climate change solutions. The initiative is prompted by issues facing the nation overall, but California exemplifies the issues, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 15, 2021
Which Sinks First: The Creaky Queen Mary or Foundering California?
The Queen Mary, docked in Long Beach since 1967, could sink “if something is not done soon,” the media reported last week. An overactive imagination isn’t needed to see this as a metaphor for California. “After years of neglect by a string of operators,” says the Los Angeles Times, “the ...
Kerry Jackson
June 15, 2021
Newsom, Lawmakers Thrown Pay Raise Hot Potato
That sound you heard at the State Capitol last week was constitutional officers and state lawmakers running for cover. “Gov. Gavin Newsom, California legislators and other state elected officials were approved to receive a 4.2% salary increase this year,” the Los Angeles Times reports. There is no bigger political hot ...
Tim Anaya
June 14, 2021
Don’t be fooled by Biden’s victory lap on Obamacare
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just released a report asserting that 31 million people now have insurance coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act. That would be a record, an increase of nearly 4 million from 2020. That headline number could go up in the months to come. But the growth ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 11, 2021
“Pay Our Interns” Activists Should Be Careful What They Wish For
During my past life at the State Capitol, I had the pleasure to mentor many great interns. I would host one or two interns at a time, who would work for four months during summer break or during the semester while attending college. My former interns have become legislative chiefs ...
Tim Anaya
June 11, 2021
Progress in California Road Repairs Lagging Despite Gas Tax Hike
Four years ago, Will Kempton, then executive director of Transportation California and a former Caltrans director, said the state’s roads were “the worst I have seen.” A few months later, the state began collecting revenue from a $52 billion, 10-year fuel tax hike to raise enough revenue to bring up to date ...
Kerry Jackson
June 9, 2021
Been There, Done That on High Speed Rail
Inspired by California’s high-speed rail debacle, the Biden Administration and liberals in Congress have proposed spending tens of billions of dollars to build new high-speed rail networks nationwide. California Has “Been There, Done That” Californians have grown increasingly frustrated with its “train to nowhere,” which is tens of billions of ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
DOWNLOAD PDF Not too terribly long ago, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that to meet demand, each year the state needed 100,000 new housing units in addition to the 100,000 to 140,000 that are expected to be built annually, an impossibility in today’s political environment. But, intentional or not, policymakers ...
Biden’s Self-Congratulation Can’t Cover up Obamacare’s Failings
The Biden administration is patting itself on the back for a supposed milestone in American health care. According to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services, “31 million Americans have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act — a record.” But a closer look at the report reveals ...
What Americans can Learn from Argentina’s Infrastructure Spending
We were sixth in line when the banker came outside to address the long line which stretched down the street for half a mile. He spoke in Spanish, “we are all out of money, come back next week!” I shook my head in frustration, wondering how we would buy food ...
NorCal Record Covers Launch of Electricity Reliability Report
As electricity demands increase this summer, The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has launched a new website to encourage energy competition that leads to more affordability, innovation and climate change solutions. The initiative is prompted by issues facing the nation overall, but California exemplifies the issues, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in ...
Which Sinks First: The Creaky Queen Mary or Foundering California?
The Queen Mary, docked in Long Beach since 1967, could sink “if something is not done soon,” the media reported last week. An overactive imagination isn’t needed to see this as a metaphor for California. “After years of neglect by a string of operators,” says the Los Angeles Times, “the ...
Newsom, Lawmakers Thrown Pay Raise Hot Potato
That sound you heard at the State Capitol last week was constitutional officers and state lawmakers running for cover. “Gov. Gavin Newsom, California legislators and other state elected officials were approved to receive a 4.2% salary increase this year,” the Los Angeles Times reports. There is no bigger political hot ...
Don’t be fooled by Biden’s victory lap on Obamacare
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just released a report asserting that 31 million people now have insurance coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act. That would be a record, an increase of nearly 4 million from 2020. That headline number could go up in the months to come. But the growth ...
“Pay Our Interns” Activists Should Be Careful What They Wish For
During my past life at the State Capitol, I had the pleasure to mentor many great interns. I would host one or two interns at a time, who would work for four months during summer break or during the semester while attending college. My former interns have become legislative chiefs ...
Progress in California Road Repairs Lagging Despite Gas Tax Hike
Four years ago, Will Kempton, then executive director of Transportation California and a former Caltrans director, said the state’s roads were “the worst I have seen.” A few months later, the state began collecting revenue from a $52 billion, 10-year fuel tax hike to raise enough revenue to bring up to date ...