Bernie’s Not-So-Subtle Single-Payer Plot
Senator Bernie Sanders (I.,Vt.), America’s most prominent proponent of government-run health care, is once again leading the charge to move our country to a single-payer system. As chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Sanders is pushing a $3.5 trillion budget plan that includes expansions of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. Some ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 5, 2021
Zack Smith – Rogue Prosecutors
Our guest this week is Zack Smith, a legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Zack has been closely watching the growing movement of progressive prosecutors who flout the rule of law. In California, we see this in San Francisco and Los Angeles where ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 4, 2021
How to slow, reverse the California exodus
An unwritten rule of journalism says, “if it bleeds, it leads.” When it comes to the exodus from the Golden State, this rule isn’t being applied. California had been the dream destination for generations and became the most populous state in 1964. But California’s share of the U.S. population peaked ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 4, 2021
Are Mandatory California Water Cutbacks Coming Soon?
Back in 2014, when I was in my past life working for elected officials, I found myself engaged in one of the more annoying parts of the job – “volunteering” on political campaigns. One day, my volunteer efforts took me to a neighborhood in San Bernardino. Knocking on doors, it ...
Tim Anaya
September 28, 2021
30 Million Real Men Don’t Have Jobs
I recently read an eye-popping article by business writer Andy Serwer, who reported that nearly one-third of working-age men in America “aren’t doing diddly squat. They don’t have a job, and they aren’t looking for one either.” All total, that’s nearly 30 million men. “How do they live? What are ...
Rowena Itchon
September 27, 2021
Wayne Winegarden Discusses Why Californians are Migrating on “The DeMaio Report”
Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discuss the new PRI report “California Migrating” and why people, jobs, and opportunities are leaving the state with host Carl DeMaio on “The DeMaio Report” on KOGO Radio in San Diego.
Pacific Research Institute
September 24, 2021
Afghan Refugees Are Being Steered Away From California – It’s Just Too Expensive to Live Here
Thousands of Afghans who escaped as the Taliban was overtaking their country are being relocated in the U.S. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, “proud,” he said, “of the fact that, over the last decade, the state has taken in more refugees than any other state in America,” announced in August ...
Kerry Jackson
September 24, 2021
San Diego Union-Tribune Quotes Kerry Jackson on Housing, Emissions
Encinitas just banned natural gas in new buildings, including homes By Rob Nikolewski Sept. 22, 2021 10:09 PM PT The Encinitas City Council passed a sweeping building electrification ordinance late Wednesday that, with just a few exceptions, will eliminate installing natural gas infrastructure on new residential and commercial construction within ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 23, 2021
The Road (and Funding) to More California Broadband
In August, I detailed the $42 billion broadband grant program proposed in the $3.5 trillion infrastructure package. Not to be outdone, California is pursuing its own broadband grant program expansion. Connectivity to the internet is a must for education and every industry, especially after going through the last 18 months ...
Evan Harris
September 23, 2021
Business & Economics
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
Documenting California’s growing outmigration problem, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute found that harmful policy choices have increased economic and quality-of-life concerns and are chasing businesses, job opportunities, individuals of every age group and income level, and badly needed tax revenue out of state. ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 23, 2021
Bernie’s Not-So-Subtle Single-Payer Plot
Senator Bernie Sanders (I.,Vt.), America’s most prominent proponent of government-run health care, is once again leading the charge to move our country to a single-payer system. As chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Sanders is pushing a $3.5 trillion budget plan that includes expansions of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. Some ...
Zack Smith – Rogue Prosecutors
Our guest this week is Zack Smith, a legal fellow with the Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Zack has been closely watching the growing movement of progressive prosecutors who flout the rule of law. In California, we see this in San Francisco and Los Angeles where ...
How to slow, reverse the California exodus
An unwritten rule of journalism says, “if it bleeds, it leads.” When it comes to the exodus from the Golden State, this rule isn’t being applied. California had been the dream destination for generations and became the most populous state in 1964. But California’s share of the U.S. population peaked ...
Are Mandatory California Water Cutbacks Coming Soon?
Back in 2014, when I was in my past life working for elected officials, I found myself engaged in one of the more annoying parts of the job – “volunteering” on political campaigns. One day, my volunteer efforts took me to a neighborhood in San Bernardino. Knocking on doors, it ...
30 Million Real Men Don’t Have Jobs
I recently read an eye-popping article by business writer Andy Serwer, who reported that nearly one-third of working-age men in America “aren’t doing diddly squat. They don’t have a job, and they aren’t looking for one either.” All total, that’s nearly 30 million men. “How do they live? What are ...
Wayne Winegarden Discusses Why Californians are Migrating on “The DeMaio Report”
Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discuss the new PRI report “California Migrating” and why people, jobs, and opportunities are leaving the state with host Carl DeMaio on “The DeMaio Report” on KOGO Radio in San Diego.
Afghan Refugees Are Being Steered Away From California – It’s Just Too Expensive to Live Here
Thousands of Afghans who escaped as the Taliban was overtaking their country are being relocated in the U.S. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, “proud,” he said, “of the fact that, over the last decade, the state has taken in more refugees than any other state in America,” announced in August ...
San Diego Union-Tribune Quotes Kerry Jackson on Housing, Emissions
Encinitas just banned natural gas in new buildings, including homes By Rob Nikolewski Sept. 22, 2021 10:09 PM PT The Encinitas City Council passed a sweeping building electrification ordinance late Wednesday that, with just a few exceptions, will eliminate installing natural gas infrastructure on new residential and commercial construction within ...
The Road (and Funding) to More California Broadband
In August, I detailed the $42 billion broadband grant program proposed in the $3.5 trillion infrastructure package. Not to be outdone, California is pursuing its own broadband grant program expansion. Connectivity to the internet is a must for education and every industry, especially after going through the last 18 months ...
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
Documenting California’s growing outmigration problem, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute found that harmful policy choices have increased economic and quality-of-life concerns and are chasing businesses, job opportunities, individuals of every age group and income level, and badly needed tax revenue out of state. ...